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Human Heredity and Genetic Disorders

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1 Human Heredity and Genetic Disorders

2 Heredity Sex chromosomes =they have genes that determine a persons sex. Autosomes =no genes for sex determination. Karyotype is a picture of all 46 human chromosomes grouped together in homologous pairs. Heredity is the passing on of genetic traits (genes) from parents to offspring Humans have alleles (1 from mom/ 1 from dad)

3 Heredity (cont.) -2 copies(alleles) =3 types of dominance
Humans genes can show : Complete dominance. Ex. Brown Eyes hide Blue eyes Incomplete dominance. Ex. curly hair + straight hair=wavy hair Codominance. Ex. Type A blood + Type B blood = Type AB blood

4 ABO Blood Types Blood types are inherited
2 genes determine your over all blood type Gene 1 has 3 possible alleles=A, B, or O Gene 2 has 3 possible alleles=Rh- or Rh+ ABO- blood types controlled by 3 alleles A. Allele codes for an A antigen (protein) on the surface B. Allele codes for an B antigen (protein) on the surface O. Allele codes for no antigen (protein) at all on surface



7 ABO Blood types (cont.) Genotype Phenotype Blood transfusion AA AO BB BO OO AB

8 What is a genetic disorder?
A genetic disorder is a disease/disabling condition that is a result of mutations in DNA. 2 causes of genetic disorders: Gene mutations Chromosome mutations A gene mutation is when DNA base sequence in a gene changes by inserting, deleting or substituting a base.

9 What is a genetic disorder? (cont.)
Ex. Cystic fibrosis Gene on chromosomes 7 Normal dominant allele makes a protien to transport chloride ions across cell. Mutated recessive allele makes a protien that does not transport chloride ions across cell. Results= mucus that clogs lungs and pancreas= shortened life expectance to early adulthood.

10 Sex linked genetic disorders
The X and Y chromosomes have genes for determining sex traits and some genes for non-sex traits The X chromosome has more than 1000 genes and the Y chromosome has only 231 Most sex linked disorders are recessive and found on the X chromosome, not the Y chromosome Males (XY) have just one X chromosome. So all X-linked disorder alleles are expressed in male, even recessive.

11 Sex linked genetic disorders(cont.)
Female XX Male XY Sex-linked disorder examples: colorblindness— Results- Can’t see red/green or colors Gene on X chromosome. hemophilia- Normal dominant gene produces protein that helps create platelets. Mutated recessive gene produces damaged protein. Results- doesn’t form properly clotting platelets


13 Sex Linked Genes (continued)
Males have only one X chromosome They will ALWAYS inherit ANY genetic disorder found on the X chromosome even if it recessive. Female must get 2 recessive x linked alleles to have disorder.

14 Red Green Color Blind Test


16 C= Normal vision (dominant) c = colorblind vision (recessive)
How Do we Write it? C= Normal vision (dominant) c = colorblind vision (recessive) XC = Normal Vision Xc = Colorblind Vision

17 Female with regular vision; carries recessive gene for colorblindness (CARRIER)
Female colorblind, carries both recessive Female normal vision, not carrier Male, Normal vision Male, Colorblind XCXc Xc Xc XCXC XCY XcY

18 XHXh Xh Xh XHXH XHY XhY Female hemophilia, carries both recessive
X Linked Disorder-hemophilia (recessive). H=normal clotting. h=hemophilia <PRACTICE> Female with regular blood clotting; carries recessive gene for hemophilia (CARRIER) Female hemophilia, carries both recessive Female normal blood clotting, not carrier Male, Normal blood clotting Male, hemophilia XHXh Xh Xh XHXH XHY XhY


20 Chromosomal disorders
Chromosomes disorders result when a person is missing a chromosome or has an extra chromosome or if large part of chromosomes are deleted or added Most chromosome mistake result in death of the baby before it is born Common occurrence: non-disjunction-chromosomes don’t correctly separate during meiosis. This leads to sperm and egg containing more than 23 chromosomes or less.

21 Examples: Down syndrome= an extra 21st chromosome
Turner syndrome= having only X chromosome Klinefelters syndrome= having extra X chromosomes XXY or XXXY

22 Non-Disjunction Video


24 Down Syndrome People with Down Syndrome have 3 copies of chromosome 21. For this reason, Down Syndrome is also called "Trisomy 21". Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by extra genetic material can include mental retardation, eyes that slant upward, and heart defects.



27 Cri du chat Syndrome Cri du chat is a rare syndrome caused by a deletion on chromosome 5. The name of this syndrome is French for "cry of the cat," referring to the distinctive cry of children with this disorder. low birth weight and may have respiratory problems.


29 Turner Syndrome Women and girls with Turner Syndrome have only one X chromosome. Girls with Turner Syndrome do not develop secondary sex characteristics


31 http://ib. berkeley. edu/courses/ib140/Intersexuality_files/image006

32 Klinefelter Syndrome Men and boys with Klinefelter Syndrome XXY
Often tall and usually do not develop secondary sex characteristics May develop breast tissue




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