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Putting Words Together

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Presentation on theme: "Putting Words Together"— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting Words Together
Sand flying, heart beating, with muscles singing, he ran by. Arena volando, latidos del corazón, con los músculos cantando, él pasó corriendo. The mane and tail are blowing in the wind. Heart beating fast. He is breatning hard. He snorts His muscles are being used. When his hooves hit the sand, there is a rhythm With hooves beating against the sand he ran by. Con cascos golpeando contra la arena pasó corriendo.


3 hooves, 4 white socks, ran, fast,
Brainstorm Folder practice hooves, 4 white socks, ran, fast, brown, tail, mane, shadow, horse, hoof falls, wind, friends, feed, energetic, ocean waves, crashing, blue skies, waves, kick up sand, snow, water, rustle, grass, heart beating, Use these words and others in the following categories: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, Taste, Feel, Hear, Smell, Emotions

4 Example Sentences Sand flying in the wind.
Shadows dancing in the white sand. The cloud’s shadow lurks on the beach. The cloud’s shadow slides softly across the beach. The fluffy white sand is glistening in the sun. The waves crash violently against the white sand. The wild waves crashed angrily against the wet sand. The hooves struck the white sand with the sound of thunder. The muscles sang with magic as he stormed by. The ocean mist sprayed daringly across the huge beach. The salt water from the deep blue hit the coast at amazing speed.

5 Example Sentences How do you describe the horse without using the word “horse?”
Sand flying in the wind after the hooves collided with it. Shadows dancing in the white sand under the magnificent four legged beast. A four hooved shadow, danced on the beach. The cloud’s shadow slides softly across the steeds back. Sand sprinkles in Cobweb’s face as her mane and tail flow in the wind. The waves crash violently against the white sand; his heart beating inside his equine chest. With willfulness in his eyes and the wind in his mane, he watched the wild waves crash angrily against the wet sand. The hooves struck the white sand with the sound of thunder. His muscles and hooves sang with magic as he stormed by.

6 The furry dog ran happily to the big house . A grumpy bear scampered
Article Adjective Noun Verb Adverb Preposition Direct object Punctuation The furry dog ran happily to the big house  . A grumpy bear scampered clumsily through dense forest An cat over fairy under beneath on beside near away against

7 Nouns Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Warm up:
For the next 5 minutes Sort the words in your stack into the following groups: Nouns Verbs Adverbs Adjectives

8 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Salvador Francisco Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove sat ran skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb sparkly quickly gracefully clumsily carefully late gingerly suddenly haphazardly silently eagerly ------

9 Schoolhouse Rock Nouns: H&ufn=schoolhouse+rock&stid=9b b9-4d8a-af03- d4c44435db53&cbn=EntityAnswer&cbi=0&FORM=IARRTH Verbs: =IRTRRL Subject and Predicate: predicate&qs=AS&sk=&FORM=QBIRMH&pq=schoolhouse%20rock%20sub &sc=8-20&sp=1&qs=AS&sk= October 11, 2015

10 Subject and Predicate Él Ella Ello Ellos
Nouns- Person, Place, Thing or Idea Sustantivos persona, lugar , cosa o idea Who? ¿Quien? He She It They Él Ella Ello Ellos He drove. Él condujo She ran. Ella corrió. It sat. Él se sentó They slept. Dormían

11 Salvador drove. Salvador ran. Salvador skipped Salvador hopped
Salvador jumped Salvador arrived Salvador walked Salvador rode. Francisco drove . Francisco ran. Francisco skipped. Francisco arrived. Francisco jumped. Francisco walked. Francisco hopped. Francisco rode. Marcus drove. Marcus ran. Marcus skipped. Marcus arrived. Marcus jumped. Marcus walked. Marcus hopped. Marcus rode. Juan drove . Juan ran. Juan skipped. Juan arrived. Juan jumped. Juan walked. Juan hopped. Juan rode. Manuel drove. Manuel ran. Manuel skipped. Manuel arrived. Manuel jumped. Manuel walked. Manuel hopped. Manuel rode. Ermida drove. Ermida ran. Ermida skipped. Ermida arrived. Ermida jumped. Ermida walked. Ermida hopped. Ermida rode. Nevaeh drove. Nevaeh ran. Nevaeh skipped Nevaeh arrived Nevaeh jumped Nevaeh walked Nevaeh hopped Nevaeh rode. Denise drove. Denise ran. Denise skipped. Denise arrived. Denise jumped. Denise walked. Denise hopped. Denise rode. Paola drove. Paola ran. Paola skipped. Paola arrived. Paola jumped. Paola walked. Paola hopped. Paola rode. Lizeth drove. Lizeth ran. Lizeth skipped. Lizeth arrived. Lizeth jumped. Lizeth walked. Lizeth hopped. Lizeth rode. Microsoft® Tran Él condució. El corrió se saltó saltó Él saltó Llegó Él caminó Cabalgó

12 Assignment Pages Subject Noun Indirect Object Infinitives Predicate Verb Adjective Adverb Compound Sentences Direct Object Gerunds Types of Sentences

13 Assignment Pages


15 Brainstorm Assignment Pages
Public Domain. Little Red Riding Hood. Oct. 26; 10:15 am.

16 Article Connection la un el car auto A An the sofa sofá class clase
Who? Noun He El She Ella Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Salvador Francisco Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection A An the la un el What? ¿Qué? Noun car auto sofa sofá class clase horse caballo puddle charco dog perro Assignment Pages What? Verb action drives unidades sold vendieron skipped saltos jumps saltadas walks paseos runs rode

17 Review Subject and Predicate
Assignment Pages Nouns Los sustantivos Who? ¿Quien? He Él She Ella It Ello They Ellos Proper Nouns Names Nombres Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Salvador Francisco Nouns Los sustantivos What? ¿Qué? Cat Gato Dog Perro Horse Caballo Cow Vaca Table Mesa House Casa Plate Plato Toe dedo del pie Hand Mano Water agua Glow sticks Luces químicas Candy Caramelo Article Connection A An the la un el

