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Air Armament Symposium

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1 Air Armament Symposium
Transitioning Force Application Technologies to the Joint & Coalition Warfighter Sue C. Payton Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Systems & Concepts) Acting Director, Defense Research & Engineering UNCLASSIFIED Air Armament Symposium Ft Walton Beach FL October 4, 2005

2 Advanced Systems & Concepts
Rapidly Placing Relevant, Mature Technology into the Hands of Joint and Coalition Warfighters DoD’s Resource for Technology Transition Satellite Grid Theater Grid AS&C Partners with Services & Agencies to: Match technology to warfighting needs– lab and industry outreach Overcome resistance to transformational concepts Ensure technology contributes to joint/ coalition capabilities Provide joint warfighters with options for integrating service capabilities Transfer DoD technology to the private sector: An industry on-ramp and access to meeting warfighter needs Strategic/Tactical Grids Weapon Grids NOT INTEGRATED Defense Acquisition Challenge Aerogel for Ships: Fire barrier, IR Suppression, Blast Mitigation, Decreased Weight, Volume, Installation Costs, and Fuel Savings Tomahawk JASSM-ER SDB WCMD ER JSOW Surface Grids Surface Grids Surface Grids CONR AOC JMI TDL Sensors CANADA Tactical Radar Joint Surveillance System Radars SECTOR Q - 93 FAA Segways help warfighters in theatre with ordnance disposal Joint Based Expeditionary Connectivity Center (JBECC) Existing Landlines Patriot Area Cruise Missile Defense (ACMD) ACTD integrates civilian and military sensors into a single air-defense common operational picture. Video Title III’s Laser Protective Eyewear project established a domestic supplier for high performance infrared coatings for spectacles, goggles and visors.

3 DDR&E and AS&C Transition Programs - Including Flagship ACTD Program
Pre-Systems Acquisition Systems Acquisition (Engineering Development, Demonstration, LRIP & Production) Sustainment & Maintenance A Concept & Tech Development B System Development & Demonstration C Production & Deployment IOC Support Initial Product/ Process Capability Product/Process Development Insertion Improvement & Sustainment ACTDs / JCTDs Joint Warfighting Program (JWP) Tech Transition Initiative Defense Acq Challenge QRSP: Quick Reaction Fund Foreign Comparative Testing Independent Research & Development Tech Link Manufacturing Technology – ManTech Title III of the Defense Production Act Emergent Mature Technology…Innovative Concepts…Transformational Capabilities for Joint Warfighters

4 FY 2006 AS&C Resources Overview (Direct Oversight of $325M) as of Feb 2005
Source: FY 2006 President’s Budget Program $M Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) (BA-3) $164 Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) (BA-3/4/5 & Procure) $40 Joint Warfighting Program (JWP)-BA-3 $10 Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT)-BA-6 $36 Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III $13 Technology Transition Initiative (TTI)-BA-3 $30 TechLink (BA-3) $3 Defense Acquisition Challenge Pgm (DACP)-BA-5 $29 RDT&E/DW: $311M DPA Title III Procurement: $13M OSD Maj Equip-JCTD Procure: $1M

5 FY 2006 RDT&E President’s Budget Request
OSD Defense Wide Transition Programs Highly Leveraged across Service and Agency Budgets. Less than half a percent of RDT&E supports AS&C programs BA7 Operational Systems Development ($21.16B) (BA6 + BA7 = $24.93B) BA6 RDT&E Management Support ($3.77B) Components (All RDT&E) $B USA 9.73 USAF 22.61 USN 18.04 Def Agency & SOCOM 18.97 BA5 System Development & Demonstration ($19.75B) Development (BA4 + BA5 = $33.89B) BA4 Advanced Component Development & Prototypes ($14.14B) Defense Wide DUSD (AS&C) RDT&E Support Totals $311 M (~200 M from ACTD/JCTD BA-3) Technology Base (BA1 + 2) = $5.46B) Science and Technology (BA1 + BA2 + BA3 = $10.52B) BA3 Advanced Technology Development ($5.06B) 15% of RDT&E BA2 Applied Research ($4.14B) BA1 Basic Research ($1.32B)

6 It’s all about… Innovation !
"No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris."  - Orville Wright. "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." - Marshal Ferdinand Foch [Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre] (circa 1911) He was Supreme Commander of Allied forces, 1918 "Airplanes suffers from so many technical faults that it is only a matter of time before any reasonable man realizes that they are useless!" - Scientific American (1910) "Even if a submarine should work by a miracle, it will never be used. No country in this world would ever use such a vicious and petty form of warfare!" - William Henderson, British Admiral (1914) "Radio is just a fashion contrivance that will soon die out. It is obvious that there never will be invented a proper receiver!" - Thomas Edison “Many innovations require a lengthy period of many years from the time when they become available to the time when they are widely adopted. Therefore, a common problem for many individuals and organizations is how to speed up the rates of diffusion of an innovation.” —Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations

