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Ancient Egypt “Kemet”.

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1 Ancient Egypt “Kemet”

2 Vocabulary Hieroglyphic Papyrus Anatomy Bureaucracy Artisan Dynasty

3 Nile River Valley Kemet is known as one of the world’s 1st civilizations. The key to Kemet and its people was the Nile River. The Nile River is located about 3500 miles north of Mesopotamia (page 144)

4 Nile River Valley The Nile River contains 6 cataracts which makes it hard for ships to travel from North to South. The Nile River flows opposite of most rivers as it flows from south to north (page 145)

5 Nile river valley Because of the flow of the Nile river Upper Kemet was located in the south and Lower Kemet was located in the north. The Nile River is the worlds longest river (4160 miles). The river also forms a delta in Lower Kemet which is filled with washed away soil and minerals. (page 145)

6 Developing Kemet civilization
The flooding of the Nile made the area very fertile and provided rich soil and water to grow crops. The flooding also had its down side of providing too much water and washing materials away until they learn to build a wall. (page 146)

7 Kingdom of Kemet The first pharaoh (king) to rule Upper and lower Kemet was Narmer in about 3500 BCE. His dynasty was the start of about 27 dynasties that would take place in Kemet. (page 147)

8 Old Kingdom The Old Kingdom begin about 3500 BCE to about BCE. During this time Kemet set up a successful political, cultural structure, and pyramids. (page 147)

9 Middle Kingdom The Middle Kingdom begin after civil wars following the Old Kingdom in about 2055 BCE to about BCE. During this time Kemet made advancements in agriculture by creating canals to deal with floods. Also presented the first queen (Sobek Neferu) (page 147)

10 New kingdom The New Kingdom begin in about 1550 BCE to about BCE. During this time Kemet faced many invasions and begin to become militant itself and begin to conquer parts of Asia and Africa. The Kemet dynasties would finally end in 332 BCE when Alexander the Great and the Greeks conquered Kemet (page 147)

11 Kemet’s government& Social class
Kemet’s government was a bureaucracy where officials handled the everyday business such as religion, laws, education, agriculture, etc. Kemet’s social class also contained a pyramid type structure like most social classes. (page )


13 Kemet religion The people of Kemet were polytheistic. The most important gods were Amon-Re (Sun god), Osiris (god of death), Isis (Osiris wife), and Horus (son). Osiris was the god of afterlife so the people believed to have an afterlife Osiris had to approve or like most upper class citizens did was mummify their bodies. (page )

14 Kemet Writing and Literature
Around 3200 BCE Kemet developed a form of writing called hieroglyphics and wrote on papyrus. Papyrus was very strong and some has even survived until today. In the beginning the only people to be able to read and write were scribes and officials.

15 Kemet writing and literature
Kemet’s literature covered teachings, stories (proverbs), poems , religion, and its history. The literature is found on coffins, monuments and on papyrus that has survived. (page )

16 Kemet art and architecture
One of the oldest and most known form of architecture are the pyramids. The pyramids were built as tombs for rulers. The first one was built by Imhotep during the Old Kingdom. Most known pyramids are the ones of Giza built for King Khufu, Khafre (son), and Menkaure (wife). Pyramids were no longer used after 2200 BCE (page )

The people of Kemet also painted many things on wall that are studied today and the also were known for their many sculptures. (page )

18 Kemet’s astronomy Kemet just like most of the first civilizations created their own calendar. The calendar was first based on the moon but was later switched to be based on the sun which told the harvest seasons (3 seasons with each containing 4 months Kemet learned that a star would shine (Sirius) when the Nile would begin to flood and it signaled harvest season. (page )

19 Kemet’s math Kemet was very advanced in math using arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. This is shown through pyramids and ancient records on papyrus (Moscow and Rhind) (page )

20 Kemet’s Health care Kemet was also very strong with medicine and surgery. Examples of their health care is found in mummification, birth control, cosmetics, and the treating of many illnesses. (page )

21 Kemet Trading The Nile River provided plenty of rich soil and some minerals but Kemet still needed more materials. To get more materials Kemet begin to trade with surrounding areas for things such as horses, wood, and minerals. (page )

22 Kemet and nubia Kemet’s main trading partner was Nubia. Nubia traded gold, ivory, and ebony, Kemet traded grain, cloth, papyrus, glass, and jewelry. The two civilizations also traded customs and culture (page 159)

23 nubia Nubia was located just south of Upper Kemet and like Kemet relied on the Nile River. Nubia was also located near the 6 cataracts of the Nile River which made trade very difficult. (page 160)

24 Nubia After years of trading Kemet decided to conquer Nubia towards the end of the Middle Kingdom and again during the New Kingdom. But after the New Kingdom when Kemet became weak around 700 BCE Nubia would actually conquer Kemet under their king Piye (page 161)

25 Nubia Piye was a great military leader but it eventually cause him to lose his kingdom after attempting to conquer parts of the people Fertile Crescent. Though Piye fights with the people of the Fertile Crescent and the Greeks caused Nubia to lose Kemet, Nubia still continued its independent success. (page )

26 Nubia After losing Kemet Nubia also moved its capital to Meroe. Meroe was key because its location provided fertile soil, iron, gold and trade. Meroe also became known for its many pyramids that the adopted from the people of Kemet. (page )


28 nubia Nubia also became well known for the role women played in the society. Nubia had the most queens of any ancient civilization and women were also usually ask for their approval for any important decision made by the Nubian civilization. (page )

29 Great Pharaohs Hatshepsut (queen) and Ramses II both led Kemet to new heights by trading with surrounding city-states, building great monuments and their battles with invaders such as the Hittites.

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