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Nuclear Physics Sakura-i  Hiro-yoshi 櫻   井  博 儀.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Physics Sakura-i  Hiro-yoshi 櫻   井  博 儀."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Physics Sakura-i  Hiro-yoshi 櫻   井  博 儀

2 Fundamental interactions
Elementary particles Composite particles

3 Q.1 Life time of neutron? Q.2 Age of universe is 13.7B Years after BigBang. there are neutrons in materials. Why? Q.3 Spin-parity for ground state of deuteron? Q.4 Limits of existence of nuclei? Q.5 Magic numbers of nuclei? Q.6 Size of nuclei? Q.7 Collective motions of nuclei? Q.8 How and where elements around us have been created ? 

4 Exploration of the Limit of Existence
stable nuclei ~300 nuclei unstable nuclei observed so far ~2700 nuclei drip-lines (limit of existence)(theoretical predictions) ~6000 nuclei magic numbers in 1995 proton drip-line proton-rich nuclei proton number (Z) neutron drip-line neutron-rich nuclei in 1985 neutron number (N)

5 Nuclear Collective Motion
closed shell open shell at magic number spherical nuclei surface vibration deformed nuclei Quadrupole deformation parameter b |b|~0 |b| large degree of collectivity E(4+)/E(2+) ~ 1.8 ~ 2.2 ~ 3.3

6 Solar Abundance of Elements
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in stellars (fusion) Nucleosynthesis in r-process path T.Motobayashi

7 Gold・・・

8 r-process path in supernova explosion
Photo-disintegration of ion nuclei Electron capture reaction Emission of big amount of neutron and neutrino Au Beta decay Proton number 陽子数 Z, N -> Z+1, N-1 r-process Neutron capture Beta decay 中性子数 Neutron number Fe to U

9 Exploration of the Limit of Existence
stable nuclei ~300 nuclei unstable nuclei observed so far ~2700 nuclei drip-lines (limit of existence)(theoretical predictions) ~6000 nuclei magic numbers in 1995 proton drip-line proton-rich nuclei proton number (Z) neutron drip-line neutron-rich nuclei in 1985 neutron number (N)

10 New frameworks for the new region of nuclear chart
Nuclear Structure: Shell evolution Nuclear Matter: New forms Stable Nuclei Neutron-rich Nuclei neutron-skin nuclei ? ? ? neutron-halo nuclei N=16 N=6 11Be, 11Li, 19C... To write up new text book: Exotic phenomena, Systematics, etc. Isospin-, density-dependences of effective interactions, nucleon-corrections Microscopic system (nuclei) to Macroscopic system (neutron stars)

11 Challenge for r-process path and explosion in supernovae
Synthesis up to U (r-process)   unknown neutron-rich nuclei   theoretical predictions only Necessary of experimental investigation for nuclear properties of heavy and neutron-rich nuclei Mass, life-time, decay mode Mass number Explosion mechanism of supernova   No explosion in theoretical works   Outer clast of neutron star Necessary of experimental study for Equation-of-State for nuclear matter 1987A 5

12 Challenge to investigate EOS of neutron matter
from nuclei to neutron stars 3NF   T=3/2 channels?   density dependence? Normal density E/A [MeV] 3P2 correlation   pairing gap? Density depencence? r (fm-3) 1S correlation BCS-BEC crossover in dilute system (r ~ 0.1r0) ?

13 Nuclear Physics is not Particle Physics,
not Condensed Matter Physics Interaction? Effective interaction ? Correlations ? Isospin, Density, temperature dependences ? Surface boundary, non-linear, finite system

14 RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF)
Experiment facility To be funded Old facility Accelerator RIPS GARIS SHE (eg. Z=113) ~100 MeV/nucleon ~5 MeV/nucleon RILAC SCRIT AVF ZeroDegree SAMURAI fRC RRC SRC SLOWRI IRC RI-ring SHARAQ CRIB (CNS) BigRIPS MeV/nucleon New facility Intense (80 kW max.) H.I. beams (up to U) of 345AMeV at SRC Fast RI beams by projectile fragmentation and U-fission at BigRIPS Operation since 2007

15 Exploration of the Limit of Existence
Great expansion of nuclear world by RIBF Intensity > 1 particle/day New Element 278113 04 July 23 18:55 57 fb protons neutrons Projectile Fragmentation 78Ni ~0.1 particles/sec. (2007) by 10pnA 350 MeV/u U-beam In-flight U fission & P.F. 10 particles/sec. (goal) by 1pmA

16 RI beam production via in-flight method
RI production RI beam separator (to collect and separate RI with analyzing magnets) target Heavy ion accelerator (to make reactions  Be, C, etc) (to accelerate nuclei) Advantage of fission via U beam RI beam Fission reaction via 238U beam Yield rate of 78Ni via fission is about 1、000 times higher than via fragmentation. Probability N=50 10,000:1 Fragmentation reaction via 86Kr beam 78Ni Proton number

17 RI Beam Facilities in the world
Finland JYFL Japan RIKEN KEK-JAEA/TRIAC China IMP CIAE Germany GSI Russia JINR Canada TRIUMF/ISAC France GANIL SPIRAL-I, II (2010-) SISSI+LISE USA MSU/NSCL ORNL/HRIBF ANL Texas A&M Switzerland CERN/ISOLDE Italy LNS India VECC IUAC Red colored: In-flight method

18 RIB Facilities in the Middle East and East

19 Applications of Nuclear Physics

20 Challenge Action Discussion Enjoy

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