7 Force Application ACTDs… Big Enabler on the Battlefield!
Net Centric Collaborative Targeting (NCCT) Multi-INT Targeting Short On-Time Threat Emitters Thermobaric Weapon (Eglin/DTRA Team) ACTD Team of the Year – 2005 !! Weapon Data Link Network (WDLN) Realizing the great potential of an ‘integrated’ weapons grid Tunnel Target Defeat (TTD) Strategic HDBT Defeat Planning/Targeting Tools Active Denial System (ADS) Non-Lethal Force Application capabilities

8 Challenge of Jointness
"The ability of the armed services – the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard – to work together is increasing. It has to increase. Jointness has to become the rule and not an occasional luxury.” Secretary of Defense Speech at the Association of the U.S. Army Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Oct. 27, 2004 “The rapidly changing international environment and the global war on terrorism require that we create joint capabilities more quickly.” General Myers, CJCS “Finally, I will add that we are encouraged by recent actions taken by DOD to initiate a joint capability technology demonstration business process as it is intended to meet joint and coalition forces needs and promotes many of the good practices we outlined above. To be successful, this process must have the authority and clout to overcome traditional barriers and the tools necessary to drive a knowledge-based, evolutionary acquisition approach.” Testimony before the HASC Subcommittee on Tactical Air & Land Forces by Michael Sullivan, Acting Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management (March 2005)

9    What are Joint Capabilities? AS&C Program Perspective
Multi-Service Core Capabilities Common denominator Military forces provided worldwide as self- integrated, self-sustaining echelons by the Services and their Components. (GPS, Movement Tracking System) Joint Enabling Capabilities Additional capabilities required by warfighters to exercise joint planning, execution, Command & Control, and to enable core military elements to function effectively as a coherent joint / Coalition force. (Network Centric Operations, Common Op Picture) Unique Regional / Specified Mission Requirements Capabilities beyond common core military capabilities required by warfighters to effectively function in operational environments associated with assigned regional or specified missions. (Foliage Penetrating Radar, Language Translators) “Joint is an inter-Service reliance acting together as one - not a patchwork of deconflicted Service operations.” (General Tommy Franks, excerpts from American Soldier)

10 Resource Perspective: Core Military Capabilities and Joint Enablers
Characterization of CoCom Needs: Core Service-specific capabilities (~80%?) Joint / Coalition military capabilities (~20%?) Nature of CoCom Joint Needs: Interactive, Multi-Service core military capabilities Joint / Coalition enabling capabilities Unique Regional/Specified mission needs ACTD / JCTD Target Area ACTD / JCTD Target Area ACTD / JCTD Target Area

11 ACTD Projects Positioned between S&T & Acquisition
Filling the Gap between S&T and Acquisition for the CoCom Customer Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations “Try before you buy” S&T Acquisition & Logistics ACTDs are a Transition Tool 76% of all ACTDs transition at least one product into a warfighting capability “The 80% Solution” Transition programs are not acquisition programs, and should not be science projects

12 The ACTD Program is Still in Transition
The ACTD program is 11 years old …. 144 Programs Started to Date (Products from 54 deployed to OIF) LOTS of Successes … So why change it???

13 The World is Changing and… ‘Old’ Problems Persist
We are a Nation at War… Multiple Tech Push Activities On Going CTTTF, REF, IED Task Force Relatively Small, Rapid and Lacking Transition Planning Joint and Coalition Capabilities are Still Orphans Requirements & IPL Process Tends to ‘Homogenize’ COCOM Needs Now-Year Funding Disrupts Existing Service Programs… dis-incentivizes ‘partnerships’

14 The ACTD Business Model needs to Change
CoCom Current Process does not create a positive incentive to participate in Joint, Coalition, or Transformational technologies Most CoCom customers have no RDT&E resources (Exception: SOCOM, JFCOM, and TRANSCOM in FY-06)

15 – NEW – Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD)
• Improves ACTD process/replaces ACTDs over next 3 years (Oversight--not Program Management) • Designed to speed transformational, joint and coalition capabilities • Works with combatant commands to identify solutions emerging/validated needs • Partners with services/agencies to push technology solutions • Final demonstration phase reached in two years for most JCTDs • 80% of JCTDs will transition at least 50% of their products • Majority of JCTD start up and transition costs centrally funded, vice “pass the hat” Joint Transformational Coalition The SPARTAN ACTD demonstrates a multi-mission unmanned surface vessel (USV) capability that will can transform the way our forces provide ship/harbor security. U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force are working with UK on the Network Centric Collaborative Targeting ACTD to horizontally integrate intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance platforms for target identification and geolocation. Pakistani troops deploying for Tsunami relief effort with help from Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD “We are encouraged by recent actions taken by DOD to initiate a Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration business process as it is intended to meet joint and coalition forces needs we have outlined.” GAO--Michael Sullivan, Director Acquisition & Source Mgt, HASC sub-committee on Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, 9 March

16 Force Application Needs for the Future
QDR is mandating new capabilities Combating WMD… in all phases Effective Agent Defeat STRATCOM’s Global Strike / ISR / IO Mission Prompt Global Strike (conventional capability) Robust HDBT Defeat Capability Target sets going deeper FCT: Programmable Intelligent Multi-Purpose Fuse (PIMPF) Geospatial Intelligence (Better Accuracy! / TLEs too large!) Immediate targeting of battlefield sensors (UAVs Included) for rapid employment of GPS Weaponry Moving Targets – Advanced SAMs / Counter Maritime