18 A An the safely con seguridad recklessly imprudentemente
Noun Who? ¿Quien? He Él She Ella It Ello They Ellos Assignment Pages Adverb how describes the verb safely con seguridad recklessly imprudentemente quickly rápidamente happily felizmente gracefully con gracia clumsily torpemente carefully con cuidado excellently excelente Nouns Los sustantivos What? ¿Qué? Cat Gato Dog Perro Horse Caballo Cow Vaca Chicken Gallina Table Mesa House Casa Plate Plato Toe dedo del pie Hand Mano Water agua Glow sticks Luces químicas Candy Caramelo Article Connection A An the la un el

19 Marcus drove recklessly. Marcus ran clumsily. Marcus skipped happily.
He drove recklessly . He ran clumsily. He skipped happily. He hopped quickly. He jumped gracefully. He arrived safely He walked carefully. He rode excellently. She drove reckless. She ran clumsily. She skipped happily. She hopped quickly. She jumped gracefully. She arrived safely She walked carefully. She rode excellently. Marcus drove recklessly. Marcus ran clumsily. Marcus skipped happily. Marcus hopped quickly. Marcus jumped gracefully. Marcus arrived safely Marcus walked carefully. Marcus rode excellently Juan drove recklessly. Juan ran clumsily. Juan skipped happily. Juan hopped quickly. Juan jumped gracefully. Juan arrived safely Juan walked carefully Juan rode excellently Manuel drove recklessly. Manuel ran clumsily. Manuel skipped happily. Manuel hopped quickly. Manuel jumped gracefully. Manuel arrived safely. Manuel walked carefully. Manuel rode excellently. Juan arrived safely. Juan walked carefully. Juan rode excellently. Ermida drove recklessly. Ermida ran clumsily. Ermida skipped happily. Ermida hopped quickly. Ermida jumped gracefully. Ermida arrived safely Ermida walked carefully. Ermida rode excellently. Nevaeh drove recklessly. Nevaeh ran clumsily. Nevaeh skipped happily. Nevaeh hopped quickly. Nevaeh jumped gracefully. Nevaeh arrived safely Nevaeh walked carefully. Nevaeh rode excellently. Denise drove recklessly. Denise ran clumsily. Denise skipped happily. Denise hopped quickly. Denise jumped gracefully. Denise arrived safely. Denise walked carefully. Denise rode excellently. Paola drove recklessly. Paola ran clumsily. Paola skipped happily. Paola hopped quickly. Paola jumped gracefully. Paola arrived safely. Paola walked carefully. Paola rode excellently. Lizeth drove recklessly. Lizeth ran clumsily. Lizeth skipped happily. Lizeth hopped quickly. Lizeth jumped gracefully. Lizeth arrived safely. Lizeth walked carefully. Lizeth rode excellently. Microsoft® Tran clumsilyslator Él condució. El corrió se saltó saltó Él saltó Llegó Él caminó Cabalgó

20 The furry dog ran happily to the big house A grumpy bear scampered
Article Adjective Noun Verb Adverb Preposition Direct object Punctuation The furry dog ran happily to the big house A grumpy bear scampered clumsily through dense forest cat over fairy under beneath on beside near away against

21 pict

22 Review Assignment Pages Article Connection A An the la un el

23 Schoolhouse Rock -- Adverb
Assignment Pages e+rock+adjectives&oq=schoolhouse+rock+adjec&gs_l=serp.1.0.0l4j0i 22i j c serp gRTUoHcqj1c Schoolhouse Rock -- Adjective

24 car sofa class horse puddle dog drove recklessly drives sold skipped
Review Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection A An the What? Verb action drove recklessly drives sold skipped jumps walks backed rode Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Assignment Pages What? Noun car sofa class horse puddle dog Adverb describes the verb safely recklessly quickly happily gracefully clumsily carefully excellently Write your created sentences here: Example: He drove a new car recklessly.

25 Article Adjective Noun Verb Adverb Preposition Direct object Punctuation Type of sentence

26 drove recklessly drives sold skipped jumps walks backed rode He She
Exam What? Verb action drove recklessly drives sold skipped jumps walks backed rode Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the What? Noun car sofa class horse puddle dog Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Assignment Pages Adverb describes the verb safely recklessly quickly happily gracefully clumsily carefully excellently Write your created sentences here:

27 pict

28 car sofa class horse puddle dog drove recklessly drives sold skipped
Review Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection A An the What? Verb action drove recklessly drives sold skipped jumps walks backed rode Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Assignment Pages What? Noun car sofa class horse puddle dog Adverb describes the verb safely recklessly quickly happily gracefully clumsily carefully excellently Write your created sentences here: Example: He drove a new car recklessly.

29 Schoolhouse Rock -- Interjections
Assignment Pages Schoolhouse Rock -- Interjections

30 Schoolhouse Rock -- Prepositions
Assignment Pages Schoolhouse Rock -- Prepositions

31 Pre Prepositions above during since after for to at into under away in
Assignment Pages Prepositions above during since after for throughout to at into under away in until by near while before next with below on beside out down over Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions

32 Preposition position - Where?
Assignment Pages xxxxxxxx above into until after in while at near with away next by on before out below over beside since down throughout during to for under Prepositional Phrases Examples. Every prepositional phrase is a series of words made up of a preposition and its object. The object may be a noun, pronoun, gerund or clause. A prepositional phrase functions as an adjective or adverb.

33 What? Verb action drove sold skipped jumps walks backed rode new old
Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a the Where? into Preposition in position - near above next after on at out away over by since before throughout below to beside under down until during while for with What? Verb action drove sold skipped jumps walks backed rode Adverb describes how the action Adds to the verb safely recklessly quickly happily gracefully clumsily carefully excellently Assignment Pages What? Noun car sofa class horse puddle dog Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Write your created sentences here.

