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While you’re waiting…Sign up for our text messages called Remind101.

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1 While you’re waiting…Sign up for our text messages called Remind101.
Welcome to Fifth Grade! While you’re waiting…Sign up for our text messages called Remind101. Ms. Christy’s, text with the Ms. Stacy’s, text with the receive schedule changes/assignment updates.

2 Ms. Christy Dye-Maclin Mrs. Kim Stacy Atoka Elementary School
Ms. Christy Dye-Maclin Mrs. Kim Stacy “It takes a village to raise a child”

3 Ms. Christy
2 boys Gregory (23 years old) Desmond (19 years old) 1 granddaughter Avah Ann (3 years old) She calls me “Honey”.  Bachelor’s of Arts in Elementary Education from University of Memphis Masters in Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Arkansas State University 7th year teaching Taught grades K, 1st, 2nd, and 5th Teach Math, Science, Social Studies Regina

4 Mrs. Kim Stacy My husband, Phillip, and I have been happily married for 23 years. We have two children, Emily (20) and Eric (18). This will be my 11th year teaching-9 years in 4th and my 2nd year in 5th.

5 Behavior Management By choosing NOT to follow conduct expectations, students choose to receive one or more of the following… 1st: Warning 2nd: 1  (1 conduct point) S- 3rd: Add 1  (2 conduct points) N 4th: Add 1  (3 conduct points) U Teacher will contact parent. 5th: Student will receive an office referral in addition to consequences 1-4. **SEVERE MISCONDUCT WILL RESULT IN AN IMMEDIATE OFFICE REFERRAL Regina

6 Conduct Grade Scale The conduct grade will be calculated via the T.R.A.C.K. point system. Daily conduct grade will be written in the agenda. Unless we contact you by phone, , or note, your student’s conduct IS NOT a serious problem. DAILY: S = 0 points S- = 1 point N = 2 points U = 3 points 9-WEEKS: S = 0-10 points N = points U = 21+ points

7 Agenda Initial Agenda Book each night!!! Check binder pockets too!!! Please do NOT write excuse notes in agenda.

8 Grading Scale * 93-100 A * 85-92 B * 76-84 C * 70-75 D 69 and below F

9 Curriculum Regina

10 Accelerated Reader AR is monitored throughout the 9 weeks.
If the student has earned an 80% or above on comprehension average, they are rewarded incentives. We use Easy CBM throughout the year to monitor your student’s learning. Fall-Winter-Spring A.R. will begin after every student has been able to test on the Easy CBM.

11 Reading TN Ready and Coach books are Common Core aligned.
Every week your student will read a set of stories matching our skill, and then test on the skill Friday. We use our composition notebooks to record each skill we learn. These can be used as notes to help study at home. Each week we introduce a new Greek and Latin root. These words serve as our Spelling and Vocabulary words. Use the weekly journal entry as their study guide for the test on Friday. *Students will need to know not only the spelling of the word, but also the meaning and application.* Homework should be completed and turned in on the due date. Homework will be recorded in the agenda.

12 English TN Ready Book is Common Core aligned.
Every week in English we will use our composition notebooks to record our new skills. This is a great study tool to use at home! We focus a lot in 5th grade on usage and not so much identification. At this point, students should know the basics of grammar. We focus on using it correctly in our writing. The curriculum is no longer based on, “can you find the verb?” We spend much of our time editing and incorporating new grammar skills in our writing.

