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Primary PE & Sports Premium
November 2017
2016-17: A Year of Sport Cross country Cricket Athletics Swimming
Football Table Tennis Netball Basketball Rounders Dance Tag Rugby Hockey Tennis Tri golf Badminton Lacrosse Speed stacking TAP (Targeted Activity Programme) Boccia
Pupil Voice I enjoyed learning a new sport.
It made me feel proud to represent ‘Team Applecroft’. I felt confident because all my friends were behind me. I learnt how to work as part of a team. I learnt that you don’t have to win to be a winner. I learnt that anyone can win if they try hard. I enjoyed the competition between other schools.
Local Success
Level 3 County Finalists
Girls’ Table Tennis Team Year 4 Speed Stacking Team
Competing at National Level
Inspiring Opportunities
Getting Involved. Getting Active!
2 hours of curriculum PE per week Active Travel The Daily Mile Scooter training/Bikeability Sports Council Developing community links Extra curricular clubs at lunchtime and after school Staff Pilates class Free lunchtime clubs Teacher-led clubs Play leaders
Gold School Games Mark 62% of children in KS2 engaged in extra curricular sporting activity every week (was 44% in ). Increase from 4 to 9 B teams engaged in Level 2 competitions plus 2 C teams. 15% of previously non-active pupils engaged in extra curricular sporting activity every week. 30% of young people in the school engaged in leading, managing and officiating (was 13% in ).
Sports Premium Funding 2016-17
Action Cost Purpose Buy into School Sports Partnership (WHSSP) £5693 School entered into a wide range of sporting events which provide opportunities for all and have increased competition. CPD provided by SSCO across all year groups. AfPE Level 5 Qualification £1075 PE specialist to support planning and teaching CPD (internal) £1789 Upskilling of staff, especially 4 x NQTS, through team teaching. CPD (external) £242 Skill development and high quality resources gained. Assessment package £250 Skills progression and to support assessment of PE Free lunchtime sports clubs £478 Increase participation including a targeted group Resources £225 Update and re-stock resources Membership of professional bodies £40 Raise profile and provide access to high quality resources
Sports Premium Funding 2017-18
The soft drinks levy has allowed the government to double Sports Premium funding this year from £160m to £320m. For Applecroft, this means a budget of £19,630 of which £11,450 has already been received, with the remaining money transferred on 1 May 2018.
Sports Premium Funding 2017-18
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. Primary PE and Sports Premium should be used to Develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
Sports Premium Funding 2017-18
Schools should not use the funding to: Employ coaches or specialist teachers to cover PPA arrangements Teach the minimum requirements of the National Curriculum – including those specified for swimming (or, in the case of academies and free schools, to teach your existing PE curriculum)
5 Key Indicators The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – at least 30 minutes of physical activity, excluding PE lessons, during the school day The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Increased participation in competitive sport
How can Sports Premium Funding (SPF) be used to support our areas of challenge?
Engage all children in physical activity PE apprentice given a designated role to support lunchtime play Offer to finance participation of those identified as reluctant participants in extra curricular clubs provided by external providers Use of external providers to further diversify range of clubs on offer, e.g. cheerleading, dance, tag rugby, with free places offered to targeted pupils All weather track for The Daily Mile to ensure year-round participation and to encourage whole school participation (PTA have expressed an interest in supporting the financing of a track)
How can Sports Premium Funding (SPF) be used to support our areas of challenge?
Delivery of high quality PE lessons covering all areas of the PE curriculum Staff CPD especially team teaching in areas such as dance and gymnastics Sports Coach to gain Level 5 PE specialism qualification Use of resources offered by professional bodies, e.g. Badminton England’s ‘Racquet Pack’ Support from local partnerships, e.g. Junior Sharks ‘matched funding’ scheme for CPD Look to purchase a scheme of work for areas which have previously lacked coverage such as OAA
2017-18 Commitments WHSSP – £5693 (2016-17 figure)
CPD – Level 5 AfPE course (Mr Knott) plus cover – £1075 plus £800 (6 days cover) Employment of a PE Apprentice - £5500 Mike Mullen BMX assembly and Y5 workshops - £395 PC sum for cover to enable attendance at WHSSP events – 25 events x £100 supply Supply cover for PLT – 3 half day sessions x £100 Replenishment of resources – £250 (as Sainsbury’s vouchers also used) Lesson planning resources – £150 (of which £55 spent to date – Y1 dance and Badminton) Event entries such as cross country, athletics & membership of professional bodies – £150
Priorities for remaining SPF
CPD Swimming Lesson planning resources Funding targeted pupils participation in extra curricular activities
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