17 Value of Speed… global strike
Benefits Reduced Adversary Detection and Reaction Time Reduced Strike Package Assets Increased Engagement Area by a Single Platform Increased Shooter Survivability Increased Kills per Launch Address the Deep Penetration Problem 1.8m (speed) ~ Survivability/Vulnerability ~ 1/10 (Signature) Space Access Reconnaissance Theater of Operation Anti-access Boost/Ascent NPR Time Critical Target Long Range Strike Cruise Cruise Missile Defense SEAD

18 Entitlements are Growing
$ billions Billions of dollars

19 Immediate Challenges for the Future…
Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) SOCOM trying to field / develop TTPs & CONOPs for airborne Directed Energy Weapons GRIDLOCK Still need ‘target coordinate’ quality Motion Imagery capability onboard Predator! Precision View AoA to determine the potential for platform accuracy measurements Fix the Predator ‘streaming’ Data Architecture so we can geo-register the video Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology (AT3) Bring the shooters into the NCCT solution!

20 AS&C Programs
Website Phone Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) (703) DPA Title III (703) Independent R & D Comparative Test Office (FCTs) (703) Def Acquisition Challenge (703) Technology Transfer (703) TechLink TechMatch NATIBO Dual Use S&T Tech. Transition Initiative (703) ManTech (703)

21 Acquisition, Technology & Logistics
Advanced Systems & Concepts

22 Weapon Datalink Network
Problem -- Weapon connectivity to ISR, C2 and Strike A/C needed for improved weapon precision, moving target engagement, responsiveness to TSTs, weapon tracking, weapon BIA and abort on command Objectives -- Define requirements for network weapon integration -- Demonstrate network that provides weapon status, re-targeting, target updates, BIA Technologies -- AFRL ATD Weapon Data Link Transceiver -- Miniaturized network transceiver suitable for captive flight testing -- Network weapons message set -- Standardized messages (uses, meanings, time slots) for C2, shooters, ISR, TACPs -- Link 16 and/or UHF networks Residuals -- Requirements for C2 networks, initial CONOPS, Interface Control Document (ICD) defining network weapon messages -- Weapon JTRS compliance definition -- Pod for weapon/network integration testing Comments -- ICD invaluable for weapon datalink network-centric interoperability -- Shortens F2T2EA kill chain for TSTs -- Enhances weapon precision Participants -- ACC, AFMC (AFRL/MN & IF, Air Armament Center & Electronic Systems Center) -- Navy (SPAWAR & NAVAIR) -- DARPA Schedule: -- FY05/06 ACTD - FY07 Transition 9/19/2018

23 Network-Centric Collaborative
Targeting (NCCT) FY 2001 Problem This Solves: Lack of PGM quality targeting information on mobile / relocatable time critical targets to support rapid engagement. Solution: Horizontally integrate ISR platforms in a network centric environment to allow machine-to-machine collaboration on target identification and geolocation. Airborne SIGINT with MTI. Participants: USCENTCOM, USAF, USA, USN, NRO Schedule: FY01-2Q04: Incremental phased development & assessment simulation & live-fly all platforms integrated on network 3Q04-05: Residuals and ‘one year earlier than planned’ transition Status: All participants up on classified network integrating Systems Integration Labs (SILs). Running actual software on systems. Interim MUA completed at JEFX04 Summer 2004. Army working GUARDRAIL participation for future inclusion into the net.

24 Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations (JCTDs)
A coherent approach that provides a means for demonstrated new joint and coalition capabilities to transition without traditional barriers (a “cradle to grave”/initial sustain model). Developed to address concerns of CoCom customers, USD (AT&L) and Comptroller, GAO, DSB, & Congressional Staff. FY-2006 JCTD Business Model established using only DUSD (AS&C) resources. Introduce a new generation of demonstration processes… faster start, reduced risk, enabling Service partnerships and enhancing transition. Initiated in FY06, JCTDs will be a phased replacement for ACTDs over 3-5 years

25 Joint/Coalition Technology C2 Success
Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination Systems (JADOCS) Product from the Theatre Precision Strike Operations ACTD (FY99-03) Over 2,000 workstations supporting CENTCOM, PACOM, EUCOM & USFK TBMCS Nominations ATO/ACO Air Operations DB C2PC Overlays AFATDS Fire Missions Fire Plans Measures Status and Location IOS Tracks Unit Reports Order of Battle MCS Blue Order of Battle No Strike List Restricted Target List GCCS / GCCS-M ADSI Air Tracks MIDS Integrated Database IPL Imagery ASAS/RWS Enemy OB TACELINT Radar Reports Target Nominations IFSAS Fires Information GCCS-A Enemy and Friendly JSWS Radar Reports MTI AMPS Air Routes Radars Q-36 Q-37 CGS UAV JWIS Weather Battlespace Awareness SBMCS Ground Tracks GPS Accuracy FALCONVIEW JADOCS used from the first day of the Iraq war… (and still being used today)

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