13 Writing Get ready to write everyday!
Write Bright is a powerful writing curriculum we use to teach high quality writing techniques. Students in every grade level are taught the same writing plan. We keep our writing in our “Writers’ Notebook.” Students will be assessed on the writing plan throughout the nine weeks. *Parents, there will always be a plan outline in their notebook for you to look at with your child. *

14 Social Studies Check newsletter for skills
Quizzes/Quick Checks are given as students are ready and will be tentatively scheduled Tests tentatively assigned at the end of a chapter/lesson, check newsletter for schedule Homework maybe assigned as needed Grades are based on grading scale Regina

15 Science Check newsletter for skills
Quizzes/Quick Checks are given as students are ready and will be tentatively scheduled Tests tentatively assigned at the end of a chapter/lesson, check newsletter for schedule Homework maybe assigned as needed Grades are based on grading scale Tonya

16 Math Check newsletter for skills
Quizzes/Quick Checks are given as students are ready and will be tentatively scheduled Tests tentatively assigned at the end of a chapter/lesson, check newsletter for schedule Homework will be given out on Monday and/or assigned as needed for re-enforcement Grades are based on grading scale Tonya

17 Honor Roll Honor Roll Criteria Principal’s Honor Roll– The student must make all A’s in academic subjects and S or S- in conduct. Students must have an S in conduct on all four Report Cards. A/B Honor Roll – The student must make all A’s, B’s, in academic subjects and S or S- in conduct (This includes Art, Music & PE conduct grades) Students must have an S in conduct on all four Report Cards. Perfect Attendance-  The student must be present every day with no late check ins or early check outs. End of Year (EOY) Honor Roll -  The student must make Principal’s Honor Roll all of the first 3 quarters and interim of the 4th quarter to receive EOY Principal’s Honor Roll or a combination of Principal’s Honor Roll and Teacher’s Honor Roll all of the first 3 quarters and interim of the 4th quarter to receive EOY Teacher’s Honor Roll The student must make Citizenship Honor Roll all of the first 3 quarters and interim of the 4th quarter to receive EOY Citizenship Honor Roll.  The student must have perfect attendance up to the EOY awards ceremony to receive EOY perfect attendance.  Students must have an S in conduct on all four Report Cards. Regina

18 Dress Code Policy No flip-flops; (suggested-shoes have straps around heel) No spaghetti straps No short skirts/shorts No leggings as pants Tonya

19 Absence Policy * Make-up work (location)!!!
* policy states students with excused absences have one day per day of absence to make up work. * SEND excuse notes the day the child returns from the absence. * Make-up work (location)!!! Tonya

20 Projects/Study Habits
Although we do encourage parent participation when completing projects, students are expected to complete the majority of the work themselves. This includes handwriting/ word choice Students are expected to complete homework as assigned. We encourage you to build good study habits now. This will only help your child as he/she moves forward. Late homework will be completed during recess time. Habitual will result in loss of points. Regina

21 Graded Papers The use of formative assessment in education has been proven to aid students learning by giving useful feedback. We will be sending classwork/graded papers home each Wednesday. Parents will review the graded papers with their child, and sign the Graded Papers Log. If you are concerned about your child hiding papers, remember you can access your child’s grades online. (See Mrs. Morris today if you do not have access to grades.) **PLEASE KEEP GRADED PAPERS AT HOME.** Regina

22 Communication We are all here for the same reason- THE CHILDREN
Please use the chain of command Problems, concerns, and questions should be addressed to the teacher 1st to try to reach a resolution. If a solution can not be met, then the teacher and parent will then seek assistance from a higher authority. GOOD COMMUNICATION IS KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL YEAR!! Tonya

23 Lunch Regular lunch: 1 entrée, 2 vegetables, fruit, milk ($2.25)
Extra entrée: $1.75 Extra side: $.50 Water bottle: $.75 Switch canned fruit juice: $1.00

24 Teacher Websites Regina

25 Birthdays You may send in non-edible treats or buy ice cream from cafeteria Be aware of allergies Tonya

26 Medicine Do not send medicine to school with the child. You must go through the office in order for your child to take over the counter or prescribed medicine. (ie. cough drops, cold tablets, etc.) Regina

27 Volunteer Opportunities/ Wish List
Each classroom needs: Tissue (Kleenex), Wet Wipes, Red/Blue Pens, Colored Copy Paper, Colored Cardstock Paper, Treasure Box Items, Wrapped Candy & Graph Paper Any and all classroom help is much appreciated by us and your child! Regina

28 Your Turn… What questions do you have for us?

29 Tonya

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