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J. Marotzke, R. Budich, A. Navarra, P. Kabat, B. Lawrence

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Presentation on theme: "J. Marotzke, R. Budich, A. Navarra, P. Kabat, B. Lawrence"— Presentation transcript:

1 J. Marotzke, R. Budich, A. Navarra, P. Kabat, B. Lawrence
ENES A network of European groups in climate/Earth system modeling Launched in 2001 by Guy Brasseur (MOU) More than 40 groups from academic, public and industrial world Main focus : discuss strategy to accelerate progress in climate/Earth system modelling and understanding Several EU projects PRISM, ENSEMBLES, METAFOR, COMBINE, IS-ENES, EUCLIPSE, EMBRACE Submitted IS-ENES2 Collaboration with PRACE & DEISA2 Scientific Board : S. Joussaume, J.C. André, J. Mitchell, T. Palmer, J. Marotzke, R. Budich, A. Navarra, P. Kabat, B. Lawrence

2 Dynamical Cores Workshop
IS-ENES Dynamical Cores Workshop Lecce, Italy December 14th -16th 2011 InfraStructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling IS-ENES Sylvie JOUSSAUME, CNRS-IPSL, Coordinator

3 IS-ENES : Infrastructure for ENES
EU FP7 project « Integrating Activities » 18 partners – coord IPSL 7.6 M€ Infrastructure : Models and their environment Model data Interface with HPC ecosystem Users : The ENES community Regional climate models Impact studies ENES Portal Europe : 6 global climate models CMCC, COSMOS, EC-Earth, Hadley, IPSL, Meteo-France

4 Objectives:
Integration of the European ESM community ENES strategy, exchange of expertise/training, portal Development of ESMs service on common tools and model components, common evaluation international standards Prepare for high-end simulations interface with PRACE, improve model performance Foster application of ESM simulations for climate change impacts dissemination of model results (CMIP5), interface with decision makers and users

5 Workshop on dynamical cores
ENES Strategy : Prepare next generation of climate models able to run on many-core HPC – peta/exascale Issue : need to revisit dynamical cores Europe: on-going national projects ICON (DE), Gung-Ho (UK), Dynamico (FR) … G8 project : ICOMEX (prepared within ENES on European side)

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