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Make a list of your favourite candy.

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Presentation on theme: "Make a list of your favourite candy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make a list of your favourite candy.
See how one poet uses candy as inspiration...

2 Wax Lips Todd’s Hardware was dust and a monkey— a real one, on the second floor— and Mrs. Todd there behind the glass cases. We stepped over buckets of nails and lawnmowers to get to the candy counter in the back, and pointed at the red wax lips, and Mary Janes, and straws full of purple sugar. Said goodbye to Mrs. Todd, she white-faced and silent, and walked the streets of Beaver, our teeth sunk hard in the wax, and big red lips worth kissing. ~ Cynthia Rylant

3 Like sweet treats can inspire writers,
published poets can inspire their readers...

4 Cherry Blossom We pad down the street
in our bare feet, my brother and I. We walk down through the ditch and up over the tracks to the little drug store that would later be the Cotton Cafe. I choose the only one in a neat square yellow box wrapped in silver foil. I hold it properly, upside down, and let my teeth sink in. I find the sweet red juice and the too sweet cherry. When we’d arrive home, the only evidence left would be our black soles. ~ Debbie Grillo

5 Use your favourite candy as inspiration to write a poem of your own
Use your favourite candy as inspiration to write a poem of your own. You might like to include who you shared the... candy with, where you got it, and memories you associate with it. Use sensory language: sight, taste, touch, smell. Then, rewrite your poem and make it look esthetically pleasing. You might like to decorate it with candy.

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