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Presentation on theme: "NFHS BASKETBALL RULES POWER POINT"— Presentation transcript:


2 RULES CHANGES Rules changes

3 Rule coaching box The coaching box shall be bounded by a line drawn 28 feet from the end line towards the division line.  Note:  CIAC adopted 28 foot coaching box for season. It may not extend beyond the end line of the playing court. 14 foot box is eliminated. Ignore line if it is painted. If no coaching box, we follow last year CIAC/IAABO guidance: - ask home school personnel to apply tape at 28ft mark. - if home school does not comply, home school is not allowed coaching box but visiting team head coach Is allowed to stand. - alert interpreter and assignment commissioner if no coaching box. Rule The coaching box shall be outlined outside the side of the court on which the scorer's and timer's table and team benches are located. The area shall be bounded by a line drawn 28 feet from the end line towards the Division line. At this point a line drawn from the sideline toward the team bench becomes the end of the coaching box going towards the end line. Note:  State Associations may alter the length and placement of the 28 foot (maximum) coaching box. Effective Immediately. Tape may be used to extend the 14-foot line to 28 feet


5 Rule 2-9-1 signal to the scorer
When a foul occurs, an official shall signal the timer to stop the clock.  The official shall verbally inform the offender, then with finger(s) of two hands, indicate to the scorer the number of the offender and the number of free throws. Rationale: minimize foul reporting errors, that occur between the officials and the scorekeepers.  Two handed reporting is easier for the scorekeepers to see and comprehend and is less confusing. Rule 2-9-1: When a foul occurs, an official shall signal the timer to stop the clock.  The official shall verbally inform the offender, then with finger(s) of two hands, indicate to the scorer the number of the offender and the number of free throws. Rationale: To minimize foul reporting errors, that occur between the officials and the scorekeepers when the information gets lost in the translation.  Two handed reporting is easier for the scorekeepers to see and comprehend in addition to being less confusing.

Report fouls to the scorer using two hands. The right hand will indicate the first digit (tens or “two” in the PlayPic example) and the left hand will show a second digit (ones or “four”), so it appears in a left-to-right sequence to the scorer. When reporting, verbalize 24, not two-four. RULE SIGNALS Officials should report fouls to the scorer by using two hands to display the fouler’s number. The official’s right hand will indicate the first digit (tens or “two” in the PlayPic example) and the left hand will show a second digit (ones or “four”), so it appears in a left-to-right sequence to the scorer. When reporting, the official should verbalize 24, not two-four.

If player has single digit number (0,1,2,3,4 or 5) use one hand!

8 Reporting to Scorer sequence
Refresher If goal is successful and foul is ruled: 1. Score the goal 2. Communicate - Color, Number, Foul Signal, Indicate # of free throws If goal is not successful and foul is ruled: 1. Communicate - Color, Number, Foul Signal, Indicate # of free throws

9 Refresher - Warnings Rule book has a warning horn
- sounded with 15 second remaining of 30 and 60 second timeout; - sounded at start of 15 second replacement interval. Rule book (4-47) has 4 Delay of Game warnings Throw-in plane violation Huddle by either team & contact with free thrower Interfering with ball following goal Failure to have court ready

10 RULE 4-48 behavioral warning
A behavioral warning to a head coach/bench personnel for misconduct is an administrative procedure by an official. ART. 1 - Bench Technical - Rule a,b,d,e,f; Rule ; Rule What about 10-5-c, g, h,& i? no warning, rule technical What about ? No warning, rule technical. ART. 2 - Head Coach - Rule What about ,3,4,5? No warning, rule technical. Rule 4-48 New Behavioral Warning Warning for Coach/Team Conduct A warning to a coach/team for misconduct is an administrative procedure by an official, which is recorded in the scorebook by the scorer and reported to the Head Coach: Art For conduct, such as that described in rule a,b,d,e,f; ; the official shall warn the head coach unless the offense is judged to be major, in which case a technical foul shall be assessed.  Note:  A warning is not required prior to calling a technical foul.

11 RULE 4-48 behavioral warning
Why? - Help improve sportsmanship of coaches - Coaches need to be a role model as they impact players and fans - Opportunity to avoid a technical foul - Better for officials - Better for coaches - Technical fouls can cause issues, causing some officials to avoid technical fouls

12 RULE 4-48 behavioral warning
Why (continued)? - Provides an option for those officials who are too quick with Technical - Opportunity to deal with an issue that doesn’t warrant a Technical - Puts coaches, fans, players on notice - Gives “power” or “control” to the official - In general, officials put up with too much – this provides an intermediate step without assessing a penalty

13 RULE 4-48 behavioral warning
There is only one (1) warning allowed per game for any misconduct in Rule a,b,d,e,f; ; or 10.6. Situation A – Trainer on bench receives warning for misconduct in 2nd quarter This is the one warning as head coach is responsible for bench personnel. Situation B – During pre-game warm-ups, A8 dunks. Official rules a technical foul. This becomes the one warning for the game. Head coach is assessed an indirect technical and must sit.

