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To determine the meaning of unknown words

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1 To determine the meaning of unknown words
Good Readers use CONTEXT CLUES To determine the meaning of unknown words

2 RL5.4 - I can determine the meaning of unknown words.
Day 1 RL5.4 - I can determine the meaning of unknown words.

3 Activate Prior Knowledge:
What are context clues?

4 Types of Context Clues Definition Restatement or Synonym
Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference

5 What are Context Clues? There are words or phrases around an unfamiliar word that can help you understand the meaning of a new word. These words and phrases are called context clues. If you learn how to use these clues, you can save yourself a trip to the dictionary, increase your vocabulary, and improve your reading comprehension.

6 Definition Definition: The definition is given in the same sentence as the word or the sentence before or after. Examples: His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to see. The dudeen – a short-stemmed clay pipe – is found in Irish folk tales.

7 Synonym Definition: A word or group of words that has the same meaning as the unknown word can be found in the sentence. Example: My little brother is gaunt—just so thin and bony!

8 Antonym Definition: A word or group of words that has the opposite meaning of the unknown word can be found in the sentence. Example: Though some students are aloof, others pay attention to everything.

9 Comparison Definition: The unfamiliar word is shown to be the same as or like another word; too, like, as, similar to, or in the same way may be used to signal the comparison. Example: My brother is enthralled by birds similar to the way that I am fascinated by insects.

10 Definition: Specific examples in the sentence help define the term.
Examples: Commercial vehicles, such as trucks, buses, and taxis with paid drivers, can all be found on the road. North American predators include grizzly bears, pumas, wolves, and foxes.

11 Cause/Effect Definition: The meaning of an unfamiliar word is signaled by a cause-and-effect relationship between ideas in the text. Example: As the pain abated, Boris felt his first moments of relief in days. The boy’s impudence led Ms. Dujour to believe that he had no respect for older people.

12 Description/ Inference
Definition: The unknown word is explained within the sentence or there are clues that help you determine what it means. Example: My friend was so forlorn when her dog died that she cried for a week. The monkey’s vociferous chatter made me wish I had earplugs.

13 Let’s Practice... Directions; Determine the meaning of the highlighted words and then explain which type of context clue helped you determine that meaning. Definition Restatement or Synonym Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference Example: The man who used to be very lax with the rules now follows all the laws.

14 Word: lax Definition: Not strict Context Clue Type: Antonym

15 Let’s Practice... Directions; Determine the meaning of the highlighted words and then explain which type of context clue helped you determine that meaning. Definition Restatement or Synonym Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference Example: The comestibles, including a huge pizza, a birthday cake, chocolate-covered peanuts, and tasty hot dogs, were all in the fridge before my birthday party.

16 Word: Comestibles Definition: An item of food Context Clue Type: Example

17 Let’s Practice... Directions; Determine the meaning of the highlighted words and then explain which type of context clue helped you determine that meaning. Definition Restatement or Synonym Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference Example: Ecology, which is the study of organisms and the environment, should be important to everyone.

18 Word: Ecology Definition: The study of organisms and the environment Context Clue Type: Definition

19 Let’s Practice... Directions; Determine the meaning of the highlighted words and then explain which type of context clue helped you determine that meaning. Definition Restatement or Synonym Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference Example: The citizens tried to save the building, but in the end they lost and it was demolished.

20 Word: Demolished Definition: destroyed Context Clue Type: Synonym

21 Let’s Practice... Directions; Determine the meaning of the highlighted words and then explain which type of context clue helped you determine that meaning. Definition Restatement or Synonym Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference Example: Since the brothers quarrel all the time, their mother wonders if they will ever live near each other.

22 Word: Quarrel Definition: Argue or fight Context Clue Type: Inference

23 Let’s Practice... Directions; Determine the meaning of the highlighted words and then explain which type of context clue helped you determine that meaning. Definition Restatement or Synonym Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference Example: The boy’s impudence led Ms. Dujour to believe that he had no respect for older people.

24 Word: Impudence Definition: Lacking modesty, arrogance, disregard of others Context Clue Type: Cause/Effect

25 Let’s Practice... Directions; Determine the meaning of the highlighted words and then explain which type of context clue helped you determine that meaning. Definition Restatement or Synonym Contrast or Antonym Comparison Example Cause and Effect Description or Inference Example: The coach’s empathy for her team was like that of a mother for her children.

26 Word: empathy Definition: The ability to share and understand feelings of others Context Clue Type: Comparison

27 Independent Practice:
You and a partner will read Chapters 1 and 2 from “Explorers and American Indians”. Pay close attention to the underlined words! You will then determine the meaning of those words, and explain what type of context clue helped you to determine the meaning. Use the recording sheet attached to the text.

28 RL4.4 - I can determine the meaning of unknown words.
Day 2 RL4.4 - I can determine the meaning of unknown words.

29 Let’s Review... Context Clue Definition Restatement or Synonym
The author provides a direct definition of an unknown word in the sentence. Restatement or Synonym The author uses a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a sentence. Contrast or Antonym The author uses another word or phrase that means the opposite of the unfamiliar word. Comparison The author uses words or phrases that compare the word to something else. Example The author provides examples of that word. Cause/Effect The author provides a cause/effect relationship to help you understand the unknown word. Inference The meaning of the unfamiliar word can be inferred from the description of the situation in the sentence.

30 Group Activity Each group will be assigned a type of context clue. You must create a true example of that type of context clue.

31 Independent Practice:
You and a partner will read Chapters 3 and 4 from “Explorers and American Indians”. Pay close attention to the underlined words! You will then determine the meaning of those words, and explain what type of context clue helped you to determine the meaning. Use the recording sheet attached to the text.

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