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by Caleb Heino July 2nd 2013 Science Term 1

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1 by Caleb Heino July 2nd 2013 Science Term 1
weather by Caleb Heino July 2nd 2013 Science Term 1

2 Types of weather Sunny snowy Cloudy Windy Rainy Stormy

3 Parts of the water cycle
Evaporation: when water turns into a vapor and rises Condensation: when water vapor condenses back into a liquid Precipitation: when condensed water falls from the sky Parts of the water cycle

4 Parts of the water cycle continued
Accumulation: when water from the runoff collects and comes together and forms a lake, ocean, or pond Runoff: when the water from the mountains forms little streams which then they form rivers. Infiltration: when water from the runoff seeps into the ground and into the ocean and lakes


6 Rain can fall from anywhere sometimes rain can fall for a while
Sometimes rain won’t fall for a very long time If rain falls for too long it can cause flash floods which is dangerous Here is an example of a flash flood er_detailpage&v=kYUpkPTcqPY

7 Different types of precipitation continued
Snow: a solid form of rain that mainly falls during the winter it is cold and light. Sleet: a snow like substance but once it touches the air from below it will melt and turn into a mixture of water and snow. this only during the winter and only melts if the ground is above freezing temperatures.

8 Different types of precipitation
It’s not just rain that falls from the sky there is also hail, snow, sleet, fog, mist, and dew Hail: a solid form of rain and is formed by a small piece of dust or anything that size that collects moisture from the air during a storm then is turned into a solid by the cold air from above.


10 Thank You/ sources tailpage&v=kYUpkPTcqPY f+weather&id=70520E4CDBB529059B4E4207CB 7361B7130F82A5&FORM=IQFRBA#view=detail&i d=70520E4CDBB529059B4E4207CB7361B7130F 82A5&selectedIndex=0 ages/water%20cycle/precipitation_main.jpg

11 Questions anybody?

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