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History/Social Studies Chapter 5 Test Review

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1 History/Social Studies Chapter 5 Test Review
Created by Educational Technology Network

2 POWERPOINT JEOPARDY Vocabulary America Moves West Trails to CA Americans in CA Mexican American War 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 What is a Synonym for Demand?
10 Points What is a Synonym for Demand? Answer: Desire

4 20 Points What is another word for “Pass” as used in the sentence, “He discovered a pass while walking through the mountain.” Answer: Route

5 Answer: ability to do something
30 Points What does the word “rights” mean in the following sentence, “You have the same rights as any U.S. citizen.” Answer: ability to do something

6 What is the definition of the word treaty?
40 Points What is the definition of the word treaty? Answer: agreement between nations.

7 Define what a Republic is.
50 Points Define what a Republic is. Answer: a nation that votes to choose its leaders.

8 Answer: They lacked money to pay for soldiers in CA
10 Points Why was the Mexican-American government unable to keep Americans from settling in California without permission? Answer: They lacked money to pay for soldiers in CA

9 Why were beaver furs so valuable?
20 Points Why were beaver furs so valuable? Answer: it was used to make hats that were popular at the time.

10 What was Jedediah Strong Smith’s significance in CA history?
30 Points What was Jedediah Strong Smith’s significance in CA history? Answer: His group was the first U.S. citizens to cross through the Sierra Nevada.

11 What did J.S. Smith ask Echeandia permission for?
40 Points What did J.S. Smith ask Echeandia permission for? Answer: For permission to explore CA.

12 50 Points How did J.S. Smith’s route into California differ from his route out of California? Answer: He came in through the Mojave Desert then left through the Sierra Nevada.

13 What is the significance of Sutter’s Fort in California History?
10 Points What is the significance of Sutter’s Fort in California History? Answer: It was a stop and resting place for people coming into CA.

14 Why was the Bartelson-Bidwell expedition important?
20 Points Why was the Bartelson-Bidwell expedition important? Answer: They were one of the first groups to make the overland journey to CA

15 Why did the Donner party get stuck in the Sierra Nevada?
30 Points Why did the Donner party get stuck in the Sierra Nevada? Answer: They were behind in their planned time for the journey and got stuck in winter in the mountains

16 How did John C. Fremont help future pioneers?
40 Points How did John C. Fremont help future pioneers? Answer: He made maps that other exploreres used later on.

17 Answer: They would have taken the easier California Trail
50 Points What most likely would have happened to the Donner party if they had never read The Immigrants’ Guide to California? Answer: They would have taken the easier California Trail

18 Who aided the rebels and helped establish the Bear Flag Republic?
10 Points Who aided the rebels and helped establish the Bear Flag Republic? Answer: Mariano Vallejo

19 20 Points Why did the arrival of American troops quickly bring an end to the California Republic? Answer: The Bear Flaggers wanted the CA Republic to become part of the U.S.

20 What is the idea of Manifest Destiny?
30 Points What is the idea of Manifest Destiny? Answer: The U.S. should expand to reach both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts

21 Why did the idea of Manifest Destiny come about and become popular?
40 Points Why did the idea of Manifest Destiny come about and become popular? Answer: Because so many settlers came in to the East Coast and needed more room to settle.

22 What were the main events in the Bear Flag Revolt?
50 Points What were the main events in the Bear Flag Revolt? Answer: 1.) The Osos marched on Sonoma. 2.)The rebels met with Mariano Vallejo who agreed with them but the arrested him anyways. 3.) The Rebels raised their flag over Sonoma

23 Answer: The Mexican-American War may not have happened
10 Points What most likely would have happened if the U.S. never invited Texas to become a state? Answer: The Mexican-American War may not have happened

24 Why did Ruiz tell Fremont to offer easy terms to the Califorinos?
20 Points Why did Ruiz tell Fremont to offer easy terms to the Califorinos? Answer: As a way to win over the Califorinos.

25 What was the result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago?
30 Points What was the result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago? Answer: CA became part of the U.S.

26 How did the views of the Mexicans and Americans differ?
40 Points How did the views of the Mexicans and Americans differ? Answer:

27 50 Points How was the U.S. able to achieve Manifest Destiny through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Answer: The territory of the U.S. now reached from the Atlantic ocean all the way to the Pacific ocean

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