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Pencils , pens, & highlighters 2 folders with brads & pockets

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1 Pencils , pens, & highlighters 2 folders with brads & pockets
Seventh Grade Reading/English Mrs. Pender Text the To the number to receive remind messages. communication with the teacher 1 2 Remind101 app 3 School/class web page seventh grade Text Message Alerts to 81010 preparation class materials 1 2 3 Come prepared to class with your binder, writing utensils, & AR book. Start working on bell ringers immediately so class can start within five minutes of the bell. This is when I will grade your bell ringers and/or homework. Work should be turned in on its due date at the beginning of class. See page 2 for make-up policy. 1 composition notebook ________ Pencils , pens, & highlighters ______ ______ 2 folders with brads & pockets __ paper to fill multi-subject binder responsibility grades Weekly and daily work will be updated on the class website (bell ringers, assignments, and quizzes). Please check grades regularly and feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about a particular grade. If you are absent, you are responsible for completing your make-up work (one day for make-up for each day absent). This can be done before or after school or via . Cold Reads Article of the Week Essays & Projects Quizzes AR Bell ringers/daily Work Vocabulary .

2 homework Novels/and Reading units assignment formatting
policy for absences and grades . Check the class website for assignments, due dates, quiz dates, etc. If you are absent, you are responsible for completing your make-up work (one day for make-up for each day absent). All make-up work will be placed in the absent bin according to the day of the month you miss and your name will be written on any work you missed. It is your responsibility to ask a classmate or me for help on making up any bellringers or assignments. If you know you are going to be absent beforehand, you should ask me for your make-up work before the absence. This can be done before or after school or via . . How to Write a Memoir The Giver Chasing Lincoln’s Killer assignment formatting All typed assignments must be in 12 PT TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT, double-spaced, and have 1” margins with your name, class period, and date in the top left corner with a centered title. All hand-written assignments, including classwork must have a heading at the top left of the paper with your name, class period, and date. homework How can I succeed in class Students should read every night. Students will be required to read AR books and take quizzes on those books for a 100 point grade each nine weeks. The AR points/ Goals will be determined after each student has taken the STAR test at the beginning of the school year. Most work will be able to be completed in class if students use their time wisely. The exception to this would be studying for vocabulary and spelling quizzes. Students can use the Quizlet website to study. Turn in all your work. Always strive to improve. Ask questions when you don’t understand. Always feel free to see me before school starts, during RTI, or after school if you need some extra help. Treat myself and others with RESPECT. Read. Read. Read. Write. Write. Write. If students do not complete work during class, in the time allotted, it will be assigned as homework so students can adhere to the determined deadlines.

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