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What’s New in ProgressBook v16.2.0

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1 What’s New in ProgressBook v16.2.0
ProgressBook Suite Webinar Graduation Points November 2016 Devin Launder Janet Hayes

2 v16.2.0 StudentInformation Grad Points Summary Two Summary sections
Credit Requirements – indicates whether the student has met the credit requirements by subject area Graduation Pathways State Assessment – indicates whether the student has taken/passed the required state assessments College Admission ACT or SAT Assessed Status Industry Credential & Workforce Readiness Status – Coming soon

3 v StudentInformation Grad Points Summary shows the condensed version of each of the areas required to complete graduation requirements. Each area is expandable to show the detail behind each summary. If there are questions regarding an individual subject, click the View link to expand the subject area and view the details.

4 v StudentInformation The top screenshot shows the Credit Summary reduced down. If you click More… or Click on the chevron beside Credit Requirements to see the expanded summary you see in the second screen shot. If you wish to expand a subject from either page, Click the View link.

5 v StudentInformation Some subjects have additional Subject Area requirements. For Example, Science is split out into Physical Science, Life Science and Advanced Science. All courses from these three areas are included in the Science Credits Summary at the top of the page. If you wish to view the courses meeting Physical Science requirements, click on the chevron to the left of Physical Science to expand that area.

6 v StudentInformation For each section, Completed Courses are courses a student took either in your district or in another district (in course history) and indicates how much credit the student earned for each course. If a student earned partial credit, the Credits earned would indicate the partial credit. In the first section above, the student has earned 3.00 out of 4.00 required credits so the Credit Status for Math is still In Progress. In the second summary, Algebra II, which is actually two separate semester courses, shows one section In Progress and one section Scheduled. The In Progress section is a first semester course and the student is currently enrolled in the course section. The second Algebra II course with the status of Scheduled is a second semester course and hasn’t started yet. If the student successfully completes both sections, their Potential Math Credit Status will be completed. The student will have earned a total of 4.00 total credits meeting the requirement for Math. In the current version, course ID’s for courses in process are not displayed, they will be added to the grid in a future release.

7 v StudentInformation Student Exemptions provide a way to override the course requirements for completing a particular subject area requirement. This is necessary when there is no specified number of credits that must be earned to complete a requirement. For example, for Phys Ed, a student may take so many PE classes or they may substitute time in a sport or other activity to satisfy their credit requirement. Currently, there is a PE Exemption field on the FN Graduate tab of the student profile to indicate the student has earned the PE exemption, however, nothing in their course or course history records satisfy the requirement. If you check the Physical Education Box on this page, the student will display as completing their PE Requirement. For Economics and Financial Literacy, a student will not be considered meeting the requirement unless the checkbox is checked on this options page. For Science and Math, a student may be excused from the Advanced requirements for completing higher level courses in these subjects if the school or parent decides the student cannot complete that level of course. If you check the box for either of these subjects, the Higher level course requirements are waived. Currently, excess credits from ELA, Math, Science, etc are not counted in the Elective counts. If a student is short credits in the ELE area but has excess credits in Math, ELA, Science or Soc, you can check the Electives Option and the student will be considered as met the requirement for Electives on the Graduation Points page. Check the Electives box when a student has not earned enough credits in the subject areas that count towards electives (FLR, FAR, CTE, ELE, BUS, TEC).

8 v StudentInformation On the state Assessment pathway, the details page is broken down by assessment subject area. For each subject assessment, the details indicate if the student took a course that requires an End of Course Exam and if so, how many points they’ve earned on the exam. If the student did not take an exam, as is the example of MTH1 above, a message indicates the student did not take that assessment. At the bottom of the page, there is a summary by subject area of total points earned in each area and if the requirement is completed.

9 v StudentInformation If a student has an exemption for a subject area on their FE Student Special Ed Grad record exempting them from the consequences of the EOC exam for a subject area, that exemption will be displayed on the Assessments Summary showing they earned 3 points for the exemption. The student is no longer required to take that assessment.

10 v StudentInformation Students who completed a course prior to enrolling in the district may receive prorated points depending on how many assessments they still need to take. Regardless of the tests remaining, at minimum, out-of-state and home-school transfer students must take the English II and either the integrated math II or geometry end-of-course tests and earn a minimum of five points across tests in order to graduate. The Prorated assessment displayed above is based on an End of course assessment record with a “Sore not reported” value of “Y” indicating the student transferred in with the course already completed. This could be from a school out of state or a non-public school district. Depending on how many assessments the student has yet to take, the points will be prorated. Rather than showing the total points earned and including 3 points for the transfer points, the ‘Points Required’ value will be reduced.

11 v StudentInformation The Required State Assessments page provides a summary of what tests have been taken and what are required to give a quick glance of the assessments completed or outstanding.

12 v StudentInformation The College Admission summary indicates whether the student has met the College Admission requirement for a different pathway towards graduation. Students who meet the requirements for this pathway may substitute College Admission for other requirements for graduation. In this example, the student has taken ACT assessments in all three areas but hasn’t met the required minimum score in any of the areas. Since not all areas are met, the student has not completed the requirement. The SAT pathway currently isn’t available.

13 Thank you Thank You!!

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