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Water Properties Acids And Bases Macromolecules Enzymes Miscellaneous

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Presentation on theme: "Water Properties Acids And Bases Macromolecules Enzymes Miscellaneous"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Properties Acids And Bases Macromolecules Enzymes Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 What allows insects to walk on water?
$100 What allows insects to walk on water?


4 What would happen if ICE were MORE dense than liquid water?
$200 What would happen if ICE were MORE dense than liquid water?

5 Ice would no longer float!

6 $300 What water properties help with the movement of water upward from roots to the stems and leaves?


8 Why is a water molecule POLAR?
$400 Why is a water molecule POLAR?

9 The oxygen side is slightly negative and the hydrogen side is slightly positive.

10 What type of bond forms between molecules of water?
$500 What type of bond forms between molecules of water?

11 Hydrogen Bonds

12 What does Pepto-Bismol/ a base do for heartburn?
$100 What does Pepto-Bismol/ a base do for heartburn?

13 Neutralizes the acidic conditions of the stomach.

14 $200 If your cell’s are made of 70% water, what would a cell’s approximate pH be?

15 7.0

16 $300 How is pH measured?

17 Concentration of H+ ions

18 Using the chart what has a pH of 9?
$400 Using the chart what has a pH of 9? Blue green

19 Shrimp

20 What is the OPTIMAL pH for product to be formed in this graph?

21 pH= 6

22 What are the four types of Macromolecules?
$100 What are the four types of Macromolecules?

23 Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, & Nucleic Acid

24 What elements make up nucleic acids?
$200 What elements make up nucleic acids?

25 C H O N P

26 Why are substances classified as organic compounds?
$300 Why are substances classified as organic compounds?

27 Because they contain CARBON

28 $400 If a bird where about to migrate, why would it store energy as FAT instead of GLYCOGEN?

29 Because energy stored as fat is more efficient; more kilocalories per gram than carbohydrates

30 Energy needed for metabolism does NOT come from:
$500 Energy needed for metabolism does NOT come from: Lipids Water Proteins Carbohydrates

31 b. Water

32 What is the relationship between an enzyme and the activation energy?
$100 What is the relationship between an enzyme and the activation energy?

33 An enzyme decreases the activation energy

34 $200 What is an enzyme?

35 A substance that helps make chemical reactions more efficient by speeding them up!

36 Do inhibitors cause enzymes to change shape?
$300 Do inhibitors cause enzymes to change shape?

37 Yes

38 What would happen if we did not have enzymes?
$400 What would happen if we did not have enzymes?

39 The chemical reactions in our body would not be as efficient.

40 What does the name of an enzyme usually end in?
$500 What does the name of an enzyme usually end in?

41 -ASE.

42 What is the building block of carbohydrates?
$100 What is the building block of carbohydrates?

43 Monosaccharide

44 What is the monomer of proteins?
$200 What is the monomer of proteins?

45 Amino acids

46 What is the relationship between pH and enzyme activity?
$300 What is the relationship between pH and enzyme activity?

47 pH affects the activity rate of enzymes

48 What is the pH of an acid and a base?
$400 What is the pH of an acid and a base?

49 Acid: 0-6.9 Neutral: 7.0 Base: 7.1-14

50 What does denatured mean?
$500 What does denatured mean?

51 That a protein loses it’s shape, and no longer works

52 Final Jeopardy Based on this graph, where would you find each of these enzymes and WHY?

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