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Chapter 1 Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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1 Chapter 1 Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Thinking like a scientist Math and Graph in Science
The world of science Thinking like a scientist Measurement Math and Graph in Science Scientific Method 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 Topic 1 – 1 Point QUESTION: ANSWER: What is observing?
Using one or more of your senses to gather information.

4 Topic 1 – 2 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is how we learn about the natural world? ANSWER: science

5 Topic 1 – 3 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Define scientific Inquiry
Refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence they gather

6 Topic 1 – 4 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: List 4 examples of models.
Maps, charts, diagrams, mathematical equations, computer programs

7 Topic 1 – 5 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Define predicting
Making a statement or a claim about what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence.

8 Topic 2 – 1 Point QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is wanting to know more about things? ANSWER: Curiosity

9 Topic 2 – 2 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: What is a persons state of mind.

10 Topic 2 – 3 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Using your personal feelings to make a decision is called. ANSWER: Subjective Reasoning

11 Topic 2 – 4 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Describe inductive reasoning.
explaining things by using a specific observation to me a generalization. Smaller idea to a bigger idea (^)

12 Topic 2 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: What are experimental bias?
mistake in the design of the experiment

13 Topic 3 – 1 Point QUESTION: ANSWER:
The SI system is based on the number… ANSWER: 10

14 Topic 3 – 2 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: What is the SI unit for mass?
The kilogram

15 Topic 3 – 3 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the equation for solving density? ANSWER: D=m/v or Density equals mass over volume

16 Topic 3 – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the difference between weight and mass ANSWER: Weight measures the amount of gravity acting on an object, mass measures the amount of matter in an object.

17 Topic 3 – 5 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the amount of space an object takes up? ANSWER: Volume

18 Topic 4 – 1 Point QUESTION: ANSWER:
Which graph would you use to represent a percentage of a whole (100%) ANSWER: A pie graph

19 Topic 4 – 2 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
The number that occurs the most often is the ANSWER: Mode

20 Topic 4 – 3 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What does the A in TAILS stand for? Describe both. ANSWER: Axis. Y axis goes up and down. X axis goes across.

21 Topic 4 – 4 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
How do you find the mean of a data set? ANSWER: Add all of the numbers and divide by the total number of numbers in the data set.

22 Topic 4 – 5 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What refers to how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value? ANSWER: Accuracy

23 Topic 5 – 1 Point QUESTION: ANSWER:
A possible answer to a scientific inquiry is? ANSWER: A Hypothesis

24 Topic 5 – 2 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the first step in the Scientific Method process? ANSWER: Problem – use scientific inquiry to develop a question

25 Topic 5 – 3 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What are the two types of observations you can make while performing a science experiment? ANSWER: Qualitative and Quantitative

26 Topic 5 – 4 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
How are the last two steps of the scientific method related? ANSWER: You use your analysis of the data collected to make a conclusion about your experiement.

27 Topic 5 – 5 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Explain replication
When another scientist repeats your experiment.

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