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Debate & Adjudication Briefing
Agenda Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) Judging The Debate
Room Setup The Average Reasonable Person Speaking Order Assessment of debate vs. entering debate Timing Elements of Debate Rules Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation The Debate Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes Motion New Matter and Late Development of Matter Types of Motions Types of Debate Scoring Definitions Team Scores Rules of Definition Speaker Scores Definitional Challenge Margin Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Filling the Ballot Sheet Positive matter vs. Negative case Time Management Counter Proposal Oral Adjudication Speaker Roles Tabulation System Prime Minister Leader of opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government & Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI)
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate)
CHAPTER 1 Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate)
Asian Parliamentary Teams 3 Debaters (per team) 2 Teams (per debate)
Structure Room Setup Speaking Order Timing Rules The Debate Judging Teams 3 Debaters (per team) 2 Teams (per debate) At least 1 Adjudicator (per room)
ROOM SETUP Structure The Debate Judging Room Setup Speaking Order
Timing Rules The Debate Judging
ROOM SETUP Structure The Debate Judging Room Setup Speaking Order
Timing Rules The Debate Judging
FORMAT (ROOM SETUP) Structure The Debate Judging Room Setup
Speaking Order Timing Rules The Debate Judging
ROOM SETUP Structure The Debate Judging PANELIST Room Setup
Speaking Order Timing Rules The Debate Judging PANELIST
SPEAKING ORDER Structure The Debate Judging Room Setup Speaking Order
Timing Rules The Debate Judging
UNPROTECTED TIME: POIs ALLOWED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.20 Reply Speeches 4.20 Structure Room Setup Speaking Order Timing Rules The Debate Judging
SOME RULES TO REMEMBER Electronic Devices No phones No Computers
Structure Room Setup Speaking Order Timing Rules Electronic devices Printed Material Help from teachers Time management The Debate Judging Electronic Devices No phones No Computers Only Dictionaries Penalty: You could get disqualified from the tournament
SOME RULES TO REMEMBER Printed Material Allowed During Prep Time
Structure Room Setup Speaking Order Timing Rules Electronic devices Printed Material Help from teachers Time management The Debate Judging Printed Material Allowed During Prep Time Not During Speech Penalty: You could get disqualified from the tournament
SOME RULES TO REMEMBER When preparation begins you are on your own.
Structure Room Setup Speaking Order Timing Rules Electronic devices Printed Material Help from teachers Time management The Debate Judging When preparation begins you are on your own. NO ONE is allowed to help you. What do you do if you don’t understand the motion? Ask a member of the adjudication core, and we will explain to you Penalty: You could get disqualified from the tournament
SOME RULES TO REMEMBER Debate Preparation 30 mins
Structure Room Setup Speaking Order Timing Rules Electronic devices Printed Material Help from teachers Time management The Debate Judging Debate Preparation 30 mins Adj Decision: 15 mins Oral Adj: 7 mins each *** Timing is strictly controlled***
CHAPTER 2 The debate
MOTIONS Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging The Theme Every round has a theme. Debaters are expected to follow the theme when discussing the motion. The debate must have a direct link not only to the motion, but also to the theme of the round
MOTIONS Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging (Debate types) Every debate requires a different underlying principles / ideas Requires a certain set of skills This year we give hints to what kind of debates we want to see
MOTIONS Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging Example If the motions is “This house would fight fire with fire” , and the theme is International Relations defining the motion to talk about military action on cross boarder conflicts makes more sense than talking about death penalty for murderers
MOTIONS Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging What is a motion? A clearly worded statement that announces the topic to be debated in the round
MOTIONS Types Of Motions THBT (This House Believes That)
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging Types Of Motions THBT (This House Believes That) THW (This House Would)
TYPES OF DEBATE Principle Debate
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging Principle Debate Principle issues (Moral, Ethnics, Economics, Effectiveness of outcomes) Should or should not solve the problem in a certain way Ex. THBT national security is more important than individual rights Policy Debate Implementation of models, exactly how to solve a problem Whose model is better? Who provide more benefit to the majority Ex. THW legalize online sport gambling
DEFENITIONS Each Definition MUST: Have a Direct Link to the motion
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging Each Definition MUST: Have a Direct Link to the motion In spirit of the motion or theme Is fair and debatable Unfair Definitions: (Which Opposition Leader can Challenge) Truisms- a truism is an argument that is considered to be true by the vast majority of people. Example: ‘genocide is bad’ Tautology- Not a truism now but will be true in the near future: example: ‘Obama should close Guantanamo Bay’ (in fact, isn’t close yet, but Obama has already decided to close Guantanamo Bay already) Squirrels- Wholly unreasonable Time/ Place Sets- Put the debate specifically In a time or location. Example: ‘We would debate this motion in the context of WW1 1914’ or ‘We would place this debate in Dominican Republic (an island in the Caribbean)’
