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The Control of Microbial Growth

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1 The Control of Microbial Growth
Chapter 7 The Control of Microbial Growth

2 The Control of Microbial Growth
Sepsis refers to microbial contamination. Asepsis is the absence of significant contamination. Aseptic surgery techniques prevent microbial contamination of wounds.

3 Sterilization: Removal of all microbial life

4 Commercial Sterilization: Killing Clostredium botulinum endospores

5 Disinfection: Removal Of pathogens

6 Antisepsis: Removal of pathogens from living tissue

7 Terminology Degerming: Removal of microbes from a limited area( Particularly the skin). Sanitization: Lower microbial counts on eating utensils Biocide/Germicide: Kills microbes Bacteriostasis: Inhibiting, not killing, microbes

8 Bacterial populations die at a constant logarithmic rate.
Figure 7.1a

9 Effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment depends on:
Number of microbes Environment a. Organic matter b. Temperature c. Biofilms Time of exposure Microbial characteristics Figure 7.1b

10 Actions of Microbial Control Agents
Alteration of bacterial plasma membrane permeability Damage to proteins Damage to nucleic acids


12 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Heat Thermal death point (TDP): Lowest temperature at which all cells in a culture are killed in 10 min. Thermal death time (TDT): Time to kill all cells in a culture Decimal reduction time (DRT): Minutes to kill 90% of a population at a given temperature

13 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
At sea level , normal atmospheric pressure is 15 pounds per square inch psi , or 1 atmosphere. At this pressure , water will boil at 100°C At 20 psi (5 psi above normal) the temperature of steam is 109 °C At 30 psi (15 psi above normal) it will be 121 °C

14 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Moist heat Denatures proteins Autoclave: Steam under pressure Figure 7.2

15 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Autoclave Used for heat resistant materials, glass wares , metalic instruments, liquid , paper and some media.

16 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Pasteurization disinfection of beverages Pasteurization reduces spoilage organisms and pathogens Equivalent treatments 1- 63°C for 30 min

17 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Pasteurization 2- High-temperature short-time 72°C for 15 sec effective against certain resistant pathogens such as Coxiella and Mycobacterium. Inactivate most viruses and destroy the vegetative stages of 97%-99% of bacteria and fungi. Do not kill endospores and yeasts.

18 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Pasteurization 3- Ultra-high-temperature: 140°C for <1 sec Thermoduric organisms survive

19 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Dry Heat Sterilization kills by oxidation 1- Flaming 2- Incineration Bunsen burners Reaches 1870°C at hottest point. laboratory instruments such as inoculating loops. Incinerators ( °C) syringes, needles, culture materials, bandages, pathology samples.

20 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
3- Hot-air sterilization Hot-air Autoclave Equivalent treatments 170˚C, 2 hr 121˚C, 15 min

21 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Tyndalization Steam at 100 °C for 3 days. Used for heat sensitive culture media. Egg, serum, carbohydrates which break down at higher temperature

22 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Filtration Sterilize heat sensitive materials ( culture media, enzymes, vaccines and antibiotic solutions). The pore size of membrane filter 0.22µm and 0.45 µm

23 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Filtration Spirochetes and Mycoplasma pass through membrane filter. Membrane filter with pore size µm retain viruses and large protein molecules.

24 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Low temperature Refrigeration (0C° - 7C° ) Reduce of reproduction. Reduce synthesize toxins. Bacteriostatic effect.

25 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Deep freezing Temperature from -70C° to -135 can preserve cultures of bacteria , viruses, and fungi for long period. Many parasites such as round worm are killed by several days.

26 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Lyophilization Combination of freezing and drying. Method of preserving microorganisms in a viable state for many years. Pure cultures are frozen instantaneously and simultaneously exposed to a vacuum that removes water, avoiding the formation of ice crystals. Not all cells survive.

27 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Refrigerator Pathogenic able to survive several months in the refrigerator. Staphylococcus aurous Clostredium species Streptococcus species Salmonella Yeast , molds, and viruses.