14 RULE 4-48 NEW behavioral warning
Summary and Conclusions The rules committee provided a tool to improve coach and bench decorum without having to immediately assess a technical foul…Let’s use it! A warning is not required prior to calling a technical foul. If behavior warrants a technical foul, assess it. A warning is recorded in the scorebook by the scorer and reported to the Head Coach. Notify your partner(s). Rule 4-48 New Behavioral Warning Art For the first violation of rule , the official shall warn the head coach unless the offense is judged to be major, in which case a technical foul shall be assessed. Note: A warning is not required prior to calling a technical foul.  Rationale: Stopping play and making sure that the bench and the coach know that an official warning has been given, sends a clear message to everyone in the gym and impacts the behavior of the coach, and in some cases the behavior of the opposing coach.  This change in behavior creates a better atmosphere and many times avoids the need to administer a technical foul.  

15 EDITORIAL CHANGES Editorial changes

In PlayPic A, the ball is at the thrower’s disposal when the thrower catches the ball from the official’s bounce. In PlayPic B, the ball is at the free-thrower’s disposal when the free thrower catches the ball from the official’s bounce. RULE 4-4-7b BALL LOCATION, AT DISPOSAL In PlayPic A, the ball is at the thrower’s disposal when the thrower catches the ball from the official’s bounce. In PlayPic B, the ball is at the free-thrower’s disposal when the free thrower catches the ball from the official’s bounce.

17 Points of emphasis Points of emphasis

18 Equipment worn on head for medical or religious reason
Rule Exception Requires CIAC approval: – school submits request with proper documents; - CIAC makes decision - CIAC notifies school and IAABO state & local interpreter. - IAABO interpreter notifies Assignment Commissioner and members Equipment worn on head for medical or religious reason. Specific procedures have been established for allowing a head covering to be worn for medical or religious reasons. A player who is required to wear a head covering for medical or religious reasons must provide a physician statement or appropriate documented evidence to the state association for approval. If approved, the state association shall provide written authorization to the school to be made available to officials.

19 Equipment worn on head for medical or religious reason
CIAC/IAABO Protocol If no prior CIAC approval and coach brings to your attention during pre-game warm-ups, do the following: Allow player to play Inform coach that player needs CIAC approval Alert Assignment Commissioner and Interpreter, who will alert CIAC

20 Team control, throw-in The relevance of team control during a throw-in only applies when a member of the throw- in team fouls. Team control during a throw-in (out-of-bounds) is NOT the same as player control/team control in-bounds. Team control in-bounds is established when a player from either team has in-bound status by gaining control of the ball. During the throw-in, 10-seconds, 3-seconds, frontcourt status, backcourt status, closely guarded, etc., are NOT factors, as there has yet to be player control/team control obtained in-bounds. Team control, throw-in The relevance of team control during a throw-in only applies when a member of the throw- in team fouls. Such fouls shall be ruled team control fouls. Team control during a throw-in is NOT intended to be the same as player control/team control inbounds. Team control inbounds is established when a player from either team who has inbound status gains control of the ball. During the throw-in, 10-seconds, 3-seconds, frontcourt status, backcourt status, closely guarded, etc., are NOT factors as there has yet to be player control/team control obtained inbounds.

21 Team control, throw-in Backcourt exception
Refresher Backcourt Rule Exception - during a throw-in, a team may leave the front court, establish player control/team control, while airborne, and land in the backcourt. This is a legal play and ONLY applies to the first player of the offense who touches the ball PRIOR to the end of the throw-in. Team control, throw-in With specific regard to the backcourt violation; a team may not be the last to touch a live ball in the front court and then be the first to touch a live ball in the backcourt, provided that team has establish player control/team control on the playing court (either in the backcourt or frontcourt). BY RULE EXCEPTION, during a throw-in a team may leave the front court, establish player control/team control while airborne and land in the backcourt. This is a legal play and ONLY applies to the first player of the offense who touches the ball PRIOR to the end of the throw-in.