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Types of Motions Types of Debate Definitions Rules of Definition Definitional Challenge Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging What is a challenge? Definitional challenge is a challenge from the opposition on the definition that was set earlier from the Prime Minister When to challenge? When the definition is unfair (truism, tautology, squirrels and time/place sets) It can only come from the Leader of Opposition, not later How to challenge? The LO needs to point out the unfairness from the government bench with supporting reason LO is obliged to redefine the definition (provide an alternative definition) In most of the cases, the team must provide an ‘even if’ argument Remember that, An `Even if' argument is not possible in some cases. (e.g. truistic definition & definition running counter to the resolution i.e. where govt. has taken the opposition’s case). What’s next? The DPM has the responsibility to either reject or accept the new definition DPM has to rebut the new idea that came from the opposing team even if he or she rejects the new definition
TEAM ROLES Proposition Support the motion & give a definition
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Points Of Information (POI) Judging Proposition Support the motion & give a definition Realize the problem and propose a solution/change Provide model or mechanism (the detailed implementation process) Engage with Opposition Opposition Go against the motion Realize the problem, but go against PROP’s proposal Provide counter-model or alternative Stick with status quo Engage with Government
SPEAKER ROLES (PM) States Context Sets the Definition
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging States Context Briefly explain background of the debate Sets the Definition Clearly define the motion Explain the Model (policy debate) Provides Team Stance The direction of the Government’s case Presents Split State arguments of 1st and 2nd speaker Develop Argument Analyze and elaborate
SPEAKER ROLES (LO) Accept/ Reject the definition
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging Accept/ Reject the definition Rebut the Prime Minister’s arguments Explain the Counter Model or Status Quo (policy debate) Provides Team Stance The direction of the Opposition case Presents Split State arguments for 1st and 2nd speaker Develop Argument Analyze and elaborate
SPEAKER ROLES (DPM) Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging Rebut the Leader of Opposition’s arguments and Defend your own case Presents own arguments (different from 1st speaker) Develop your Argument Analyze and elaborate
SPEAKER ROLES (DLO) Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging Rebut the Deputy Prime Minister’s arguments and Defend your own case Presents own arguments (different from 1st speaker) Develop your Argument Analyze and elaborate
SPEAKER ROLES (GW) Rebut the Deputy Leader of Opposition’s arguments
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging Rebut the Deputy Leader of Opposition’s arguments Rebut the points of the Opposition Summarizes the debate, define the CLASHES and MAIN ISSUE of the debate Support and Defend the points of the Government side Summarizes the Government case Cannot Bring New Matter/ New Argument
SPEAKER ROLES (OW) Rebut the points of the Government
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging Rebut the points of the Government Summarizes the debate, define the CLASHES and MAIN ISSUE of the debate Support and Defend the points of the Opposition side Summarizes the Opposition case Cannot Bring New Matter/ New Argument
SPEAKER ROLES (REPLY) Given by 1st or 2nd speaker, NOT the WHIP
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging Given by 1st or 2nd speaker, NOT the WHIP Summarizes the entire debate, looking at the arguments, role fulfillment, main questions which need to be answered to win, higher moral benefit majority, etc The team’s last opportunity to persuade their main points to be the adjudicator and focus on the key issues of the debate Summarizes the Opposition case shortly No new Matter/ New Arguments, examples analysis
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Motion Team Roles (Proposition vs. Opposition) Speaker Roles Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of Opposition Government Whip Opposition Whip Reply Speeches Points Of Information (POI) Judging STRICTLY no longer than 20 seconds POIs are Points of clarification Points of Contention Stand up No hackling Chair controls the room
CHAPTER 3 Judging a debate
WHO IS AN ADJUDICATOR? Is an average reasonable person
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Assessment of debate vs. entering debate Elements of Debate Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Is an average reasonable person First year university student Has no specific knowledge on issues A fairly logical person, and listens to reason Does not have a personal attachment to the motion Is politically correct (penalizes hate speech or any personal attacks by debaters)
Assessment of Clashes Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Assessment of debate vs. entering debate Elements of Debate Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Adjudicators listen to material presented in the debate, and the debate alone Ignores personal opinion towards and issue, and judges the debate objectively What do you do when you notice factual errors What about debates against your own moral values?