28 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Desiccation Vegetative cells directly exposed to normal room temperature gradually become dehydrated. Niesseria gonorrhea , Streptococcus pneumonia and the Spirochetes of syphilis die after a few hours of air dry. Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and the tubercle bacillus surrounded by sputum remain viable in air and dust. Physical Methods of Microbial Control

29 Desiccation Tuberculosis can remain viable for month. Many enveloped viruses and fungal spores can also withstand long periods of desiccation

30 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Desiccation Bacterial endospores have survive for centuries. Endospores remain in a hospital, dusts, clothing,and bedding might contain infectious microbes.

31 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
High pressure denatures proteins Osmotic pressure causes plasmolysis The use of high concentration of salt and sugars to preserve food is based on the effect of osmotic pressure.

32 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Radiation Radiation damages DNA 1- Ionizing radiation (X rays, gamma rays, electron beams) all can penetrate liquids and most solid materials. Gamma rays are most penetrating. X ray intermediate.

33 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
2- Non ionizing radiation (UV= ultra violet ) UV light damages DNA by formation bonds between adjacent thymine's DNA chains. These thymine dimers inhibit correct replication of the DNA during reproduction of the cell. UV radiation is also used to control microbes in the air.

34 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
UV lamp or germicidal lamp is commonly in hospital rooms, operating rooms, and cafeterias. UV light is also used to disinfect vaccines and other medical products. UV light can damage human eyes, and prolonged exposure can cause burns and skin cancer in human.

35 Physical Methods of Microbial Control

36 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
(Microwaves kill by heat; not especially antimicrobial)

37 Figure 7.5

38 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Certain foods do not irradiate well: The white of eggs become milky and liquid Grape fruit gets mushy Alfalfa seed do not germinate No ill effects from eating irradiated food.

39 Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Radiation used for :- Drugs Vaccine Medical instruments ( especially plastics ). Syringes Surgical gloves Tissues such as bone, skin and heart valves for grafting.

40 Chemical Methods of Microbial Control
Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Disinfection Concentration of disinfectant Organic matter pH Time

41 Chemical Methods of Microbial Control
Evaluating a disinfectant By disk-diffusion method Figure 7.6

42 Types of Disinfectants
Phenol Phenolics. O-phenylphenol Hexachlorophene Triclosan Disrupt plasma membranes Figure 7.7

43 Types of Disinfectants
Biguanides.( antimalarial drug) Chlorhexidine (mouthwash) Disrupt plasma membranes

44 Types of Disinfectants
Halogens. Iodine, Chlorine Oxidizing agents Bleach is hypochlorous acid (HOCl) Halogens react not only with living microorganisms but also with their environment, that is, dead bacteria, dissolved proteins, and amino acids.

45 Types of Disinfectants
Alcohols. Ethanol and isopropanol Denature proteins, dissolve lipids Table 7.6

46 Types of Disinfectants
Heavy Metals. Ag, Hg, Cu Silver ion at inactivating Escherichia coli   Copper inhibit bacteria, fungi and algae. Oligodynamic action Denature proteins

47 Types of Disinfectants
Surface-Active Agents or Surfactants Soap Degerming Acid-anionic detergents Sanitizing Quarternary ammonium compounds Cationic detergents Bactericidal, Denature proteins, disrupt plasma membrane

48 Types of Disinfectants
Chemical Food Preservatives Organic Acids :- Sorbic acid, benzoic acid, calcium propionate. Inhibit metabolism. Control molds and bacteria in foods and cosmetics. Nitrite prevents endospore germination. Antibiotics such as Nisin and natamycin prevent spoilage of cheese.

49 Types of Disinfectants
Aldehydes such as Glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde Inactivate proteins by cross-linking with functional groups (–NH2, –OH, –COOH, —SH)

50 Types of Disinfectants
Gaseous Sterilants such as Ethylene oxide Denature proteins

51 Types of Disinfectants
Peroxygens such as Ozone O3 Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 peracetic acid Oxidizing agents

52 Microbial Characteristics and Microbial Control
Figure 7.11

53 Microbial Characteristics and Microbial Control
Chemical agent Effectiveness against Endospores Mycobacteria Phenolics Poor Good Quats None Chlorines Fair Alcohols Glutaraldehyde

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