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Reception Induction Evening Thursday 12th June 2014

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1 Reception Induction Evening Thursday 12th June 2014

2 Welcome to Lindens Reception Staff
Mrs Staples Mrs Smith Mrs Furlong Miss Cox All information can be found in your induction pack

3 First weeks at school for Reception children
While attending Part-time: Present Nursery children will attend mornings New children to Lindens will be afternoons All Reception children will be part-time for from Wednesday 3rdth September Full-time from Monday 15th September

4 For Reception your child will need
Uniform P.E. Kit and pump bag Word tin School bag Named water bottle PLEASE make sure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

5 Full-time 8.55am – 3.30pm. Doors open at 8.45am. Stay for lunch
School meal or sandwiches

6 DAILY ROUTINE Morning children will be collected by the class teacher from Reception door Afternoon children will be collected by the class teacher from the main school entrance Register with class teacher Practical activities Snack-time Outdoor play All children to be met by parents/carers from the Reception door

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