34 pict

35 Write your created sentences here.
Review: Where? Preposition position away in away from to into down on over at under beside above below next to What? Noun car sofa class horse house truck flower puddle dog vampire Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly sweet What? Verb action drove recklessly drives kick sold hit skipped jumps walks backed rode Adverb describes how the action. Adds to the verb safely recklessly quickly happily gracefully clumsily carefully excellently Who? Noun His He She Her Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Assignment Pages Article Connection a the Write your created sentences here.

36 Infinitives
Assignment Pages Infinitives

37 Gerunds and Infinitives V+V –ing This is a list of Verbs followed by gerunds.
Assignment Pages admit deny mention advise discuss mind anticipate dislike miss appreciate enjoy postpone avoid finish practice bear forget prefer begin hate quit complete can’t help recall consider keep continue like delay love

38 Make 10 sentences using gerunds.

39 Ann prefers talking to working.
It began raining in the morning. I like going to beaches. She mentioned going to the mall. I love going to football games. She advised waiting until it was warm. I finally completed washing the dishes. She denied committing the crime. I will consider going to the movie. She finished exercising about ten o’clock. I anticipate having food at the party. Let’s postpone leaving. I appreciated hearing from them. The girl practiced throwing the volleyball. I can’t bear waiting in long lines. He quit trying to solve the argument. I don’t recall meeting him. He admitted taking the dog out. I’ll never forget visiting Napoleon’s tomb. He avoided answering my question. I hate drawing. He continued striking at the baseball. I dislike driving in the snow. He delayed leaving for school. I can’t help worrying about my pet. They discussed opening a new business. I keep hoping he has money. We enjoyed speaking on the phone. I miss being with my son. Would you mind helping me with this?

40 pict

41 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

42 -- Infinitives I’m trying + verb…..
Assignment Pages I’m trying to agree here. I’m trying to learn my math. I’m trying to plan this pizza party. I’m trying to ask the question. I’m trying to refuse the teaching job.

43 Each of the following words can be followed
Assignment Pages Each of the following words can be followed by an infinitive, not a gerund. Agree Ask Decide Expect Get Happen Hope Intend Learn Plan Promise Refuse Want Create a sentence using each of these words and an infinitive.

44 pict

45 Pre-testing Diagramming a sentence shows how all the words in the sentence work together.
Assignment Pages Underline the nouns two times. Circle the verbs two times. Underline the adverbs and draw a line to the verb. Underline adjectives and draw a line to the noun in each sentence. Circle any articles. Then diagram each sentence. The model diagram will help you. The dancer made a graceful move. The tiny cricket slowly ate the green leaf. The playful kittens gleefully chased the red ball.


47 How to Build a Sentence In No Time
interjections Assignment Pages muestra sentimiento ¡buena idea!; exclamación interjecciones pensamientos citas How to Build a Sentence In No Time Microsoft® Translator Cómo construir una frase en ningún momento thoughts Good IDEAs expressions exclamations quotes

48 A SENTENCE: un oraciones
Assignment Pages Diagram a Sentence: A SENTENCE: un oraciones Must Be a complete thought (subject and predicate) Have a capital letter at the beginning Have appropriate punctuation Debe ser un pensamiento completo (sujeto y predicado) tiene una letra mayúscula al principio puntuación apropiada

49 ………………………… & Subject /Noun Predicate / Verb
Assignment Pages sujeto / sustantivo quien qué sustantivo tema El Denise Ella Caballos Subject /Noun & Predicate / Verb Predicado / verbo lo que está sucediendo al sustantivo lo que está sucediendo con el tema dijo el profesor condujo el coche jugado en el recreo __________ who or what noun (topic) what is happening to the noun or what is happening to the subject told the teacher He drove the car. Denise played at recess. She ………………………… Horses

50 He is hungry. El sujeto de una oración Incluye lo siguiente:
Assignment Pages The Subject of a Sentence Includes the Following: El sujeto de una oración Incluye lo siguiente: Noun: person, place, thing, or idea!! Sustantivo : persona, lugar , cosa o idea !! It is usually begins the sentence. Por lo general se comienza la frase Who or What the sentence is about. ¿Quién o qué la sentencia se trata He is hungry.

51 Assignment Pages EXCEPTIONS to the RULE of the NOUN beginning the SENTENCE: Excepciones a la regla del NOMBRE de comenzar la frase: questions preguntas

52 EXCEPTIONS to the RULE of the verb placement in the SENTENCE:
Assignment Pages EXCEPTIONS to the RULE of the verb placement in the SENTENCE: Excepciones a la regla de la colocación verbo en el FRASE: introductory phrases that act like adverbs frases introductorias que actúan como adverbios

53 EXCEPTIONS to the RULE of the verb placement in the SENTENCE:
Assignment Pages EXCEPTIONS to the RULE of the verb placement in the SENTENCE: Excepciones a la regla de la colocación verbo en el FRASE: and begin with dependent clauses y comenzar con las cláusulas dependientes

54 EXCEPTIONS to the RULE of the verb placement in the SENTENCE:
Assignment Pages EXCEPTIONS to the RULE of the verb placement in the SENTENCE: Excepciones a la regla de la colocación verbo en el FRASE: questions preguntas introductory phrases that act like adverbs frases introductorias que actúan como adverbios and begin with dependent clauses y comenzar con las cláusulas dependientes

55 pict

56 To Find, ask the following questions:
Assignment Pages Subject To Find, ask the following questions: Who is this about? What is this about? Sujeto Encontrar , hacer las siguientes preguntas : ¿Quién es esto? ¿De que se trata esto?

