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FAEN 108 Basic Electronics

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1 FAEN 108 Basic Electronics
Introduction Kirchhoff’s laws Measurements of voltages, currents and resistances Resistors, Capacitors and inductors History of Electronics and impact of electronics in everyday life. Signals and systems

2 What is Electricity? Everything is made of atoms
There are 118 elements, an atom is a single part of an element Atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons

3 Electrons (- charge) are attracted to protons (+ charge), this holds the atom together
Some materials have strong attraction and refuse to loss electrons, these are called insulators (air, glass, rubber, most plastics) Some materials have weak attractions and allow electrons to be lost, these are called conductors (copper, silver, gold, aluminum) Electrons can be made to move from one atom to another, this is called a current of electricity.

4 Surplus of electrons is called a negative charge (-)
Surplus of electrons is called a negative charge (-). A shortage of electrons is called a positive charge (+). A battery provides a surplus of electrons by chemical reaction. By connecting a conductor from the positive terminal to negative terminal electrons will flow.

5 Voltage A battery positive terminal (+) and a negative terminal (-). The difference in charge between each terminal is the potential energy the battery can provide. This is labeled in units of volts. Water Analogy

6 Voltage Sources:

7 Voltage is like differential pressure,
always measure between two points. Measure voltage between two points or across a component in a circuit. When measuring DC voltage make sure polarity of meter is correct, positive (+) red, negative (-) black.

8 Ground

9 Current Uniform flow of electrons thru a circuit is called current.

10 Measurement is imperfect because of voltage drop created by meter.
To measure current, must break circuit and install meter in line. Measurement is imperfect because of voltage drop created by meter.

11 Resistance All materials have a resistance that is dependent on cross-sectional area, material type and temperature. A resistor dissipates power in the form of heat

12 Various resistors types

13 When measuring resistance, remove
component from the circuit.

14 Resistor Color Code

15 Ohm’s Law

16 Prototyping Board Example of how components are
Inserted in the protoboard

17 Capacitance A capacitor is used to store charge for a short amount of time Capacitor Battery Unit = Farad Pico Farad - pF = 10-12F Micro Farad - uF = 10-6F


19 Capacitor Charging

20 Capacitor Discharge

21 Inductance


23 History of Electronics
The history of electronics is a story of the twentieth century and three key components—the vacuum tube, the transistor, and the integrated circuit. In 1883, Thomas Alva Edison discovered that electrons will flow from one metal conductor to another through a vacuum. This discovery of conduction became known as the Edison effect. In 1904, John Fleming applied the Edison effect in inventing a two-element electron tube called a diode. Lee De Forest followed in 1906 with the three-element tube, the triode. These vacuum tubes were the devices that made manipulation of electrical energy possible so it could be amplified and transmitted.

24 History of Electronics
The early history of electronics is closely tied to experimentation of vacuum tube developed by Sir William Crookes. Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen, discovered X rays in 1895. In 1897, Ferdinand Braun, a German physicist modified the Crookes tube to make the first oscilloscope, an instrument that produces a visual image of an electric signal.

25 Interest in improving the reception of radio waves led to the invention of the vacuum-tube diode in 1904 by Sir John Fleming, an English electrical engineer, and to the invention of the vacuum-tube triode in 1907 by Lee De Forest, a United States inventor. The invention of the triode was a key event in the history of electronics, since it was the first electronic amplifier.

26 Vacuum-tube Technology
During World War I there was an increased interest in developing radio and electronics, and by 1920 the development of vacuum tubes and circuits employing them had advanced to the point where their superiority over all other devices used in radio transmitters and receivers was apparent. Regular commercial radio broadcasting in the United States began in 1920, and the demand for household receivers soon made electronics an important industry. Certain technical limitations in the operation of electron tubes were overcome with the development of the pentode in 1929. The advances being made at this time helped lead to the development of television; the first regular television broadcasting began in 1936, in London.

27 During World War II, emphasis was placed on the development of electronics for military use. Radar was greatly improved and in 1944 the first large electronic digital computer, ENIAC, was built. The main purpose of the computer was to speed up the calculation of tables of data for aiming artillery. The electronics industry emerged from the war as a major industry. Its growth following the war continued as television manufacturing entered a boom period and military programs demanded more advanced electronic technology.