Entering the Debate In judging don’t use:
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Assessment of debate vs. entering debate Elements of Debate Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System In judging don’t use: Specific Knowledge you have about an issue Personal values as a basis for judgment ***Judge debates ONLY based on what is being presented to you***
WHO IS AN ADJUDICATOR? Avoid Entering Debates
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Assessment of debate vs. entering debate Elements of Debate Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Avoid Entering Debates Your specific knowledge about an issue should not influence your decision Your personal biases is not a reason to base your judgment on
ELEMENTS OF DEBATE Matter Manner Method The Average Reasonable Person
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Matter Manner Method
MATTER Facts Logical reasoning Analysis Case studies Responsiveness
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Facts Logical reasoning Analysis Case studies Responsiveness Up to date information
MANNER Persuasiveness Clarity Body language Eye contact
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Persuasiveness Clarity Body language Eye contact
METHOD Technicality of debate Timing / Time allocation
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Technicality of debate Timing / Time allocation Role fulfillment Discipline
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Rebuttals are not argumentations Reasoning / logical explanations Principles Factual truths
WEIGHING DEBATES What is the most important clash in the debate?
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System What is the most important clash in the debate? Who presented it and how well? What are the burdens of proof? Which side responded better to the developments through the debate
WEIGHING DEBATES Constructive Speeches Substantive speeches
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Constructive Speeches PM, DPM, LO, DLO Substantive speeches Whip Speakers Reply Speeches No new ideas
Average or Expected Standard
MARKING GUIDE Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System What are the ranges Total Meaning 68-70 Poor 71-73 Below Average 74 Average or Expected Standard 75-77 Above Average 78-80 Excellent
MARGIN Margins Meaning 0.5-3.5
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Filling the Ballot Sheet Time Management Oral Adjudication Tabulation System Margins Meaning A very close debate with only minor differences separating the teams 4-7 A relatively clear debate with one team having an obvious advantage 7.5-12 Trashing. A very clear win with the losing team failing on one or more fundamental aspects of its argument or presentation
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Time Management Filling the Ballot Sheet Oral Adjudication Tabulation System VIEW BALLOT SHEET
ORAL ADJUDICATION 7 minutes; What do debaters want to know?
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Time Management Filling the Ballot Sheet Oral Adjudication Tabulation System 7 minutes; What do debaters want to know? Important clashes of the debate Show that you paid attention by referring to speeches How you weighed issues / clashes Margin & its justification
Tabulation System NOT IMPORTANT FOR NOW!!
Structure (Asian Parliamentary Debate) The Debate Judging The Average Reasonable Person Elements of Debate Matter, Manner , Method Substantive Matter and Argumentation Weighing/ Prioritizing Clashes New Matter and Late Development of Matter Scoring Margin Time Management Filling the Ballot Sheet Oral Adjudication Tabulation System NOT IMPORTANT FOR NOW!!
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