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Stories Behind Chinese Scripts
Dr. Martin Q. Zhao Nov 10 & 17, 2015 Stories Behind Chinese Scripts With Chinese Calligraphy Workshop Prepared for Mercer Univ. Honors Program
Topics Why: Do I Need to Know It When: Origin of Chinese Scripts
How: Ways to Form Chinese Characters What: Meaning of the Words Going into the Digital Era Why is it so hard? Or is it? When: Origin of Chinese Scripts How: Ways to Form Chinese Characters What: Meaning of the Words Going into the Digital Era When was it started? How can you learn so many characters? What does this word mean? Can I find it online? And how?
Who IS using the language?
Demographics 1/6 of world population The greater China region, Singapore, UN, & Chinatowns Influences on E/SE Asian countries People you know are using it Mrs. Obama (writing w/ a brush or BI3) Mark Zuckerberg speaks at Tsinghua Univ., Beijing French President Macron said “让地球再次 伟大”(Make our planet great again) ~2:00]
Chinese learning in Macon
Offerings at Mercer Intro/intermediate sequences + seminar Study abroad in China (Nanjing & Guangzhou) INT 301/Understanding Chinese Culture in Spring North China Culture Trip Summer ‘16 (Beijing, Xi’an, …) Confucius Institute & Chinese Wesleyan Middle GA Sino-Am. Assoc./Chinese School Talks and calligraphy workshops since 2013
North China Culture Trip Summer ‘16
Study abroad opportunity INT 301 section offered in China 10-day trip in Beijing, Xi’an, Luoyang, and Pingyao Forbidden City, Great Wall; Olympic venues Tomb of the 1st Emperor and his Terracotta Army, Longmen (Dragon’s Gate) Grottoes (w/ Buddhism statues) Well-preserved walled city (ancient county seat) w/ residential properties hundreds of years old High speed trains, biking on city wall, Rickshaw rides
As simple as one two three
Learning to write is as easy as… Let’s read aloud together YI ER SAN: phonetic symbols YI1 ER4 SAN1: four tones (+unstressed tone) SAN1 GE4 ZI4: three count character (字) How to write the word for 4? (4 lines like Roman numeral…) And what about 10,000? SAN1 KOU3 REN2: three mouth person SAN1 ZHI1 BI3: three stem brush
More words for number 一二三四五六七八九十百千万
Let’s focus on the form of the words and how to make sense of them 一二三四五六七八九十百千万 Why? Not so intuitive as 1,2, and 3? Showing picture here Yī Èr Sān Sì Wǔ Liù Qī Bā Jiǔ Shí Bǎi Qiān Wàn Origin
Legends: Info Mgmt. w/o scripts
Knot-tying was the way to keep records Scripts from the river (brought by a mysterious turtle) FuXi created Ba1 Gua4 (八卦) Trigrams formed with 3 lines Each can be broken (YIN1) or unbroken (YANG2) CangJi created scripts or WEN2 ZI4 (字)
Picto-phonetic: one way to form a new word
Form and mean-ing Sound /gui1/ /gua4/ The 3rd of the 64 GUA4’s
Show Me the radicals! Accountant: show me the cash!
Programmer: show me the code (or objects)! Chinese learner: show me the radicals! WEN2 ZI4文字 As written in the bronze script dated back 3,000+ years 会意 Indicative Associative 象形 指事 Picto-graphic House; building Crossed Strokes resembling things Created In-house w/ radicals Child atomic ZI3 Also sound 形声 Picto-phonetic
六书(6 ways to write) There are 6 ways to make 字 shu1 Gui1
Zi2, child; also surname; also master Yi2, (2nd in the Earthly Branches sequence) Kong2, surname for Confucius; also cave Form resemblance Ya4, run over Form + form Diff Forms w/ Same meaning 象形 会意 转注 Indicative Picto-graphic Picto-phonetic Associative Borrowing Extension 指事 形声 假借 Self- explanatory Form + sound Same form, Diff meaning Bing1, frozen water, ice 仌 Feng2, horse running fast 冫 氷 冰 Surname
說文解字(Shuo1 Wen2 jie3 zi4) Comprehensive dictionary
Compiled in the 2nd century by Xu3 Shen4 With 14 volumes, 133,441 words Listed 9,353 characters (字 zi4) plus 1,163 variants Under 540 radicals 部首(Bu4 Shou3) Characters categorized under a radical or BU4 SHOU3 (literarily, head of the section), usually share similar meaning or related to certain common topics. The Han4 Dynasty edition was lost in time. It was recompiled and printed in 986 (Song4 Dynasty) by Xu2 Xuan2. 首 itself is a radical