28 Transistor Technology
In 1948 William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter H. Brattain of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed the first transistor, a forerunner of the bipolar junction transistor. During the early 1950's the technology was developed to mass-produce transistors. The advantage of semiconductor devices over electron tubes created a demand for techniques to further reduce the amount of space required for electronic components. An important step toward miniaturizing electronic components was the introduction of the integrated circuit in the early 1960's. The techniques necessary to fabricate such circuits were pioneered by Jack Kirby of Texas Instruments in 1959.

29 Microelectronics During the 1970's and 1980's the size of the components of integrated circuits continued to be reduced and the number of components that could be produced on each chip grew rapidly. With increasing miniaturization, the capabilities of the electronic circuits and the speed at which they could perform their functions greatly increased thus reducing the cost of production. Through the 1980's and into the 1990's, the variety of products being built with electronic components increased, and the use of electronic control devices led to greater automation. Microelectronics led to the development of new technologies, such as digital audio recording; to the introduction of new products, such as personal computers; and to the reduction in the size of portable telephones and many other electronic products.



32 History of Electronics












44 Electronic Devices and Systems
Electronics may be defined as the science and technology of electronic devices and systems. Electronic devices are primarily non-linear devices such as diodes and transistors and in general integrated circuits (ICs) in which small signals (voltages and currents) are applied to them. Resistors, capacitors and inductors existed long ago before the advent of semiconductor diodes and transistors, these devices are thought of as electrical devices and the systems that consist of these devices are generally said to be electrical rather than electronic systems. With today’s technology, ICs are getting smaller and smaller and thus the modern IC technology is referred to as microelectronics.

45 Signals and Signal Classifications
A signal is any waveform that serves as a means of communication. It represents a fluctuating electric quantity, such as voltage, current, electric or magnetic field strength, sound, image, or any message transmitted or received in telegraphy, telephony, radio, television, or radar.

46 Amplifiers An amplifier is an electronic circuit which increases the magnitude of the input signal. The symbol of a typical amplifier is a triangle as shown below:

47 Amplification An amplifier can be classified as a voltage, current or power amplifier. The gain of an amplifier is the ratio of the output to the input. Thus, for a voltage amplifier

48 Voltage Amplifier Equivalent Circuit
Amplifiers are often represented by equivalent circuits* also known as circuit models. The equivalent circuit of a voltage amplifier is shown. The ideal characteristics for the circuit of

49 Current Amplifier Equivalent Circuit

50 Ohm’s law V1 I R V2 Current = voltage / resistance I = V / R V = I x R
Definitions Voltage = potential energy / unit charge, units = Volts Current = charge flow rate, units = Amps Resistance = friction, units = Ohms Example Voltage drop when current flows through resistor V1 - V2 = I R V1 R I V2

51 Schematics Symbols represent circuit elements Lines are wires Battery
+ Battery Sample circuit V + I R Resistor Ground Ground voltage defined = 0

52 Parallel and series resistors
same current flows through all Parallel save voltage across all Series circuit V = R1 I + R2 I = Reff I Reff = R1 + R2 + Note: these points are connected together I V R1 R2 Parallel circuit I = V/R1 + V/R2 = V/Reff 1/Reff = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + V R1 R2 I1 I2 I

53 Resistive voltage divider
Series resistor circuit Reduce input voltage to desired level Advantages: simple and accurate complex circuit can use single voltage source Disadvantage: dissipates power easy to overload need Rload << R2 Resistive divider I = Vin/Reff = Vout/R2 Vout = Vin (R2 / (R1 + R2) ) + Vin R1 R2 I Vout New schematic symbol: external connection

54 Variable voltage divider
Use potentiometer (= variable resistor) Most common: constant output resistance Variable voltage divider Vout = Vin (Rout / (Rvar + Rout) ) New schematic symbol: potentiometer I Vout Vin Rvar + Rout I

55 Capacitors Charge = voltage x capacitance Q = C V Definitions
Charge = integrated current flow , units = Coloumbs = Amp - seconds I = dQ/dt Capacitance = storage capacity, units = Farads Example Capacitor charging circuit Time constant = RC = t Vout t Vin t = RC Capacitor charging curve time constant = RC New schematic symbol: capacitor + V R C I Vout Q Capacitor charging circuit V = VR + VC = R dQ/dt + Q/C dQ/dt + Q/RC = V/R Q = C V (1 - exp(-t/RC)) Vout = Vin (1 - exp(-t/RC))

