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Reconstruction: North and South

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1 Reconstruction: North and South

2 Development in the North
The War’s Aftermath Development in the North During the war, without southern opposition, US laws became more friendly to business. Devastation in the South Sherman’s March destroyed infrastructure Property Value collapse, Confederate Money useless Cotton and Rice production destroyed The conclusion of the Civil War did not end all of the issues that led up to it. In fact, it created more. How were the Confederate States to be treated? As conquered provinces? Forgiven prodigal sons? Or as traitors to the United States? The time period the South would now enter is known as Reconstruction. In many instances, the Civil War was a final blow to the industrial-agrarian conflict that for so long had divided North and South. Now the North, with its industrial might, had gained control of Congress and would no longer be at the mercy of the South. The South now had to rebuild its society to conform to the victorious Union’s demands. The Emancipation Proclamation had abolished slavery in the South and had freed over $4 billion worth of slaves. The South had to rebuild, but its railroads, its land, and its manpower had been severely decimated by the war. What money was still available was inadequate to meet the needs of the devastated South.

3 Devastation from Sherman in Virginia

4 Legally Free, Socially Bound
The War’s Aftermath A Transformed South Freed Slaves White Southerners hated the North for imposing new rules Legally Free, Socially Bound Former slaves had no property, $$ or friends Should former slaves be given land? Few Northerners supported this. The Confederate Army was beaten, but in many areas the southern people were still unbowed. Many planters now found themselves destitute, as they were unable to manage their lands without their slaves. As the Union soldiers were dispatched to take control of the former Rebel provinces, they were viewed with hatred as the conquerors they were. Although they found themselves freed from slavery, very few northerners were willing to elevate the freedmen to the same status as whites. Many argued that land should be provided for them to work, but nothing came of this plan.

5 The War’s Aftermath The Freedmen’s Bureau
Not an overly powerful group as congress did not provide the Bureau with real power. Provided clothing and food Negotiated contracts with plantation owners and freed slaves Provided medical treatment Set up some schools In order to help the freedmen adapt to their new lives, Congress created the Freedmen’s Bureau, which aimed to provide them with the basic necessities as they adjusted.

6 The Assassination of Lincoln
The Assassination of Lincoln – April 14, 1865 Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a southerner sympathizer, on April 14, Other members of Lincoln’s cabinet were targeted, but all escaped without loss of life. Booth and the other conspirators were convicted and hanged. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

7 President Johnson’s Plan (10%+)
Offered amnesty upon simple oath to all except Confederate civil and military officers and those with property over $20,000 (they could apply directly to Johnson) In new constitutions, they must accept minimum conditions repudiating slavery, secession and state debts. Named provisional governors in Confederate states and called them to oversee elections for constitutional conventions. Lincoln’s assassination changed the face of Reconstruction. His successor, Andrew Johnson, would not be strong enough to counteract the demands of the Radical Republicans in Congress. Johnson would continue with Lincoln’s plan to “restore” the southern states, in the belief that they had never left the Union. An addition to Lincoln’s plan made by Johnson was that every state must adopt the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery, to regain its full rights. 1. Disenfranchised certain leading Confederates. 2. Pardoned planter aristocrats brought them back to political power to control state organizations. EFFECTS? 3. Republicans were outraged that planter elite were back in power in the South!

8 13th Amendment Ratified in December, 1865.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

9 Growing Northern Alarm!
Many Southern state constitutions fell short of minimum requirements. Johnson granted 13,500 special pardons. Revival of southern defiance. BLACK CODES

10 Black Codes Purpose: Guarantee stable labor supply now that blacks were emancipated. Restore pre-emancipation system of race relations. Forced many blacks to become sharecroppers [tenant farmers].

11 Congress Breaks with the President
Congress bars Southern Congressional delegates. Joint Committee on Reconstruction created. February, 1866  President vetoed the Freedmen’s Bureau bill. March, 1866  Johnson vetoed the 1866 Civil Rights Act. Congress passed both bills over Johnson’s vetoes  1st in U. S. history!!