57 The little fuzzy puppies scampered around. puppies
Assignment Pages Two Types of Subjects complete subject is the main idea and all its modifiers. sujeto completo es la idea principal y todos sus modificadores. simple subject is the person or thing that the sentence is about sujeto simple es la persona o cosa que la sentencia es de aproximadamente The little fuzzy puppies scampered around. Los pequeños perritos difusos  desmarcaba alrededor puppies Complete subject The little fuzzy puppies Los pequeños perritos difusos Simple subject puppies perritos

58 The big black horse prances around the corral. horse
Assignment Pages Two Types of Subjects __________ _________ is the main idea and all its modifiers. es la idea principal y todos sus modificadores. The big black horse prances around the corral. El gran caballo negro cabriolas alrededor del corral horse Complete subject: The big black horse El gran caballo negro

59 ___________ is the person or thing that the sentence is about
Assignment Pages Two Types of Subjects ___________ is the person or thing that the sentence is about sujeto simple es la persona o cosa que la sentencia es de aproximadamente The big black horse prances around the corral. El gran caballo negro cabriolas alrededor del corral horse Simple subject sujeto simple caballo

60 The big black horse prances around the corral. The big black horse
Assignment Pages Two Types of Subjects __________________ is the main idea and all its modifiers. sujeto completo es la idea principal y todos sus modificadores. __________ is the person or thing that the sentence is about sujeto simple es la persona o cosa que la sentencia es de aproximadamente The big black horse prances around the corral. El gran caballo negro cabriolas alrededor del corral The big black horse horse Simple subject Complete subject El gran caballo negro caballo

61 Predicate or the Verb of a Sentence
Assignment Pages Predicate or the Verb of a Sentence predicado o el verbo de una oración What did the subject do? ¿Qué hizo el sujeto? or o

62 Predicate or the Verb of a Sentence What happened to the subject?
Assignment Pages Predicate or the Verb of a Sentence or o What happened to the subject? ¿qué pasó con el tema?

63 Predicate or the Verb of a Sentence What happened to the subject?
Assignment Pages Predicate or the Verb of a Sentence predicado o el verbo de una oración What did the subject do? ¿Qué hizo el sujeto? or o What happened to the subject? ¿qué pasó con el tema?

64 Types of Predicate or the Verb
Assignment Pages Types of Predicate or the Verb Tipos de predicado o el verbo de una oración The complete predicate is the Verb and all of the modifiers in a sentence. El predicado completa es el Verbo y todos los modificadores en una frase. The simple predicate, or verb, is the main word or group of words in the complete predicate. El predicado simple, o verbo , es la palabra principal o grupo de palabras en el predicado completo. Complete predicate Simple predicate predicado completa predicado simple

65 The little fuzzy puppies scampered around the box.
Google Inages, fuzzy puppies, Oct Assignment Pages The little fuzzy puppies scampered around the box. El pequeño borroso cachorros desmarcaba alrededor de la caja . scampered around the box.

66 Types of Predicate or the Verb
Assignment Pages Types of Predicate or the Verb Tipos de predicado o el verbo de una oración The complete predicate is the Verb and all of the modifiers in a sentence. El predicado completa es el Verbo y todos los modificadores en una frase. The little fuzzy puppies scampered around the box. El pequeño borroso cachorros desmarcaba alrededor de la caja . scampered scampered around the box. Complete predicate Simple predicate predicado completa predicado simple

67 Types of Predicate or the Verb
Assignment Pages Types of Predicate or the Verb Tipos de predicado o el verbo de una oración The complete predicate is the Verb and all of the modifiers in a sentence. El predicado completa es el Verbo y todos los modificadores en una frase. The simple predicate, or verb, is the main word or group of words in the complete predicate. El predicado simple, o verbo , es la palabra principal o grupo de palabras en el predicado completo. The little fuzzy puppies scampered around the box. El pequeño borroso cachorros desmarcaba alrededor de la caja . Simple predicate scampered Complete predicate Predicado completo scampered around the box. se movían alrededor de la caja. predicado simple

68 A SENTENCE: un oraciones
Assignment Pages Diagram a Sentence: A SENTENCE: un oraciones Must Be a complete thought (subject and predicate) Have a capital letter at the beginning Have appropriate punctuation Debe ser un pensamiento completo (sujeto y predicado) tiene una letra mayúscula al principio puntuación apropiada

69 pict

70 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

71 Diagramming Sentences Why?
Assignment Pages Diagraming helps you understand: Diagraming ayuda a entender: word placement palabra colocación parts of speech partes del discurso make better sentences hacer oraciones make sense mejor sentido

72 Assignment Pages

73 A SENTENCE: un oraciones
Assignment Pages Diagram a Sentence: A SENTENCE: un oraciones Must Be a complete thought (subject and predicate) Have a capital letter at the beginning Have appropriate punctuation Debe ser un pensamiento completo (sujeto y predicado) tiene una letra mayúscula al principio puntuación apropiada

74 The Subject The Predicate Noun The Subject Verb The Predicate
Assignment Pages The Subject The Predicate The complete subject: The little fuzzy puppies El tema completo: Los pequeños perritos difusos The simple subject : puppies El tema simple: cachorros El predicado The little fuzzy puppies Los pequeños perritos difusos desmarcaba alrededor de la caja Noun The Subject Verb The Predicate Who or What is the sentence about? ¿Quién o qué es la oración?

75 The Predicate El predicado
Assignment Pages The Predicate El predicado The complete predicate: scampered around the box. El predicado completo: desmarcaba alrededor de la caja. The simple predicate : scampered El simple predicado: desmarcaba The Predicate Verb The Subject scampered around the box. desmarcaba alrededor de la caja. The little fuzzy puppies What is the action in the sentence? ¿Cuál es la acción en la frase? What happened? ¿Que pasó? What is the subject doing? ¿Qué está haciendo al respecto? What has the subject done? ¿Qué ha hecho el tema? What will the subject do? ¿Qué va a hacer al respecto? What is being done to the subject? ¿Qué se está haciendo para el tema?