56 AC circuits C R Replace battery with sine (cosine) wave source
V = V0 cos(2 p f t) Definitions Frequency f = cosine wave frequency, units = Hertz Examples Resistor response: I = (V0/R) cos(2 p f t) Capacitor response: Q = CV0 cos(2 p f t) I = - 2 p f CV0 sin(2 p f t) Current depends on frequency negative sine wave replaces cosine wave - 90 degree phase shift = lag Capacitive ac circuit 90 degree phase lag V0 cos(2 p f t) R I = (V0/R) cos(2 p f t) Resistive ac circuit New schematic symbol: AC voltage source V0 cos(2 p f t) C I = - 2 p f CV0 sin(2 p f t)

57 Simplified notation: ac-circuits
V = V0 cos(2 p f t) = V0 [exp(2 p j f t) + c.c.]/2 Drop c.c. part and factor of 1/2 V = V0 exp(2 p j f t) Revisit resistive and capacitive circuits Resistor response: I = (V0/R) exp(2 p j f t) = V / R = V/ ZR Capacitor response: I = 2 p j f CV0 exp(2 p j f t) = (2 p j f C) V = V/ ZC Definition: Impedance, Z = effective resistance, units Ohms Capacitor impedance ZC = 1 / (2 p j f C) Resistor impedance ZR = R Impedance makes it look like Ohms law applies to capacitive circuits also Capacitor response I = V / ZC

58 Explore capacitor circuits
Impedance ZC = 1/ (2 p j f C) Limit of low frequency f ~ 0 ZC --> infinity Capacitor is open circuit at low frequency Limit of low frequency f ~ infinity ZC --> 0 Capacitor is short circuit at low frequency Capacitive ac circuit V0 cos(2 p f t) C I = V/ZC

59 Revisit capacitor charging circuit
Replace C with impedance ZC Charging circuit looks like voltage divider Vout = Vin (ZC / (ZR + ZC) ) = Vin / (1 + 2 p j f R C ) Low-pass filter Crossover when f = 1 / 2 p R C = 1 / 2 p t , t is time constant lower frequencies Vout ~ Vin = pass band higher frequencies Vout ~ Vin / (2 p j f R C ) = attenuated Capacitor charging circuit = Low-pass filter Vin = V0 cos(2 p f t) R C I Vout Low-pass filter response time constant = RC = t logVin Single-pole rolloff 6 dB/octave = 10 dB/decade knee log(Vout) f = 1 / 2 p t log( f )

60 Capacitor charging circuit
Inductors Voltage = rate of voltage change x inductance V = L dI/dt Definitions Inductance L = resistance to current change, units = Henrys Impedance of inductor: ZL = (2 p j f L) Low frequency = short circuit High frequency = open circuit Inductors rarely used Capacitor charging circuit = Low-pass filter High-pass filter response Vin = V0 cos(2 p f t) R L I New schematic symbol: Inductor Vout logVin log(Vout) f = R / 2 p j L log( f )

61 Capacitor filters circuits
Can make both low and high pass filters Low-pass filter Vin = V0 cos(2 p f t) R C I Vout High-pass filter Vin = V0 cos(2 p f t) C R I Vout log(Vout) log( f ) logVin f = 1 / 2 p t Gain response knee log(Vout) log( f ) logVin f = 1 / 2 p t Gain response phase log( f ) f = 1 / 2 p t Phase response -90 degrees phase log( f ) f = 1 / 2 p t Phase response -90 degrees 0 degrees 0 degrees

62 Summary of schematic symbols
Potentiometer Resistor + Battery Potentiometer 2-inputs plus center tap Capacitor AC voltage source Inductor Diode Ground Non-connecting wires External connection - + Op amp

63 Color code Color black brown red orange yellow green blue violet gray
Resistor values determined by color Three main bands 1st = 1st digit 2nd = 2nd digit 3rd = # of trailing zeros Examples red, brown, black no zeros = 21 Ohms yellow, brown, green = 4.1 Mohm purple, gray, orange = 78 kOhms Capacitors can have 3 numbers use like three colors Color black brown red orange yellow green blue violet gray white Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