12 14th Amendment Ratified in July, 1868.
Provide a constitutional guarantee of the rights and security of freed people. Insure against neo-Confederate political power. Enshrine the national debt while repudiating that of the Confederacy. Southern states would be punished for denying the right to vote to black citizens!

13 Reconstructing the South
The Triumph of Congressional Reconstruction Congress would then embark on a new program designed to limit the power of the president and to exert control over Reconstruction. First, it declared that any state that had met previous guidelines to return to the Union was still in rebellion; second, it denied the power of the president to remove members of his cabinet In order to return to the Union, states had to craft new constitutions, provide universal male suffrage, and adopt the Fourteenth Amendment, after which Congress would consider allowing them to return. Until then, all of the South would be divided into five military districts controlled by governors. Johnson received a devastating defeat in the 1866 midterm election for Congress as the Radical Republicans were returned with over a two-thirds majority. Congress would then embark on a new program designed to limit the power of the president and to exert control over Reconstruction. First, it declared that any state that had met previous guidelines to return to the Union was still in rebellion; second, it denied the power of the president to remove members of his cabinet; and third, it made Grant independent of Johnson. In order to return to the Union, states had to craft new constitutions, provide universal male suffrage, and adopt the Fourteenth Amendment, after which Congress would consider allowing them to return. Until then, all of the South would be divided into five military districts controlled by governors. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

14 Reconstructing the South
The Impeachment and Trial of Johnson Johnson and his secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, who had been appointed by Lincoln, did not get along. In 1867, Johnson removed Stanton from that position and tried to appoint Grant. The Radical Republicans impeached Johnson on the grounds that he had violated the Tenure of Office Act, which they had passed in 1866. He would be impeached but would fall short of being removed from office by one vote. Johnson would seek the Democrat nomination in 1868 for his own term as president but would not receive it, and Grant would win the election as a Republican. Republican Rule in the South By the end of 1870, all of the former Confederate states had met the conditions for being readmitted, including ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave all men the right to vote. Johnson and his secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, who had been appointed by Lincoln, did not get along. In 1867, Johnson removed Stanton from that position and tried to appoint Grant. The Radical Republicans impeached Johnson on the grounds that he had violated the Tenure of Office Act, which they had passed in He would be impeached but would fall short of being removed from office by one vote. Johnson would seek the Democrat nomination in 1868 for his own term as president but would not receive it, and Grant would win the election as a Republican. By the end of 1870, all of the former Confederate states had met the conditions for being readmitted, including ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave all men the right to vote. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

15 Reconstructing the South
The Freed Slaves Treatment by many Whites was still poor Military training = Political Leaders Churches formed foundation of African American community – Religious and Social Marriages carried out and families set up African Americans in Southern Politics Few freed slaves in politics Many African American’s moved from Northern cities to work in politics The freedmen would not achieve equality now that they were no longer bound to their masters. In some ways, their situation was worse. The church became the center of freedmen society, as by 1890, over 13 African Americans in the South proclaimed themselves to be Baptist, due to that denomination’s decentralized structure. Marriage, which under slavery had been illegal, exploded, with the majority of former slave families living in a two-parent home by Communities would also work to establish schools to educate the freedmen. This effort would face pressure from the whites in the South, who feared that educating them would cause them to seek better social and economic opportunities elsewhere. The constitutional conventions demanded of the states by Congress were populated by several hundred freedmen. A power struggle between rural and urban freedmen would develop over issues pertaining to the redistribution of land. And many urban African American elites argued against the leveling of the social classes to allow the uneducated to be on par with the educated in society. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

16 Sharecropping

17 Tenancy & the Crop Lien System
Furnishing Merchant Tenant Farmer Landowner Loan tools and seed up to 60% interest to tenant farmer to plant spring crop. Farmer also secures food, clothing, and other necessities on credit from merchant until the harvest. Merchant holds “lien” {mortgage} on part of tenant’s future crops as repayment of debt. Plants crop, harvests in autumn. Turns over up to ½ of crop to land owner as payment of rent. Tenant gives remainder of crop to merchant in payment of debt. Rents land to tenant in exchange for ¼ to ½ of tenant farmer’s future crop.