76 The Subject Noun The Subject The Predicate Verb The Predicate Verb
Assignment Pages The Subject Noun The Predicate Verb The complete subject: The little fuzzy puppies El tema completo: Los pequeños perritos difusos The simple subject : puppies El tema simple: cachorros The complete predicate: scampered around the box. El predicado completo: desmarcaba alrededor de la caja The simple predicate : scampered El simple predicado: desmarcaba The Subject The little fuzzy puppies Los pequeños perritos difusos The Predicate Verb scampered around the box. desmarcaba alrededor de la caja. What is the action in the sentence? ¿Cuál es la acción en la frase? What happened? ¿Que pasó? What is the subject doing? ¿Qué está haciendo al respecto? What has the subject done? ¿Qué ha hecho el tema? What will the subject do? ¿Qué va a hacer al respecto? What is being done to the subject? ¿Qué se está haciendo para el tema? Who or What is the sentence about?

77 pict

78 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

79 Assignment Pages . The Direct Object It receives the direct action of the verb. El objeto directo recibe la acción directa del verbo. D.O. usually another noun, pronoun or a phrase that acts like a noun D.O. generalmente otro sustantivo , pronombre o una frase que funciona como un sustantivo. The little fuzzy puppies scampered around the box.

80 The boys learned cooking. Los chicos aprendieron cocinar.
It describes or adds to the verb ……………………………….. Adverb. Let’s look at the next one: Assignment Pages The boys learned cooking. Los chicos aprendieron cocinar. Direct Object will follow the verb. Objeto directo seguirá el verbo. If you can’t answer what of the verb, there is no direct object. Si usted no puede contestar lo del verbo, no hay objeto directo. The boys learned cooking. Los chicos aprendieron cocinar. The boys learned What? Los chicos aprendieron ¿Qué? cooking cocción

81 Diagram the Sentences with Direct Objects
Assignment Pages Diagram the Sentences with Direct Objects Puppies eat bugs Los cachorros comen insectos. Mr. Elder teaches debate. Sr. Elder enseña debate. Mrs. Reavis teaches biology. Sra. Reavis enseña biología. Mrs. Maspero teaches English. Sra. Maspero enseña Inglés. I eat ice cream. Yo como helado. Sra. Coultas enseña Sammy. Mrs. Coultas teaches Sammy. Sarah loves puppies. Sarah ama perritos.

82 Indirect Object Assignment Pages The indirect object will be located between the verb and direct object in the sentence. El objeto indirecto será entre el verbo y el objeto directo en la oración. Mr. Elder teaches debate to the students. M. Elder enseigne débat aux étudiants. Mrs. Reavis teaches biology at the college. Mme Reavis enseigne la biologie au Collège Mr. Elder teaches debate students

83 Indirect Object Assignment Pages Ask to whom(what) of the verb. Preguntar quién (qué) del verbo Ask for whom(what) of the verb preguntar para quien (lo) del verbo. M. Elder enseigne débat aux étudiants. Mme Reavis enseigne la biologie au Collège. Mr. Elder teaches debate students

84 Indirect Object Assignment Pages An indirect object tells who the action is taking place for. Un objeto indirecto indica que la acción tiene lugar. The indirect object will be a noun. El objeto indirecto es un sustantivo. Ask to whom(what) of the verb. Preguntar quién (qué) del verbo Ask for whom(what) of the verb preguntar para quien (lo) del verbo. M. Elder enseigne débat aux étudiants. Mme Reavis enseigne la biologie au Collège. Mr. Elder teaches debate students

85 INDIRECT OBJECT Mrs. Maspero teaches English to art students.
Assignment Pages Mrs. Maspero teaches English to art students. I eat ice cream with chocolate syrup. Mrs. Coultas teaches Sammy to dance.

86 Your Turn Diagram with Indirect Objects
Assignment Pages Your Turn Diagram with Indirect Objects Mr. Elder teaches debate to the students. Mrs. Reavis teaches biology at the college. Mrs. Maspero teaches English to art students. I eat ice cream with chocolate syrup. Mrs. Coultas teaches Sammy to dance.

87 pict

88 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

89 Pre Prepositions above during since after for to at into under away in
Assignment Pages Prepositions above during since after for throughout to at into under away in until by near while before next with below on beside out down over Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions

90 What receives the action of the verb “scampered
What receives the action of the verb “scampered?” Lo que recibe la acción del verbo " se desmarcaba ? " Assignment Pages scampered around the box. desmarcaba alrededor de la caja Can you ask what? ¿Se puede pedir , ¿qué? Is there a noun behind the word scampered? ¿Hay un nombre detrás de la palabra se desmarcaba ? Scampered is a verb. Desmarcaba es un verbo preposition The little fuzzy puppies scampered around the box. around

91 What receives the action of the verb “scampered
What receives the action of the verb “scampered?” Lo que recibe la acción del verbo " se desmarcaba ? " Assignment Pages scampered through the box. desmarcaba alrededor de la caja Can you ask what? ¿Se puede pedir , ¿qué? Is there a noun behind the word scampered? ¿Hay un nombre detrás de la palabra se desmarcaba ? Scampered is a verb. Desmarcaba es un verbo preposition The little fuzzy puppies scampered through the box. through

92 What receives the action of the verb “scampered
What receives the action of the verb “scampered?” Lo que recibe la acción del verbo " se desmarcaba ? " Assignment Pages scampered over the box. desmarcaba alrededor de la caja Can you ask what? ¿Se puede pedir , ¿qué? Is there a noun behind the word scampered? ¿Hay un nombre detrás de la palabra se desmarcaba ? Scampered is a verb. Desmarcaba es un verbo preposition The little fuzzy puppies scampered over the box. over

