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International Bulk Wine & Spirits Show

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Presentation on theme: "International Bulk Wine & Spirits Show"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Bulk Wine & Spirits Show
Tim Hanni MW

2 Tim Hanni MW Speaker Pic - CEO LLC
- Instructor: Understanding the Business of Wine The Napa Valley Wine Academy Product development consultant Education and training specialist Speaker Pic

3 From Plonk to Cult Wines Myths About the Bulk Wine Industry Cleared

4 The History & Art of the Blend
What are ‘bulk wine’ and ‘shiners’? History and blending Fact versus Fertilizer Maximizing profitability Art vs. Science Flexibility and time to market 9/19/2018 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW

5 Blending: Art, Science and BUSINESS
The role of the NEGOCIANT - then and now If you are making wine you are almost always blending wine Why would you BUY bulk wines? Primary business/product model Acting quickly on an opportunity or trend Augmenting your own wines Why would you SELL bulk wines Excess inventory Wines that do not meet standards (this is what everyone thinks, but…) Production is greater than careful sales projections say you can sell Leftovers, or ‘Why you might have your OWN inventory of fundamentally ‘bulk’ wines?’ 9/19/2018 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW

6 Market Decisions & Strategies
Primary considerations: Wine type/style Price point Origin Special attributes Unique features With food… Descriptions Story 9/19/2018

7 Wine Supply and Value Chain
9/19/2018 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW

8 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW
Adding Value 9/19/2018 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW

9 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW
Supply & Demand 9/19/2018 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW

10 Price Considerations & Myths
9/19/2018 Copyright HanniCo LLC, Tim Hanni MW

11 Product Opportunity Matrix
Flavor preferences: Sweet, less intensity, fruity, mild Values: consistency, brand, overwhelmed by complexity of language and choices Open to a wide range of styles and flavors Values: influenced by labels, overwhelmed by choices Red and/or White, prefer dry versus sweet Values: less brand loyal, low prices, not as influenced by origin, history and trivia Dry and off-dry, aromatic, low phenolics, lower alcohol, less/no oak Values: origin, purity, tradition Wide range of flavors and styles, reasonable oak levels Values: exploration, discover and learning Dry, intense, tannic: more, more, more Values: “Being in the know,” status, 100 points: Wine Spectator, Robert Parker Safety Zone On the edge of dryness High alcohol, concentrated, low phenolics Less INTEREST More Less TASTE SENSITIVITY More

12 Thank you and Q&A Tim Hanni MW

13 Founding Partners

14 Media Partners

15 Sponsors and Partners

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