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Clayton Valley Charter High

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Presentation on theme: "Clayton Valley Charter High"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clayton Valley Charter High
Class of 2021 Clayton Valley Charter High Welcome Class of 2021

2 Academic Guidance Counselors
People who can help you! Mr. Ralston 9th Grade Advisor Ms.Philipose A-F Ms. Snider G-M Ms. Domian N-Z Academic Guidance Counselors

3 College & Career Center
People who can help you! College & Career Center Naviance Career & College System College Speakers Scholarships PSAT/SAT/ACT Information Academic Awards Brunch, Lunch & After school Ms. Edwards Career Counselor

4 Important Staff People who can help you! Dr. Bill Shannon
Mrs. Maribel Herrera Guidance Technician Dr. Bill Shannon Psychologist

5 Your student needs academic help! What can student/parent do?
Communicate with teachers!!! Attend teacher office hours. Study! Friend/Group/Library. Free Peer Tutoring-After School-Library. Actively check status on Power School ! Use Schoology resources/tools.

6 Menu of Failure Free Services
Teacher Office Hours Poster outside their classroom door On the class syllabus On CVCHS website Homework Help Center CVCHS Academic Mentors Monday – Thursday after school in Library No need to sign up – come when you need help Bridge to Success Program – Saturdays Already started – 8:00 am – 12 pm CVCHS Teacher and Academic Mentors are on site to help Assigned classrooms by subject Online program to help with English (Achieve 3000), Math (Ascend) CVCHS Library will be open for computer use

7 Parents! How to Help Students at Home: Checklist
Has the student attended office hours or met with the teacher at brunch/lunch for help?  Has the student attended after school tutoring for those subjects? Has the parent had a parent/teacher conference or contacted teacher regarding concerns?  Is there a structured study time at home free from distractions?  Does student have own work/storage space?

8 How to Help Students at Home: Checklist Continue
Does parent check work is complete and student’s backpack is organized for the morning? Does student have and use an academic planner? Does parent regularly praise student for completed work/good grades?  Does the student and/or parent utilize Schoology and PowerSchool for tracking of missing assignments and additional teacher resources?  Is it an attendance issue? 

9 Graduation Requirements
English 40 credits World History (10th) 10 credits U. S. History (11th) 10 credits Government (12th) 05 credits Economics (12th) 05 credits Life & Physical Science 30 credits Mathematics 30 credits Physical Education 20 credits Foreign Language 10 credits Fine Arts 10 credits Electives 60 credits Total 230 credits

10 UC/CSU College Entrance Requirements A- G Subject Requirements
COURSES Minimum Requirements of College Preparatory classes A. History/Social Science 2 years: World History, U.S. History/Government B. English 4 years: College Prep English C. Math 3 years of college prep math. 4 years is highly recommended. Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II D. Laboratory Science 2 years of lab science. 3 years of lab science is recommended: Biology, Chemistry, Physics E. Language other than English 2 years same language*; 3 years is recommended. Spanish, French, etc. * Students with competency in a language other than English may qualify for an exemption. F. Visual/Performing Arts 1 year of college prep course from Art, Dance, Music, or Theater G. College Preparatory Elective 1 year of college prep electives Test Requirements SAT or ACT

11 A-G Graduation Cord Seniors who meet the A-G course requirement
Red, White and Blue cord will be worn at graduation CVCHS will provide the cord

12 High School Requirements VS College Entrance Requirements
Grades (C’s or higher) Math (Algebra II or higher) Foreign Language (at least two years of the same language) Admission Tests- SAT/ACT

13 “D” Grades Planning on applying to a 4 year University?
Must repeat course Recommend to repeat before your senior year- (if possible) Why? To secure/meet your A-G requirements To possibly raise your GPA prior to the application process See your Academic Guidance Counselor for more information.

14 Honors & AP Courses? Honors & AP classes are accelerated rigorous curriculum AP classes can earn students college credit if they take the AP exam & get a high score Honors & AP classes will give students a weighted GPA UC & CSU limit the number of weighted classes to 4, with no more than 2 classes from 10th grade

15 College Bound Student Athletes
Register for NCAA no later than Junior year Complete a total of 16 Core Courses in English, Math, Science, Social Science, Foreign Language 10 of the 16 core must be completed prior to Senior year Earn over a 2.3 GPA- (in your 16 core) SAT/ACT Scores-send scores to code 9999 Not all courses are approved for NCAA-work with your Academic Guidance Counselor Need to repeat a class?- see your Academic Guidance Counselor for options Bob

16 California’s 4 Systems of Education
Community College 4 Year Universities / Colleges Community Colleges CSU’s UC’s Private Colleges

17 California State University
NUMBER OF CAMPUSES: 23 REQUIREMENTS: A-G Requirements 2.0 Academic GPA or Higher SAT Reasoning or ACT Exam: WHAT THEY OFFER: Bachelor’s Degrees: 4 year degree Master’s Degrees: 2 more years

18 University of California
NUMBER OF CAMPUSES: 10 – Only 9 Open to Freshmen REQUIREMENTS: A-G Requirements 3.0 Academic GPA or Higher SAT Reasoning or ACT Exam w/writing Extracurricular Activities Personal Insight Questions (Essay) WHAT THEY OFFER: Bachelor’s & Masters Degrees Law, Medical, Doctoral Degrees

19 Private & Independent Colleges
NUMBER OF CAMPUSES: 76 REQUIREMENTS: Will Vary by Campus Most will Require A-G Requirements Most will Require SAT or ACT WHAT THEY OFFER: Bachelor’s & Masters Degrees Law, Medical, Doctoral Degrees

20 California Community Colleges
NUMBER OF CAMPUSES: 112 REQUIREMENTS: 18 or High School Diploma Apply & Register for Classes WHAT THEY OFFER: Transfer Options: UC/CSU/ Other Colleges AA/AS degrees (2 year) Vocational Training Certificate Programs

21 PSAT Preliminary SAT (Practice) Will prepare you for the SAT
Register next year! (10th/11th) Test Administered the month of October ONLY

22 College Admissions Tests
Learn more about these SAT ACT Recommend taking first time spring junior year. Can retake fall senior year for score improvement.

23 Vocational/Trade Schools
WyoTech Nearly one-third of the fastest growing occupations will require an associate degree or a postsecondary vocational certificate.

24 Military of the United States

25 Naviance
Week of October 16th in PE classes – 9th Graders Career assessments (9th & 11th ) Four year academic plan (9th, 10th, 11th) College/Job resume (10th) College Search (11th) Build College list (11th) College Visit sign up (11th & 12th) Enrichment programs (11th & 12th) Scholarships (12th) Monitor your college applications (12th)

26 Getting Involved! Clubs Programs Drama, Choir, Band, Link Crew
Athletics, Cheer Leadership Community Service Morning Bulletin Weekly Bulletin

27 Resources - Check our Daily NEWS Posts
Communicate with your teachers! Ask for help, attend office hours/tutoring times /contact teachers especially if struggling Check Schoology for assignments and resources PowerSchool Set up login Check assignment status/grades regularly and often NAVIANCE-college/career program College search, careers, majors College & Career Center Brunch/Lunch/After School College Speakers, College information, Testing (SAT/ACT), Scholarships

28 Additional Academic Support
Peer Tutoring Program-Daily in Library After School Saturday Bridge to Success Additional subject review and homework help Targeted Case Management (TCM) Credit Recovery On-line repeat courses Saturday Credit recovery program On-campus

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