93 What receives the action of the verb “scampered
What receives the action of the verb “scampered?” Lo que recibe la acción del verbo " se desmarcaba ? " Assignment Pages scampered under the box. desmarcaba alrededor de la caja Can you ask what? ¿Se puede pedir , ¿qué? Is there a noun behind the word scampered? ¿Hay un nombre detrás de la palabra se desmarcaba ? Scampered is a verb. Desmarcaba es un verbo preposition The little fuzzy puppies scampered under the box. under

94 What receives the action of the verb “scampered
What receives the action of the verb “scampered?” Lo que recibe la acción del verbo " se desmarcaba ? " Assignment Pages scampered beside the box. desmarcaba alrededor de la caja Can you ask what? ¿Se puede pedir , ¿qué? Is there a noun behind the word scampered? ¿Hay un nombre detrás de la palabra se desmarcaba ? Scampered is a verb. Desmarcaba es un verbo preposition The little fuzzy puppies scampered beside the box. beside

95 Your turn: Use the prepositions you have learned to make 10 sentences.
Assignment Pages Your turn: Use the prepositions you have learned to make 10 sentences.

96 Pre Prepositions above during since after for to at into under away in
Assignment Pages Prepositions above during since after for throughout to at into under away in until by near while before next with below on beside out down over Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions

97 pict

98 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

99 What is the word “around?” ¿Cuál es la palabra "alrededor ? “
little fuzzy What is the word “around?” ¿Cuál es la palabra "alrededor ? “ Assignment Pages The little fuzzy puppies scampered around the box. Label the sentence with: Noun: around puppies box. The little fuzzy puppies complete subject: simple subject: puppies adjectives Verb: scampered complete predicate: scampered around the box simple predicate: scampered direct object: box. Preposition: around

100 Prepositional Phrases
Assignment Pages in office

101 Prepositional Phrases
Assignment Pages Prepositional Phrases Mrs. Reavis teaches biology at the college. Mrs. Maspero teaches English to art students. I eat ice cream with chocolate syrup. Mrs. Coultas teaches Sammy to dance.

102 Pre Prepositions above during since after for to at into under away in
Assignment Pages Prepositions above during since after for throughout to at into under away in until by near while before next with below on beside out down over Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions

103 A SENTENCE: un oraciones
Assignment Pages Diagram a Sentence: A SENTENCE: un oraciones Must Be a complete thought (subject and predicate) Have a capital letter at the beginning Have appropriate punctuation Debe ser un pensamiento completo (sujeto y predicado) tiene una letra mayúscula al principio puntuación apropiada

104 pict

105 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

106 Schoolhouse Rock – Adverb Escuela de Rock - Adverbio
Assignment Pages Schoolhouse Rock – Adverb Escuela de Rock - Adverbio lly+get+your+adverbs+here&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3ME wyrshQ4tVP1zc0TDJLLs5Ns6zUkspOttIvKQOi- IKi_PSixFyr1ILM4vyU1GIAeRkDcjgAAAA&sa=X&ved=0CMgBEMQNMB pqFQoTCIz0z_64u8gCFUeQDQodsEwKlQ&biw=1214&bih=635

107 Adverbs Adverbios Assignment Pages Adverbs modify or describes verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Los adverbios modifican o describe verbos, adjetivos y otros adverbios. Mr. Elder, the principal, carefully teaches debate skills to the high school students. Sr. Elder, director, enseña cuidadosamente debatir habilidades de los estudiantes de secundaria.)

108 Adverbs Adverbs answer: “How?”, “When?”, and “Where?” of the verb.
Assignment Pages Adverbs answer: “How?”, “When?”, and “Where?” of the verb. Los adverbios responden: "¿Cómo?", "¿Cuándo" y "¿Dónde" del verbo. Mrs. Reavis teaches biology at the college. (Sra Reavis enseña biología en la universidad )

109 Adverbs Mrs. Maspero teaches English to art students.
Assignment Pages “To what extent?” of other adverbs. "¿Hasta qué punto?" De otros adverbios. Mrs. Maspero teaches English to art students. I eat ice cream with chocolate syrup. Mrs. Coultas teaches Sammy to dance.

110 Adverbs Mrs. Reavis teaches biology at the college.
Assignment Pages Mrs. Reavis teaches biology at the college. (Sra Reavis enseña biología en la universidad ) Mrs. Maspero teaches English to art students. I eat ice cream with chocolate syrup. Mrs. Coultas teaches Sammy to dance.

111 pict

112 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

113 Adjectives Adjetivos Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns.
Assignment Pages Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns. Adjetivos modificar o describen sustantivos o pronombres.

114 Adjectives Adjetivos It will answer what kind, how many, or which one.
Assignment Pages It will answer what kind, how many, or which one. Se contestará a qué tipo, cuántos, o cuál.

115 Adjectives Adjetivos Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns.
Assignment Pages Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns. Adjetivos modificar o describen sustantivos o pronombres. It will answer what kind, how many, or which one. Se contestará a qué tipo, cuántos, o cuál.

116 pict

117 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

118 Gerunds:
Assignment Pages Gerunds: I will end with one last idea. Dear US journalists: When you add “ing” to a verb, it becomes a noun. That’s called the gerund. Unless you are writing a headline, stop doing this and use a verb.

119 Schoolhouse Rock -- Gerunds
Assignment Pages Schoolhouse Rock -- Gerunds Gerunds: Alex: Gerunds good vs well: English Speaking - How to Ask Permission - CAN, COULD, MAY, DO YOU MIND

120 Assignment Pages

121 My sister and I enjoy laughing.
Assignment Pages My sister and I enjoy laughing. Wow! Riding my bike is really fun. Jumping rope for twenty-minutes is good for your heart.