22 TEAM CONTROl, throw-in In the two-part sequence, the ball is inbounded directly from a throw-in. Since the throw-in is untouched the throw-in exception for the pass to be caught by a player inbounds (PlayPic A) – even with jumping from the frontcourt – and landing anywhere is in effect. A12’s catch is therefore legal and not a backcourt violation when catching in the backcourt (PlayPic B). A12 could even land with one foot down first in the frontcourt and then one foot in the backcourt, provided it is deemed a normal landing. In the two-part sequence, the ball is inbounded directly from a throw-in. Since the throw-in is untouched the throw-in exception for the pass to be caught by a player inbounds (PlayPic A) – even with jumping from the frontcourt – and landing anywhere is in effect. A12’s catch is therefore legal and not a backcourt violation when catching in the backcourt (PlayPic B). A12 could even land with one foot down first in the frontcourt and then one foot in the backcourt, provided it is deemed a normal landing.

23 Intentional Fouls The NFHS Rules committee is concerned about the lack of enforcement for intentional fouls during any part of the game, but especially at the end of a game. The intentional foul rule has evolved into misapplication and personal interpretations. Intentional Fouls The committee is concerned about the lack of enforcement for intentional fouls during any part of the game but especially at the end of a game. The intentional foul rule has evolved into misapplication and personal interpretations. An intentional foul is a personal or technical foul that may or may not be premeditated and is not based solely on the severity of the act, it is contact that:

24 Intentional Fouls An intentional foul is a personal or technical foul that may or may not be premeditated and is not based solely on the severity of the act. It is contact that: Neutralizes an opponent’s obvious advantageous position. Contact on an opponent who is clearly not in the play. May be excessive contact. Intentional Fouls Neutralizes an opponent’s obvious advantageous position. Contact on an opponent who is clearly not in the play. May be excessive contact. Contact that is not necessarily premeditated or based solely on the severity of the act.

25 Intentional Fouls Officials must be aware of the game situations as the probability of fouling late in the game is an accepted coaching strategy and is utilized by many coaches in some form. Officials must have the courage to enforce the intentional foul rule properly. Intentional Fouls Officials must be aware of the game situations as the probability of fouling late in the game is an accepted coaching strategy and is utilized by many coaches in some form. Officials must have the courage to enforce the intentional foul rule properly.

26 Guarding – body bumping
Players are attempting to “body bump” the dribbler or post player. This is illegal contact and must be ruled a foul. Officials must accurately identify if the defense or offense causes the contact and penalize the player causing the illegal contact. Guarding The addition of rule , has been successful in its intent to clean up illegal contact on the ballhandler/dribbler and post players. Players are attempting to replace this illegal contact with contact observed as “body bumping”. Illegal contact with the body must be ruled a foul however, officials must accurately identify if the defense or offense causes the contact and penalize the player causing the illegal contact.

27 Refresher Freedom of MoVement 10-7-12
Placing two hands on the player. Placing an extended arm bar on the player. Placing and keeping a hand on the player. Contacting the player more than once with the same hand or alternating hands.

28 Swinging elbows A player shall not swing his/her arm(s) or elbow(s) even without contacting an opponent. Excessive swinging of the elbows occurs when arms and elbows are swung about while using the shoulders as pivots, and the speed of the extended arms and elbows is in excess of the rest of the body as it rotates on the hips or on the pivot foot. This is a violation - Rule 9, Section 13.

29 contact above the shoulders
1. Contact with a stationary elbow may be incidental or a common foul. 2. An elbow in movement that contacts head should be an intentional foul. 3. A moving elbow that is excessive should be either an intentional foul or flagrant personal foul.

30 SPORTSMANSHIP Promote Sportsmanship!
Lets not tolerate poor sportsmanship from players, coaches and fans.

31 CT Concussion protocol Official’s Role
Observe and be more cognizant of athletes displaying signs, symptoms & behaviors consistent with a concussion. Advise coach that - “the player should be checked out”, similar to injury or bleeding rule. Do not say - “the athlete has a concussion”. HCP must determine if player can return.

32 Ct concussion protocol
CT law places the primary responsibility on coaches and health care professionals (HCP). Mandates training for coaches. No requirements in law that pertain to officials.

Point to the floor with “one” finger to indicate foot touching “3” point line (i.e. 2 point field goal is being attempted). Team members are not allowed to congregate at division line or on school logo during introductions. Coaches and officials will direct players to free throw line area in front of respective benches.

Captains-Head Coaches-Officials pre-game meeting should occur from 5 to 10 minutes prior to start of game. If the head coach refuses to attend, notify your Assignment Commissioner, who will notify the school Athletic Director and CIAC.

35 Prep school rules No changes as of today from last year.
Reviewing dunking before game. Will send updated info prior to start of season

36 QUOTE If hard work is the key to success, most people would rather pick the lock.

37 About the NFHS CENTRAL HUB Thank you!
About the NFHS CENTRAL HUB Thank you!


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