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Black Country Observatory

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1 Black Country Observatory

2 Why have an Observatory?
Policy    The area of research, info and intelligence was seen as critical to the future development of the BC and for this reason the Black Country Observatory was born 3 years ago. It was recognised that a number of strategies were taking place in the BC but that they were not evidence driven and there was no baseline in place so that these strategies couldn’t be monitored and evaluated to determine whether they were making a negative or positive impact. It was also recognising that a lot of good research, data etc was available locally but that it wasn’t co-ordinated at a sub-regional level to give a BC picture and with the emergence of more sub-regional bodies e.g BCLSC, BCCBL this was essential. 19/09/2018

3 Delivery Policy Black Country Consortium Ltd. Structure
Study Black Country Knowledge Society Black Country Observatory The BCO forms back of BCC Ltd which can be split into two main areas – policy covering the new BC Study which will lead to revised spatial plan for BC and European policy. Akin to that is BCT/I and Knowledge Society. Stakeholders have come together to form a 30 year vision for BC and form a BC regeneration framework, number of key strategies being developed for sub-region. The role of the Observatory role is to provide that evidence base and monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of those strategies. Black Country Tourism Black Country Consortium Delivery Policy Black Country Investment European Policy 19/09/2018

4 Black Country Observatory Partners
City of Wolverhampton Council Black Country LSC Walsall MBC Dudley MBC ConneXions The Observatory is based on concept of partnerships, by working together we can all achieve more than working in silos. We are funding by a wide range of public sector partners and have developed close working relationship with all partners since our inception. Aims: Prevent people re-inventing the wheel Enable people to drill down - > and look across Add Value Learning from each other Whole is greater than the sum of the parts Evidence based policy Using evidence to facilitate discussions Ability to effectively evaluation policies Black Country Observatory Sandwell MBC BCCBL University Of Wolverhampton Employment Service Black Country Colleges 19/09/2018

5 Creation of an easy to use knowledge system
Objective: “Develop a central ICT intelligence resource accessible locally by a wide range of partners through local web enabled access that will provide the intelligence to drive policy decisions in the Black Country.” Goals: Creation of an easy to use knowledge system Ready access to key data and information Browse and search facilities Contextual information Alternative table views Easy links to other systems One of key priority area was to develop the ability to assess the impact that our regeneration policies were having on the sub-region. To aid us in this we developed a indicator based monitoring and evaluation framework drawing on national sources and co-ordinating local sources enabling people to compare themselves locally, sub-regionally, regionally & nationally. We realised soon after inception that we needed a web-based knowledge mgm system to house this information Our objective and goals are set out in the slide. We went to public tender in January 2004 and appointed Nesstar to develop a system for us which we call ‘Black Country Knowledge’. 19/09/2018

6 Black Country Knowledge

7 Indicator Based Monitoring & Evaluation Framework
GEOGRAPHIES Europe UK WM BC RZ LA Wards N’hoods This system is currently home to over 120 data-sets which are updated as soon as new data is realised. The data ia available from neighbourhood level upwards so that people can drill up and down and look across. The data is also available over a variety of themes to give a holistic approach. THEMES Economy Learning Environment RES Black Country Knowledge Health Headline KE People 19/09/2018

8 We customised the Nesstar system to incorporate our branding.

9 This screenshot shows one of the indicators in the Economy theme - number companies by sector. As Nesstar will have explained it is possible to manipulate the table to give the data view you want. We have concentrated in the main on ‘nesstar data cubes’. We the new version of the system, Nesstar Light – the survey tool is integrated into our system so over time we will look to add more survey data to the system. 19/09/2018

10 This system have us the ability to add detailed metadata so that partners were aware of any health warnings etc. 19/09/2018

11 Q & A Would I choose the same system if I was starting again? Yes
Do people use it? Yes frequently, around 1,000 people access the site each month and we receive around 50 telephone queries monthly. 19/09/2018

12 Other Developments Black Country Research Database Black Country Map
Black Country Barometers To complement Black Country Knowledge we also developed: Black Country Research Database Black Country Map – a web based GIS system From the evidence housed in Black Country Knowledge we write monthly Barometer reports which are used to stimulate policy debate. 19/09/2018

13 What Our Partners Have Said
“It is exactly what we need to stimulate a properly informed discussion on skills.” Professor John Brooks, Vice-Chancellor, University of Wolverhampton “I have used the Black Country Knowledge system to communicate our Economic Strategy 2003/2004 and to assist in its review, 2004/ In particular the barometer report has been used to inform the sub regional economic context, along with the BC Employers Survey. It has also been useful to highlight strategic policy documents which underpin the policy/strategic context within a local, sub regional and regional setting.”, James Gray, Policy Manager, Dudley MBC “BCCBL has also used the economic information for the recent business planning process, we found the site to be very user friendly and informative.”, Carol Jackson, BCCBL 19/09/2018

14 Contact Details If you would like any further information please or Tel.: Delma Dwight Black Country Observatory Co-ordinator 19/09/2018

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