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Stefan Gijssels, Janssen Pharmaceutica

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Presentation on theme: "Stefan Gijssels, Janssen Pharmaceutica"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stefan Gijssels, Janssen Pharmaceutica
Employer Branding 9/19/2018 Stefan Gijssels, Janssen Pharmaceutica

2 The most attractive employer?

3 9/19/2018

4 Sales Volume of Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.
million euros Sales Volume of Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. The sales volume, or turnover, has grown steadily over the years both in Belgium and abroad. In particular, the increase in exports in the past few years is striking. Belgium: 1999: : : : : : 87 Abroad: 1999: 1, : 1, : 1, : 1, : 1, : 1,847 Total: 1999: 1, : 1, : 1, : 1, : 1, : 1,934

5 R&D Investments by Janssen Belgium
In millions of euro 9/19/2018

6 Employment at Janssen in Belgium

7 Randstad survey : Most Attractive Employer Percentage of people that spontaneously mention they want to work for company X 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 3 4 7 Period of intense and pro-active media relations & stakeholder engagement Period of company reorganisation & reactive external outreach

8 The fundamental questions?
Who Are We? How does the environment change? Where do we go? Who do we want to be? How will we differentiate ourselves? What are our values? What do we want to achieve? By when? How will we measure success? 9/19/2018

9 Employer branding???? Which brand???

10 9/19/2018

11 9/19/2018


13 We will tackle the five areas of high global unmet medical need
Neuroscience Schizophrenia, bipolar, Alzheimer’s and pain Breast, lung, prostate, B-cell malignancies, colorectal cancer Oncology Infectious Diseases HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, tuberculosis and influenza Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and pulmonary diseases Immunology Heart disease, diabetes and obesity Cardiovascular & Metabolism 9/19/2018

14 Vision & Mission Janssen EMEA will lead fundamental change in the way diseases are managed In our absolute commitment to patients, we will build innovative, integrated healthcare solutions that will restore and extend the quality of life, while at the same time creating economic value for society and our company. We will achieve this by working side-by-side with healthcare stakeholders We will focus our energy on five major therapeutic areas of unmet need: Neuroscience (schizophrenia, dementia, pain …), Infectious Diseases (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, tuberculosis, …), Oncology (multiple myeloma, prostate cancer, …), Immunology (psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, …), Metabolism (diabetes, obesity, …). We will continue to invest in our people to realize their personal growth and to build our leaders of the future 9/19/2018

15 The world is our laboratory
We Will Find Best Innovation Wherever It Exists Licensing and Acquisitions Discovery Early Development Late Development New Drug Application Internal Research The world is our laboratory External Innovation Academia Biotech Pharma Consortia 9/19/2018

16 Our aspiration Good for society Not good for society Unprofitable
Highly profitable 9/19/2018

17 Pharmaceutical companies : global ranking
Company Total Revenues (US$ billions) R&D Expenses (reported currency in millions) 1 Pfizer 50,01 $7,845 2 Roche 47,35 CHF 9,874 3 GlaxoSmithKline 45,83 £4,106 4 Novartis 44,27 $7,469 5 Sanofi-Aventis 41,99 €4,583 6 AstraZeneca 32,81 $4,409 7 Abbott Laboratories 30,76 $2,744 8 Merck & Co. 27,43 $5,800 9 Janssen 22,50 $4,591 10 Bayer HealthCare 22,30 €1,845 11 Eli Lilly 21,84 N/A 12 Bristol-Myers Squibb 18,81 $3,647 9/19/2018

18 The four P’s : excel in all areas
Product People Planet Profit GOALS METRICS PROGRAMS High therapeutic added value Cancer, Aids, alzheimer’s, diabetes, tuberculosis Best talent, diversity, safety, training, career mentoring, .... Sustainability programs, WWF Climate Champion, 100% green energy in Belgium, “Design For Environment”, .... Challenging times, but excellent long-term perspectives 9/19/2018

19 Communications is key Job recruitment days Media relations
Company visits Web-based communications Sustainability reports Lots and lots of direct engagement and contacts “14 Imperatives of improved communications” 9/19/2018

20 New design and new materials
Company story EMEA Intranet Advertisements EMEA website They want to know who we are … EMEA Newsletter Screensaver Videos Posters 9/19/2018

21 9/19/2018

22 Conclusion What is key in having a good employer branding :
Success salary, job security, long term perspective, innovation, training, ... International career opportunities, self-development, ... Proximity familiar, low threshold, ... Values diversity, environment, workplace environment, safety, work-life balance, training, ... 9/19/2018

23 The most attractive employer!

24 Thank You

25 Awards & Recognition 2009 Business & Society – Environment AWARD EOS - Dr. Paul Janssen : Greatest Belgian Scientist Award High Council for Prenvention & Safety at work 3C – IBIS Master Communicator Award Global Ergonomics Cup Agoria – Prevention Advisor Of The Year European Quality Manager Of The Year International Galien Award – Best Innovative Medicine CCTV – Janssen China : Most Attractive Employer Belgian Galien Award – Best Innovative Medicine Paul Janssen – Greatest Belgian – second place Trends – Ajit Shetty – Manager Of The Year Datanews – ICT Manager Of The Year IBIS Award 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 Datanews ICT Manager Of The Year 2005 2004 9/19/2018

26 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV invests…
ePharm.ppt 9/19/2018 7:47:32 AM Janssen Pharmaceutica NV invests… in buildings, equipment and new technology million euros Janssen invests in buildings, equipment and new technology The ever-increasing investments in buildings, equipment and new technology are essential to allow efficient and specialized work to continue into the future.

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