122 A SENTENCE: un oraciones
Assignment Pages Diagram a Sentence: A SENTENCE: un oraciones Must Be a complete thought (subject and predicate) Have a capital letter at the beginning Have appropriate punctuation Debe ser un pensamiento completo (sujeto y predicado) tiene una letra mayúscula al principio puntuación apropiada

123 pict

124 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

125 Types of Sentences Let’s go to the park. We are going to the park!
Assignment Pages Types of Sentences Pretest: Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory Let’s go to the park. We are going to the park! Are we going to the park? We must go to the park.

126 Types of Sentences Declarative: Let’s go to the park.
Assignment Pages Types of Sentences Declarative: Let’s go to the park. Interrogative: Are we going to the park? Imperative: We must go to the park. Exclamatory: We are going to the park!

127 Declarative A declaration. A simple statement. Let’s go to the park.
Assignment Pages Declarative A declaration. A simple statement. Let’s go to the park. I want to go to the park.

128 Interrogative pregunta
Assignment Pages Interrogative pregunta Interrogate Ask questions Are we going to the park? Example: To be questioned by the police. To be interrogated by the police. Where were you yesterday at 3:00?

129 Imperative: Important We must go to the park.
Assignment Pages Imperative: Important We must go to the park. You should take your vitamins everyday.

130 Exclamatory: Excitement
Assignment Pages Exclamatory: Excitement Has an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence. We are going to the park!

131 pict

132 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

133 Schoolhouse Rock -- Interjections
Assignment Pages Schoolhouse Rock -- Interjections

134 Pre Tests Interjection Emotion
Assignment Pages On the white board, create 5 sentences with interjections and diagram them. Watch out! He drove the car recklessly. Stop! With sweat dripping down his face he ran clumsily. Wow! Ouch! No! . For more information go to:

135 Interjection Emotion Assignment Pages Wow! Ouch! No!

136 pict

137 FANBOYS Assignment Pages
Pinterest. Pamela Walker. Compound Sentences Oct FANBOYS

138 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

139 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part 2. Oct

140 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

141 or a relative pronoun ( such as who or which).
Assignment Pages A complex sentence is a sentence with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The dependent clause is introduced by either a subordinate conjunction (such as although, while, or because) or a relative pronoun ( such as who or which).

142 Independent Clause It can Stand Alone! A Simple Sentence:
Assignment Pages It can Stand Alone! A Simple Sentence: I have green eyes. She walked at the beach. He wore sandals. She walks carefully through the grass. He is going to the movies.

143 Dependent Clause A Phrase it Cannot Stand Alone ..., and green eyes.
Assignment Pages Dependent Clause A Phrase it Cannot Stand Alone ..., and green eyes. …, nor the date. …, but not her. …, for all. …, or the elevator. …, yet not today. …, so not tomorrow?

144 Independent and dependent clauses punctuation
Assignment Pages We helped them with the job I have green eyes They picked up the trash She walked at the beach He wore sandals She took the stairs We went to the park today I have three horses She walked to the mall He wore a chicken suit She walks carefully through the grass. He is going to the movies. for the seashells. and the paper. not tomorrow. but not her. and yellow feathers or the elevator. yet not today. so did her sister. FANBOYS – FOR, AND, NOT, BUT, YET, SO OR,

145 Create 10 Independent Clauses – Simple Sentences
Assignment Pages

146 Create 10 Dependent Clauses – “doesn’t make sense”
Assignment Pages Create 10 Dependent Clauses – “doesn’t make sense”

147 Put 10 sentences together with the correct punctuation.
Assignment Pages Put 10 sentences together with the correct punctuation.

148 pict

149 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

150 Subordinate Conjunction
Assignment Pages A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause. Common Subordinating Conjunctions Condition even if if in case provided that unless Cause as because in order that since so that A noun clause and adjective clause sometimes are. Place where wherever Concession and Comparison although as as though even though just as though whereas while Time after as soon as as long as before once still till until when whenever while Adverb clause: Before you go, sign the log book. Noun clause: He asked if he could leave early. Adjective clause: That is the place where he was last seen.

151 A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause.
Assignment Pages A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause. A noun clause and adjective clause sometimes are. Adverb clause: Before you go, sign the log book. Noun clause: He asked if he could leave early. Adjective clause: That is the place where he was last seen. Common Subordinating Conjunctions Cause as because in order that since so that

152 A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause.
Assignment Pages A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause. A noun clause and adjective clause sometimes are. Adverb clause: Before you go, sign the log book. Noun clause: He asked if he could leave early. Adjective clause: That is the place where he was last seen. Concession and Comparison although as as though even though just as though whereas while

153 A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause.
Assignment Pages A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause. A noun clause and adjective clause sometimes are. Adverb clause: Before you go, sign the log book. Noun clause: He asked if he could leave early. Adjective clause: That is the place where he was last seen. Condition even if if in case provided that unless

154 A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause.
Assignment Pages A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause. A noun clause and adjective clause sometimes are. Adverb clause: Before you go, sign the log book. Noun clause: He asked if he could leave early. Adjective clause: That is the place where he was last seen. Place where wherever

155 A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause.
Assignment Pages A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause. A noun clause and adjective clause sometimes are. Adverb clause: Before you go, sign the log book. Noun clause: He asked if he could leave early. Adjective clause: That is the place where he was last seen. Time after as soon as as long as before once still till until when

156 pict

157 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

158 Relative Pronoun who, when, whoever, where, and whom, whose. whomever,
Assignment Pages A relative pronoun is a type of pronoun that often introduces dependent (or relative) clauses in sentences.  who, when, whoever, where, and whom, whose. They also can stand alone as the subject or object of a sentence. whomever, that, There is a specific list of relative pronouns, and here they are: (Sometimes, what, which, and where can serve as relative pronouns.) which,

159 Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part 2. 10-15
Assignment Pages

160 Assignment Pages

161 Assignment Pages

162 Assignment Pages

163 pict

164 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

165 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

166 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

167 When she was a baby, Ali loved to hear stories read to her.
Assignment Pages Although Ali likes to read short books, Allen enjoys large non-fiction and biographies. When she was a baby, Ali loved to hear stories read to her. Many people enjoy reading; however, my family loves reading. Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

168 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

169 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

170 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

171 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

172 pict

173 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

174 Compound-Complex Sentences
Assignment Pages Compound-Complex Sentences One complex sentence is joined to a simple sentence with a conjunction. While Ali likes to read short books, Allen enjoys large non-fiction, but Alton prefers magazines. Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part 2. Oct.15.

