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Corporate owners Gopal Goberdhan Luke Woody

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1 Corporate owners Gopal Goberdhan Luke Woody
Glock & Wood “The Future of The Human Race” Corporate owners Gopal Goberdhan Luke Woody

2 Genomic Library

3 The Technology A genomic library is a collection of the total genomic DNA from single organism. The DNS is stored in a population of identical vectors, each containing a different insert of DNA. The steps for creating a genomic library from an organism are: Extract and purify DNA Separate the DNA into genes using a restriction enzyme Insert each fragment into there own vector and use DNA ligase to seal the DNA fragment into the vector. The recombinant molecules are taken up by a host bacterium by transformation creating a DNA library.

4 The Technology

5 The Technology To use the Genomic Libraries
You would separate the DNA into fragments using restriction enzymes After everything is separated a probe is used to find the piece of cloned DNA you are looking for. That piece than then be used in the procedure you need it for.

6 The Technology The current purpose of this technology is help us understand evolution of species and how organisms function better. This technology allows us to map all the genes in an organism and to find similarities and differences between organisms. Our company has developed a better understanding of this technology and can use it to create human life with specific genes to the liking of the parents.

7 History The first time the create of a genomic library was completed and documented was in In 1977, Frederick Sanger created a library of the bacterium, phi X This discovery by Sanger brought about other ideals of how we could use a genomic library. His discovery aided the research for working gene therapy.

8 Current Uses Hierarchical Sequencing or Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing Hierarchical sequencing is older technology which was used to separate DNA fragments. After the clones have been sequenced they can check for overlap using a technique called chromosome walking. Chromosome walking is used to exploited to sequence entire Chromosome The newer and more accurate way to sequence a genome is using whole genome shotgun sequencing. This new method used computer algorithms to sequence the DNA and can be used to create high resolution map from sequencing both ends of inserts from several clones in a genomic library. Genome-wide Association Studies Genome-wide association studies are general application to find target genes within the human race. A project called HapMap was created through a partnership of scientist and agencies from several countries to catalog and utilize this date. The purpose of this project was to compare different individual to find similar and differences with chromosomal regions. This research may lead to future drugs for common diseases and is already used in genetic engineering.

9 Pros & Cons Pros Cons We can eliminate defective alleles
Can identify defects fast Could allow genetic disorders to be found through screening Easier to find desired traits, for children. We could create “super humans” Altering nature Who has ownership of the library? Very costly We could create “super humans”

10 Bioethics “Ethical concerns”
Many religious groups would feel as if mankind would be taking the role as the supreme creator. Discrimination might also occur. EX: Insurance companies seeing a client has genes associated with a disease, and raises insurance costs. Or an employer sees that an employee has a gene that is not wanted in their work force. Could find missing links in evolution causing mass religious controversy. Genomic libraries are for you, and your children's future.

11 Case Study Two adults with a rare disease called choroiderema in 2014 had their vision repaired by gene therapy. These adults had a mutation in a gene called CHM, which causes light-sensitive cells in the eye to slowly stop working. The doctors used a safe virus to deliver a working copy of the gene (from the genomic library) to the right part of the eye to prevent eye cells from degrading.

12 “The Future of The Human Race”
Designer Children

13 The Process The process of creating your first child starts off with you visiting or calling one of our offices to schedule your visit. During the Visit the gender, race, and special abilities of your child will be determined along with the collection of some cells from both parents. The cells of the parents will be combined allows the trait the parents want to pass on to their child and replace the trait the parent asked for. The zygote is then created to the right specifications and the parents get to chose if they want the mother to carry the zygote or for us to grow the zygote into a fetus for them. Once the fetus has grown to the right size the mother will give birth to the child or we will give the parents their grown child.

14 The Impact on the Future
This will lead to a genetic disease free future and will allow humans to live freely. This will allow the “future humans” to be smarter, stronger, and more specialized than the natural born human. This is the start of a utopian society.

15 WHY US??

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