18 Black & White Political Participation

19 Establishment of Historically Black Colleges in the South

20 Reconstructing the South
“Carpetbaggers” and “Scalawags” Two groups who gained new power in the South Carpetbaggers – Northerner’s who moved South Scalawags – Southerners who supported Union The Radical Republican Record Despite being despised by many whites in the south, the Radical Republican’s left a legacy 600,000 Black students Railroads Blacks had new rights During Reconstruction, any person who had held a role in aiding the Confederacy was barred from holding a position in government. Therefore, those who held positions were of two categories, southerners who “betrayed” their roots and sided with the Union during the war, known as Scalawags, or northerners who immigrated to the South to take a position southerners could not hold, called Carpetbaggers. Many of the constitutions that were forced on the South during Reconstruction would remain after that era ended, and many of the provisions found therein would be adopted into new ones. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

21 The Grant Years The Election of 1868
Although he had never held elected office before, Grant would be elected president of the United States in 1868, based mainly on his victory in the Civil War. He was the youngest president at the time and was often blind to the forces of politics once in office and was awestruck by the wealth of some of his supporters. Although he had never held elected office before, Grant would be elected president of the United States in 1868, based mainly on his victory in the Civil War. He was the youngest president at the time and was often blind to the forces of politics once in office and was awestruck by the wealth of some of his supporters. Following the war, the United States had $432 million worth of greenbacks that were to be paid back with hard money. Once done, paper money would be abolished and a return to specie would occur. Democrats advocated printing more to pay the debt off. This was known as the “Ohio Idea.” Grant’s administration would face a series of scandals, many due to the quality of the people he put in office. Scandals during this time included a plot to corner the gold market, the Crédit Mobilier scandal, and the Whiskey Ring. All of these would be traced back to either Grant’s family or workers close to him, damaging his presidency. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

22 15th Amendment Ratified in 1870.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Women’s rights groups were furious that they were not granted the vote!

23 The “Invisible Empire of the South”

24 The Grant Years Election of 1876 – The country was in a Depression during the election of Close election between Republican, Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat, Samuel Tilden. The Compromise of 1877 – Hayes strikes secret deal with Democrats in Senate to vote him President if he removes all Federal troops from South. The withdrawal of the greenbacks from circulation, the overextension of railway lines beyond profitable means, and the failure of Jay Cooke’s bank caused a loss of confidence in the economy and started a panic. The depression that followed lasted six years. The Republicans, being the party in power, took the blame for the depression, and in 1874, the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives. At the time, some greenbacks were still in circulation and were traded lower than gold, but when Grant demanded that greenbacks be redeemed for the same value in gold, parity shook the economy again and the depression continued. In 1876, the Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes for president and the Democrats nominated Samuel Tilden. When the electoral returns were announced, rival returns from the same state posed a quandary. Which to chose? Finally, Congress established an electoral commission to canvass the results and declared Hayes the winner. A secret deal with Democrats was later revealed in which they had agreed they would go along with Hayes as president if he withdrew every Federal soldier from the South. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

25 The End of Reconstruction
The Grant Years The End of Reconstruction 1877 Hayes removes troops from Louisiana and SC. Soon after Republican governments fall. Hayes loses legitimacy as President Civil rights in the South takes a giant step backwards In general, Reconstruction failed in the short term but left a legacy of the 13th , 14th and 15th Amendments waiting to be upheld. Hayes would honor the Compromise of 1877 and remove all remaining Federal soldiers from the South. In these areas, the Republican governments that existed would soon fall. © 2013 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

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