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Jeopardy!!! Here we go!.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!!! Here we go!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!!! Here we go!

2 What is division of labor?
The men hunted the food and made spears out of alters and the women prepared the food and made clothes out of the animal skins.

3 Why was the Iroquois League created?
To resolve conflict between different people groups. It worked as a confederation, a loose group of governments working together for a common purpose.

4 What animal fat was used to make oil for lamps?
A whale

5 What is a Civilization? A group of people with ways of life, learning, and religion

6 The Plains people often held _____________________ to celebrate a cultural or religious events. One example is a corn harvest. Ceremony

7 What does scarce mean? When something is in short supply

8 What is a clan? Extended family

9 What is migration? Movement of people from one place to another.

10 What are artifacts? Objects made by people

11 What is a kayak? A type of one person canoe

12 What geographical region were igloos used in?
The Artic

13 What geographical region were teepees used in?
The Plains

14 What are Pueblos? A house made out of stone and brick

15 What does adapt mean? Adapt means to adjust or change your way of life based off the climate/environment you are in.

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