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7th SPC HOF Meeting (Noumea, 1–4 March 2011

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1 7th SPC HOF Meeting (Noumea, 1–4 March 2011
Coastal Fisheries Programme

2 Outline Brief overview of the CFP goal, structure and funding (Lindsay Chapman) Coastal fisheries science and management activities in 2010 and proposed for 2011 (Ian Bertram) Aquaculture activities in 2010 and proposed for 2011 (Robert Jimmy) Nearshore fisheries development activities in 2010 and proposed for 2011 (Michel Blanc)

3 CFP Goal (FAME Strategic Plan 2010-2013):
Coastal fisheries, nearshore fisheries and aquaculture in PICTs are managed and developed sustainably

4 Coastal Fisheries Programme
Lindsay Chapman Coastal Fisheries Science and Management Ian Bertram Science/data - SciCOFish - Being Yeeting - finfish - Kalo Pakoa - invertebrates - Franck Magron – data Community-based management - Etuati Ropeti Climate change monitoring - Maria Sapatu – resources/habitat - New pos (resource/habitat) - New pos (info management) Aquarium trade - Colette Wabnitz Project administrator - Marie-Therese Bui Aquaculture Robert Jimmy Mariculture, Noumea based - Antoine Teitelbaum Aquaculture and aquatic biosecurity, Suva based - Tim Pickering - freshwater - New pos (biosecurity) Project assistant - Genevieve Mirc Nearshore Fisheries Development Michel Blanc Development - William Sokimi - fishing - Jonathan Manieva – DEVFISH II Economics - Michael Sharp Post-harvest and exports - Timothy Numilengi - Jennifer Corigliano

5 CFP staffing and funding
Currently 14 professional and 3 support staff in position 2 professional staff to start in next 3 to 6 months and 3 positions to be recruited 2010 budget of around USD $4.3 million (3.8 million CFP units) – roughly 40% recurrent and 60% project 2011 budget will be slightly higher with additional project funding

6 Coastal Fisheries Science and Management

7 OBJECTIVE: To assist governments and administrations in the development of scientifically informed and socially achievable coastal fisheries management policies and systems in line with the guiding principles of the “Apia Policy”

8 Aquarium Fishery Economic Feasibility study (Nauru)
2010 ACTIVITIES :- Result 1.1: Assessment of the status of national coastal living marine resource user groups, impact on resources, existing impact management systems, and the current status of resources themselves, in order to inform management. Most activities covered under SciCOFish project and discussed during Monday’s Steering Committee Mtg. AusAid funded CC Project: Initiate site selection and monitoring for the impact of climate change on Coastal Fisheries. Aquarium Fishery Economic Feasibility study (Nauru) CC: aimed at tracking the impacts of climate change on coastal fisheries/habitats, five long term monitoring sites proposed/selected (FSM, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, PNG). Discussed in more detail on Thursday during the Special Session on Fisheries and Climate Change

9 2010 ACTIVITIES:- Result 1.2: Assistance to members, in partnership with other stakeholders, in developing an appropriate mix of community-based approaches and national management arrangements, incorporation of ecosystem-based principles, and the review of coastal fisheries legislation CEAFM capacity building in A. Samoa, Pohnpei (FSM), Kiribati, Marshall Islands and Samoa (involves extensive consultation in countries) Assistance in developing fisheries management plans to Cook Islands & Kiribati (tourism recreational bone fisheries), and FSM (trochus fishery) BF management plans: Collaborative work with NFDS, CBFM

10 2010 ACTIVITIES:- Result 1.2: Continue…
Assistance in coastal component of legislation review/development to Samoa, Tuvalu and Fiji (collaborative work with FFA, FFA playing lead role) Held CEAFM regional workshop (Nov/Dec 2011) Review PNG aquarium fishery project CEAFM workshop: participants from fisheries/environment national authorities and regional NGOs involved with community-based management and monitoring, outcomes of the workshop will be presented on Wednesday PNG Aquafish project: Sea Smart- review the status & progress of current project and come up with new strategy to progress the development of an aquarium fish industry

11 2010 ACTIVITIES :- Result 1.3: Practical assistance to member countries in the designing and targeting of appropriate awareness raising and educational information Produced/distributed CBEAFM Guidelines for PICT Brochure for Tonga “Community Managed Special Management Areas” (English/Tongan)

