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Ask your friend why they need the information.

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2 Ask your friend why they need the information.
If you are talking to a friend in a chat room and they ask you for financial information, you should: Ask your friend why they need the information. Ask your parents/guardian for their credit card. Leave the chat room. Call the police.

3 Which of the following chat screen names is the best choice?
partyALLnitelong. i_like_stuff. hottie.

4 Where is a safe place to put personal information about yourself?
MySpace. Xanga. IM profile. None of the above.

5 The definition of social engineering or social networking:
A special degree at the local University. A service that uses the Internet for online communication through an interactive network of photos, blogs, user profiles, and other groups. IM profile engineered by a friend. None of the above.

6 Examples of Online Social Networks are:
LiveJournal, Xanga, Facebook. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Psi. Profiles engineered by your parents. Google.

7 Physically Emotionally. Financially. All of the above.
Cyber predators are people who use the Internet to hunt for victims to take advantage of them: Physically Emotionally. Financially. All of the above.

8 In Cyber Lingo what does LMIRL mean?
Let’s meet in real life. Love means I’m really lucky. Let’s move into real love. All of the above.

9 Be a warning of a possible cyberpredator.
Excessive praise, questions about what they’re wearing or questions designed to determine whether their parents are nearby in a chat could: Be a warning of a possible cyberpredator. Mean a friend that would help with homework. Mean someone to help you with what not to wear. All of the above.

10 Not applied to online work. But a click away.
Ownership rights of materials, created, written, designed or expressed by individuals are: Not applied to online work. But a click away. Examples of intellectual property. Only the property of a university.

11 Through pop-up windows. Misspelled URLs. Misrepresented links.
How can inappropriate content can appear on a computer screen by accident? Through pop-up windows. Misspelled URLs. Misrepresented links. All of the above.

12 Inappropriate online content includes:
Epicurious. ESPN, SI. Hate groups, pornography, gambling. Both a) and c)

13 Xanga. Flaming. Cyberlurking. Phishing.
The act of sending or posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting is called: Xanga. Flaming. Cyberlurking. Phishing.

14 Teens can be cyber bullied via:
Text messages. Bash boards and chat rooms. Social networking sites, morphed pictures. All of the above.

15 For More Information about Online Safety & Digital Ethics:

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