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9.3 Growth in Plants.

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Presentation on theme: "9.3 Growth in Plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.3 Growth in Plants

2 Plant hormones: Respond to changes in the environment Regulate growth
Regulate reproduction and flowering Regulate water loss Regulate growth by controlling mitosis and cell division

3 Meristem Tissue Undifferentiated tissues that become many different types of tissues Located where plants exhibit major growth

4 2 types of Meristems Apical Meristems Lateral Meristems
Located at the top and the root of plants Allows for growth of new leaves and flowers Allows roots to grow down into the soil Lateral Meristems Responsible for secondary growth in woody plants Allows them to increase stem and root thickness

5 Mitosis and Cell Division
Occur in the shoot apex Provide cells needed for extension of the stem at that location Also important for development of leaves.


7 Micropropogation of plants
The practice of rapidly multiplying stock plant material to produce a large number of plants, using modern plant tissue culture methods. Uses tissue from shoot apex, nutrient agar gels and growth hormones Used in plants to increase population faster than seeding time would allow

8 Tropisms A directional movement in plants in response to a stimulus

9 Type of Tropism Response Phototropism Response to light Gravitropism Response to gravity Thigmotropism Response to touch Thermotropism Response to temperature Chemotropism Response to substance Hydrotropism Response to water

10 Auxin (plant hormone) Responsible for phototropism
Affects cells on the dark side of the plant causes the cells to elongate When light shines directly down on a plant shoot auxin is equally distributed this causes the plant to grow straight

11 Auxin Auxin efflux pumps can set up concentration gradients of auxin in plant tissue. Auxin influences cell growth by changing the pattern of gene expression.

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