12 PLANS FOR 2011:- Result 1.1: …Resource Assessment, impacts on resources, current status of resources… SciCoFish activities covered during Monday meeting and included invertebrate and finfish surveys and capacity building in survey methodologies; finalise survey manuals, attachments and the development of database modules Capacity building in aquarium fisheries assessment, 2 countries Workshop covering coastal fisheries/resources monitoring protocols, data collection and analysis C/B Aqua fish:WS (Socio Economic) Possible PNG ?? Wksp: types of data to collect which will be useful for fisheries management, try to standardise where ever possible

13 PLANS FOR 2011:- Result 1.1: …Resource Assessment, impacts on resources, current status of resources… Conduct finfish, invertebrate & habitat baseline surveys for at least three of the Climate Change project monitoring sites Develop database for climate change monitoring work Proposing CFP be data repository for member countries/territories coastal fisheries data Countries/Territories have coastal fisheries data stored in various formats, on a number of computers, desk, shelves etc. CFP has developed a structured format to store data CC Sites :FSM, RMI, Tuv ??

14 PLANS FOR 2011: Result 1.2: …developing appropriate mix of community-based approaches and national management arrangements and review of coastal fisheries legislation… Develop marine aquarium fisheries policy/management framework, 2 countries Capacity building and technical assistance in reviewing/developing CBFM, 5 countries Assistance and capacity building in reviewing/developing; species specific or fisheries management plans/framework 4 countries Assistance in legislation/regulation reviews/development 3 countries Develop aquarium policy: PNG, RMI, Review CBFM: AS, Kir Nauru (review coastal fisheries management model incorporate EAFM) RMI, Niue, FP, Ton, Tuv, WF Fisheries Management Plans: Tonga, Sol, RMI, Fiji, FP (request for Inverts, none for fin fish) Review/develop legislation, regs: Sol, FSM, Vu, (Niue, WS, AS), RMI Legislative review is out to tender.

15 2011 ACTIVITIES – Result 1.3: …awareness raising and educational information…
Develop/produce poster/brochures, information sheets on:- Safety checklist for underwater surveys Trochus fishery and management Fin fish fisheries and their management Vanuatu Fisheries Regulation [English, French, Bishlama]

16 Aquaculture Section Programme 7th SPC HOF Meeting
Robert Jimmy Aquaculture Adviser

17 Objective To provide a regional framework for sustainable aquaculture, in the areas of planning, research, development and trade, for Pacific Island governments, private enterprises and other stakeholders.

18 2010 Activities- Result 2.1: Improved regional and national capacity for strategic policy, planning and administration to establish clear priorities and enable the aquaculture sector to meet current and future needs, with the guidance of the SPC Aquaculture Action Plan 2007 Technical assistance on Aquaculture Development Plan for Tonga, Wallis & Futuna and CNMI. Technical assistance on Tilapia Aquaculture Action Plan for Solomon Islands. Technical assistance to Fiji on national aquaculture decree and aquaculture commodity prioritisation development.

19 2010 Activities- Continue-Result 2
2010 Activities- Continue-Result 2.1: Improved regional and national capacity for strategic policy, planning and administration… Assisted in Guam and Fiji Joint Country Strategy Mission. Co-organised Tahiti Aquaculture Conference focused on mariculture and finfish (Fiji, Samoa, PNG, Cook Is, Tonga, CNMI, Palau & Wallis & Futuna attended). Funded 5 countries representing PICTs to FAO Global Aquaculture Conference, Phuket (Cook Is, Fiji, PNG, Nauru & Tonga ).

20 2010 Activities- Result 2.2: Increased skills and knowledge base in the SPC region and its member countries and territories, so as to maximize the return on investments in aquaculture through innovative, profitable and sustainable approaches Commissioned a consultancy to undertake a review on status of the marine shrimp industry in the Pacific focusing on New Caledonia, Fiji, French Polynesia and Vanuatu. Funded a pearl jewelry training workshop for pearl farmers in RMI. Assisted Kiribati with sea cucumber white teatfish culture and Fiji with sandfish hatchery and grow-out (Mini-project, jointly with ACIAR).