175 Connectors for Compound-Complex Sentences
Assignment Pages Connectors for Compound-Complex Sentences The complex and simple sentences my be joined by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) or conjunctive adverbs. Examples of Conjunctive Adverbs: Furthermore, meanwhile, therefore, hence, moreover, thus, however, and nevertheless Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions: For, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

176 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

177 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

178 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

179 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

180 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

181 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

182 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

183 Assignment Pages Complex Sentences. College Readiness, Sentence Patterns Part

184 pict

185 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

186 Compound Subject Compuesto Asunto
Assignment Pages Use Conjunctions (for, and, not, but, or, yet, so: FANBOYS) Uso de conjunciones (y, no, pero, o, aún, así que: FANBOYS) She and I wanted cake. Ella y yo quería que la torta. Susan and I went to the movies. Susan y yo fuimos al cine. Dad and Mom ate the sandwich. Papá y mamá comieron el sándwich. Ali and Joshuah played goalie. Ali y Joshuah jugaban de portero.

187 Compound Predicate predicado Compuesto
Assignment Pages The fish swims in the river and ocean. El pez nada en el río y el océano. The cat plays with a string and its food. El gato juega con una cadena y su comida. I like ice cream, so we went to the store. Me gusta el helado, así que nos fuimos a la tienda. The horse ran yet didn’t stop to nicker. El caballo corrió y detuvo a nicker. She got groceries at the store, but she forgot to get the milk. Ella consiguió víveres en la tienda, pero ella se olvidó de sacar la leche. Joshuah made a goal not a touchdown. Joshuah hizo una meta no un momento del aterrizaje.

188 Compound Subject and Predicate Compuesto sujeto y predicado
Assignment Pages Susan and I went swimming and to a movie. Susan y yo fuimos a la piscina y al cine. I like ice cream, so we went to the store. Me gusta el helado, así que fui a la tienda. The horse ran and stopped to nicker. El caballo corrió y se detuvo a relincho . She got groceries at the store, but she forgot to get the milk. Ella consiguió comestibles en la tienda, pero se olvidó de conseguir la leche. Joshuah made a goal not a touchdown. Joshuah hizo un no meta un touchdown.

189 Compound/Complex Sentence Compuesto / oración compleja
Assignment Pages

190 pict

191 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

192 Five-Sentence Paragraph
Assignment Pages Five-Sentence Paragraph Introduction or Topic Sentence (Top bubble from the “Bubble Sheet.” Uses key words from the prompt. Write the prompt as if answering a question in a complete sentence.) First Subtopic (A “Detail” Bubble Example) Second Subtopic (A “Detail” Bubble Example) Third Sentence (A “Detail” Bubble Example) Conclusion (Restates key words from the prompt in a unique way)

193 Bubble it out!!! Assignment Pages What is your favorite pet?
My favorite pet is my horse, Cobweb beautiful cream colored mare. What is your favorite pet? Horse dog cat ride easy to care for groom feed friend barn mare companion cream colored gentle sound hill colt Riding her on the hill is so much fun. Gentle feed groom barn. Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Cobweb horse barn now companion bought beautiful friend pal cream colored riding mare gentle easy to care for Easy to care for, gentle feed groomed barn had a colt My first horse and my pal, Cobweb, is a beautiful cream colored mare. Riding her on the hill is so much fun. She loves it when I feed her in the barn. Cobweb is easy to care for and loves to be groomed. Cobweb and I are close companions and the best of friends. Cobweb companion and the best of friends.

194 Prompt: What is your favorite pet? Write a topic Sentence
Assignment Pages Prompt: What is your favorite pet? Write a topic Sentence My first horse and my pal, Cobweb, is a beautiful cream colored mare.

195 Riding Cobweb is so much fun. She loves when we go up on the hill.
Assignment Pages Then write three reasons for the topic sentence being true: Riding Cobweb is so much fun. She loves when we go up on the hill. Cobweb is easy to care for and loves to be groomed.

196 Now end your paragraph with a conclusion:
Assignment Pages Now end your paragraph with a conclusion: Remember, each paragraph must have a concluding sentence. Finish with a sentence that restates your topic sentence using different words. Cobweb and I are close companions and the best of friends.

197 The Completed Paragraph
Assignment Pages The Completed Paragraph My first horse and my pal, Cobweb, is a beautiful cream colored mare. Riding her on the hill is so much fun. She loves it when I feed her in the barn. Cobweb is easy to care for and loves to be groomed. Cobweb and I are close companions and the best of friends.

198 Pre-Test Subject and Predicate
What? Noun car sofa house street store moon mud bridge dog Who? Noun He She Marcus Ermida Nevaeh Juan Denise Paola Manuel Lizeth Article Connection a an the Adjective describes the noun new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly Verb action drove recklessly sat ran clumsily skipped arrived jumped walked backed hopped rode Where Preposition position - away in to into down on over at under beside above below next to Adverb describes the verb new old dirty abandoned rustic full bad good sparkly ------

199 Bubble it out!!! What is your favorite pet? . Who What Where When Why
Senses Feelings


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