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Do Now: What conclusions can you draw about this African country

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What conclusions can you draw about this African country"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What conclusions can you draw about this African country
Do Now: What conclusions can you draw about this African country? Draw 1 conclusion from each picture.

2 What part of Africa did Apartheid occur?

3 All White gov. “national party” Definition: Being apart from
Apartheid All White gov. “national party” Definition: Being apart from Complete separation of the races What type of government do you think ruled S. Africa? What does Apartheid mean?

4 Nelson Mandela Protests

5 Political Action 1964: Nelson Mandela: Black activist/dissident imprisoned for life U.N. suspends S. Africa’s membership United States placed sanctions on S. Africa 1990: President Deklerk stops Apartheid & releases Mandela 1994: Mandela elected president

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