21 2010 Activities- Continue- Result 2
2010 Activities- Continue- Result 2.2: Increased skills and knowledge base in the SPC region… Assisted Tonga with live-rock farming project (Mini-project) for ornamental culture. Assistance with Mozambique tilapia grow-out trial in Solomon Islands using commercial pellets. Assistance with native freshwater prawn farming in Vanuatu. Supervised research work for 5 postgraduate Masters Students from USP and 1 PhD student.

22 2010 Activities- Result 2.3: Competent authorities established and/or supported, to manage aquatic biosecurity risks and to facilitate trade. Conducted risk-based assessment training on cultured species listed under CITES for competent Pacific authorities. Initiated process on conducting import risk assessment study for GIFT tilapia introduction for Solomon Islands. Assistance to Vanuatu on freshwater aquaculture and aquatic biosecurity station set-up.

23 2011 Activities- Planned 2.1: Improved regional and national capacity for strategic policy, planning and administration to establish clear priorities and enable the aquaculture sector to meet current and future needs, with the guidance of the SPC Aquaculture Action Plan 2007 Assistance to Cook Is and Fiji on national aquaculture strategies development. Assistance to Fiji on national aquaculture decree development. Undertake program mission trip on food security to PNG and Vanuatu. Conduct aquaculture feed ingredient study in Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to supplement ACIAR work in Fiji & PNG. Regional Technical Scoping Workshop on Aquaculture, FAO/SPC (IP5) and Regional TCP, FAO/SPC (IP6)

24 2011 Activities- Planned 2.2: Increased skills and knowledge base in the SPC region and its member countries and territories, so as to maximize the return on investments in aquaculture through innovative, profitable and sustainable approaches Assistance to New Caledonia with wild capture based mariculture. Assistance to Kiribati and RMI with sea cucumber aquaculture. Assistance to Fiji satellite freshwater prawn farmer group under AusAID. Undertake economic assessment study on mariculture development in the Pacific Is countries. Provide support and supervision to 2 USP Postgraduate Students Assistance on reviewing regional sea cucumber aquaculture through SPC/ACIAR Regional Sea Cucumber Symposium for PICT. Targeted assistance to a portfolio of Small & Medium-scale Enterprices (SMEs) in aquaculture through EU/ACT Project (“Increasing Agriculture Commodity Trade”)

25 2011 Activities- Planned 2.3: Competent authorities established and/or supported, to manage aquatic biosecurity risks and to facilitate trade. Provide assistance to Solomon Islands to undertake risk assessment for possible introduction of GIFT tilapia. Assistance to French Polynesia with training on diagnostics and management of health problems in cage culture. Assistance to key PICTs on OIE reporting of aquatic animal health to maintain marine ornamental marine access to the EU through regional workshop and participation in OIE Meetings. Undertake scoping work to identify needs assessment in developing regional biosecurity framework (IP4). Undertake scoping work to increase national capacity for collection and reporting of aquaculture statistics (IP6).

Michel Blanc Nearshore Fisheries Development Adviser SPC Noumea, New Caledonia

27 OBJECTIVE: To develop sustainable nearshore fisheries in PICTs to provide food security, livelihoods and economic growth

28 DevFish-2 project started, officer recruited;
2010 ACTIVITIES - Result 3.1: Subsistence, artisanal, sport and industrial fishing activities within the sustainable production level of the available fisheries resources. DevFish-2 project started, officer recruited; Tokelau Tuna Fisheries Development Plan drafted in collaboration with FFA; Action plan for sport fishing development in Cook Islands fully implemented, 3 local guides operate sustainably. CC: aimed at tracking the impacts of climate change on coastal fisheries/habitats, five long term monitoring sites proposed/selected (FSM, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, PNG). Discussed in more detail on Thursday during the Special Session on Fisheries and Climate Change

29 Result 3.1 : sport fishing development
new work area for NFDS, tourism-based sport fishing growing sector, good potential in PICTs integrated development with management and livelihood objectives one successful pilot project implemented with MMR in Aitutaki (CKI)  feasibility study, training, management plan, marketing for bonefish fly-fishing


31 FAD work made the bulk of NFDS’s technical assistance in 2010;
2010 ACTIVITIES - Result 3.2: Resource materials, advice and training in appropriate fishing techniques and technologies. FAD work made the bulk of NFDS’s technical assistance in 2010; Regional safety and fishing course for Fisheries Officers conducted in Vanuatu; A number of resource materials produced. CC: aimed at tracking the impacts of climate change on coastal fisheries/habitats, five long term monitoring sites proposed/selected (FSM, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, PNG). Discussed in more detail on Thursday during the Special Session on Fisheries and Climate Change