64 Exercise Measure DC voltage from power supply using multimeter
Measure DC voltage from power supply using oscilloscope Measure DC voltage from battery using multimeter Measure AC voltage from wall outlet using a multimeter Measure AC voltage from wall outlet using an oscilloscope Effective or Root Mean Square Voltage (Measured with multimeter) ERMS=0.707xEA E

65 Exercise Determine the resistance of various resistors of unknown value using the resistor color code Using the multimeter, compare the specified resistance and measured resistance Using the multimeter to examine the characteristics of various potentiometers

66 Exercise Calculate the total current and voltage drop across each resistor shown in Figure 1 Build the circuit in Figure 1 on the prototype board Measure the total circuit current and voltage drops across each resistor and compare the calculated and measured values

67 SERIES ELEMENTS KCL tells us that all of the elements in a single branch carry the same current. We say these elements are in series. Current entering node = Current leaving node i1 = i2

68 Thus, equivalent resistance of resistors in series is the sum
Circuit with several resistors in series: Find “equivalent resistance” R 2 1 VSS I 3 4 + KCL tells us same current flows through every resistor KVL tells us Clearly, Thus, equivalent resistance of resistors in series is the sum

69 VOLTAGE DIVIDER Circuit with several resistors in series We know I + V1 R 1 Thus, R 2 + VSS + V3 R 3 R 4 and etc…

2 1 V SS I 3 4 - + I R 2 1 3 4 - + V2 + 2 V - + - V I SS 3 R 5 SS 4 3 2 1 V R × + = SS 4 3 2 1 V R × + Correct if nothing else connected to nodes because R removes condition of 5 resistors in series I 3

71 MEASURING CURRENT To measure current in a circuit, insert DMM (in current mode) into circuit, in series with measured element. But ammeters change the circuit. Ammeters are characterized by their “ammeter input resistance,” Rin. Ideally this should be very low. Typical value 1W. Ideal Ammeter Real Ammeter ? Rin

72 Example: V = 1 V: R1= R2 = 500 W, Rin = 1W
MEASURING CURRENT Potential measurement error due to non-zero input resistance: I I meas ammeter R R 1 1 R in _ + _ + V V R R 2 2 undisturbed circuit with ammeter Example: V = 1 V: R1= R2 = 500 W, Rin = 1W

KVL tells us that any set of elements which are connected at both ends carry the same voltage. We say these elements are in parallel. KVL clockwise, start at top: Vb – Va = 0 Va = Vb

74 Resistors in parallel can be made into one equivalent resistor
x KCL tells us Iss = I1 + I2 I I 1 2 ISS R R 1 2 The two resistors are in parallel; they have the same voltage VX = I1 R1 = I2 R2 ground Iss = VX / R1 + VX / R VX = Iss R1 R2 / (R1+R2) Generally, Req = (R1-1 + R2-1 + R3-1 + …)-1

75 For resistors in series:
IMPORTANT FACTS For resistors in series: Current through Req is equal to the current through each of the original resistors (all have same current) Voltage over Req is the sum of the voltages over the original resistors For resistors in parallel: Current through Req is equal to the sum of the currents through each of the original resistors Voltage over Req is equal to the voltage over the original resistors (all have same voltage)

76 CURRENT DIVIDER There is a simple equation for the way current splits between two parallel resistors: x Remember VX = I1 R1 = ISS Req I I 1 2 ISS R R 1 2 ground

77 REAL VOLTMETERS How is voltage measured? Digital multimeter (DMM) in parallel with measured element. Connecting a real voltmeter across two nodes changes the circuit. The voltmeter may be modeled by an ideal voltmeter (open circuit) in parallel with a resistance: “voltmeter input resistance,” Rin. Typical value: 10 MW Ideal Voltmeter Real Voltmeter Rin

78 Computation of voltage (uses ideal voltmeter)
REAL VOLTMETERS Computation of voltage (uses ideal voltmeter) Measurement of voltage (with loading by real voltmeter) R R 1 1 + - + + - + VSS VSS R V R 2 2 2 R in - - Example: But if a 1% error

+ + C2 i(t) C1 | ( | ( | ( V i(t) Ceq V(t) Equivalent capacitance defined by

80 CAPACITORS IN SERIES | ( | ( C1 V1 i(t) C2 V2 +  Veq + 
Equivalent to Ceq i(t)

81 DIGITAL CIRCUIT: DRAM + initially uncharged -

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