32 Result 3.2 : Fad work nearshore FADs for food security and livelihoods
technical assistance / capacity building in Samoa, FSM, Kiribati, RMI, Nauru, Fiji and Tuvalu follow-up workshops in FAD fishing skills & small boat safety in Kiribati, RMI, Fiji, Nauru, Tuvalu

33 Result 3.2 : Resource materials
A new technical manual: “Small-scale fishing techniques using light” Handling guidelines for sportfish: 2 species, bonefish and giant trevallies SPC small boat safety checklists in vernacular languages (Tahitian and Marquesian)

34 Limited post-harvest capacity at NFDS in 2010;
2010 ACTIVITIES - Result 3.3: Optimum benefits from the resource through improved seafood quality standards and value-adding Limited post-harvest capacity at NFDS in 2010; Training in onboard catch handling conducted in RMI, Fiji (JICA course) and Vanuatu (FO course); CC: aimed at tracking the impacts of climate change on coastal fisheries/habitats, five long term monitoring sites proposed/selected (FSM, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, PNG). Discussed in more detail on Thursday during the Special Session on Fisheries and Climate Change

35 Result 3.3 : Fish silage production
advice on the utilization of fish wastes to New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Niue technical manual on fish silage released and regional interest growing

36 STAFF CHANGES AT NFDS: from 2 to 1 FDO (fishing): Steve Beverly is leaving after 15 years of association with SPC! 1 FDO (economics) recruited : Michael Sharp arrives and brings new capacity to the CFP 1 FDO (post harvest and exports) soon to be recruited: fisheries post-harvest capacity is back at SPC! EU-funded DevFish-2 project has started: Jonathan Manieva is the CFP arm of this joint FFA/SPC project  Wider range of expertise available at the NFDS: fishing technologies: small- and medium-scale fishing techniques, FADs, sport fishing, bycatch mitigation, small boat safety fisheries economics: assessment of commercial viability of fishing/aquaculture ventures and projects post-harvest and exports: training in seafood safety/quality; assistance to CAs; advisory services on US/EU importing requirements fishermen’s associations (through DevFish-2) fisheries development and HR planning

37 economic assessment of fisheries/aquaculture ventures or projects ?;
PLANS FOR Result 3.1: Subsistence, artisanal, sport and industrial fishing activities within the sustainable production level of the available fisheries resources. collaboration with FFA on 2 projects: “bagan” bait fishing in Marshall Islands; purse-seine crew training in Kiribati (NZ- funded); continued assistance to fishermen’s associations through DevFish-2 project economic assessment of fisheries/aquaculture ventures or projects ?; feasibility studies of sport fishing development ? CC: aimed at tracking the impacts of climate change on coastal fisheries/habitats, five long term monitoring sites proposed/selected (FSM, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, PNG). Discussed in more detail on Thursday during the Special Session on Fisheries and Climate Change

38 small boat safety training in Tokelau
PLANS FOR Result 3.2: Resource materials, advice and training in appropriate fishing techniques and technologies. assistance to national FAD programmes of Solomon Islands and possibly PNG; follow-up training in Tuvalu small boat safety training in Tokelau regional safety and fishing course for Fisheries Officers conducted in October; international FAD conference co-organized, co-funded with IFREMER and French Polynesia (November 2011) training in small fishing/aquaculture business management ? CC: aimed at tracking the impacts of climate change on coastal fisheries/habitats, five long term monitoring sites proposed/selected (FSM, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, PNG). Discussed in more detail on Thursday during the Special Session on Fisheries and Climate Change

39 training in onboard catch handling and tuna grading .
PLANS FOR Result 3.3: Optimum benefits from the resource through improved seafood quality standards and value-adding training and assistance to seafood export companies and national Competent Authorities; continued promotion of fish waste utilization and fish silage production training in onboard catch handling and tuna grading . CC: aimed at tracking the impacts of climate change on coastal fisheries/habitats, five long term monitoring sites proposed/selected (FSM, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, PNG). Discussed in more detail on Thursday during the Special Session on Fisheries and Climate Change


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