Evolution of the scripts
These 3 will be tried out in workshop Or Semi-cursive script 4 (or 5) Populous types of scripts for calligraphers 行书 The running script is missing from the list
Quiz-1: numbers in standard scripts
7 6 4 2 1 3 8 5 9 Fontanelle Why these 2 numbers? Heart
三皇(huang2) 三 in the last question stands for 三皇,three legendary rulers (the three Sovereigns) Several versions of 三皇 existed Fu2 Xi1 Nv3 Wa1 女媧 Sheng2 Nong2 or king God of agriculture,or Superb farmer
三光(guang1) & 三才(cai2) Why three? When it’s not even certain who made the three? 三光: three lights 日(Ri4)月(Yue4)星(Xing1) 三才: three resources or talents 天(Tian1)地(Di4)人(Ren2) From whom others are Derived god Related to divination shen2 shen1 Three lights From above One who can hold itself。
道德经(dao4 de2 jing1) Book of Tao and Teh by Lao Tse Taoism worldview
Old master Book of Tao and Teh by Lao Tse Taoism worldview So what does 自然 mean? In modern context, it often means nature Here it means自然而然: It is what it is As compared to “I am who I am” in Hebrew bible 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物(Wu4, all things) Follows the model of Follows the model of Follows the model of Follows the model of (Originally) Burning; being in a certain condition nose; self Sheng1 give birth to Niu2 Cattle: a big thing
五帝(di4) 五 in that question stands for 五帝(5 Emperors),
黄(Huang2)帝 yellow emperor, is regarded as the founding father of the Chinese civilization 人文初祖 His “scribe” or historian, Cang1 Jie2 is credited for creating 文字 following paw prints Several versions of五帝existed, why five? 兔 孔子家语/卷六 五帝第二十四 鹿
五行(xing2)五星& 五方(fang1) L’s given name: Dan1 C’s given name: Qiu1 孔子(Confucius)曰:“昔丘也闻诸老聃(Lao Tse)曰:‘天有五行,… 其神谓之五帝。… ” 五行: five phases (or planets行星) 金(Jin1)木 (Mu4)水 (Shui3)火 (Huo3)土(Tu2) Quiz 2-which one is which? metal(or gold), wood(or tree), water(or river), fire, and earth 五方: five directions (or regions) 东 (Dong1)西(Xi1)南(Nan2)北(Bei3)中(Zhong1) 聃:big ear w/o rim 丘:hill, high ground (w/ a ditch)
三代 as described in shi3ji4
尧舜禹(Yao2 Shun4 Yu3) Meritocracy Genealogy: from yellow emperor to the 3 (or 4) dynasties Yan2-huang2 zi3-sun1 (descendants of the Red and Yellow Emperors)
三代 as described in shi3ji4
黄帝 Yellow Emperor 顓頊 Zhuan1Xu1 帝嚳 Ku4 女修 Xiu1 契 弃 帝尧 Qi4 Qi4 Yao2 帝舜 Shun4 夏禹 Yu4 Tang1, 1st King of Shang1 商汤 周文王 King Wen2 of Zhou1 1st Emperor of Qin2 秦始皇
Social orders in the dynasties
Fu4 Within a family: father Governing the country Administrators (head of county, etc) Ruler (of a fief): King:王(wang2) The “scribe”史 Subordinate隶与隶书 You4 Right hand Yin3 Kou3 Mouth: utter command Jun1 One who connects heaven, earth, and (rules) people Gong1 Crafts- man: holding tools One who keeps the history: must hold no position (right at the middle) Shi3 Clerks; (lower level) officials Clerical script, replacing seal script for convenience Li4 Li4
易(yi4)经(book of changes)
乾(Qian2):元亨,利貞。 初九:潛龍,勿用。 九二:見龍在田,利見 大人。 九三:君子終日乾乾, 夕惕若,厲,无咎。 九四:或躍在淵,无咎。 九五:飛龍在天,利見 大人。 上九:亢龍有悔 It represents what is great and originating, penetrating, advantageous, correct and firm. In the lowest NINE, the dragon lying hid (in the deep). It is not the time for active doing (being in the lowest place.) In the second NINE, the dragon appearing in the field. It will be advantageous to meet with the great man. In the third NINE, the superior man active and vigilant all the day, and in the evening still careful and apprehensive. (The position is) dangerous, but there will be no mistake. In the fourth NINE, the dragon looks as if it were leaping up, but still in the deep. There will be no mistake. In the fifth NINE, the dragon on the wing in the sky. It will be advantageous to meet with the great man. In the topmost NINE, the dragon exceeding the proper limits. There will be occasion for repentance. [注释] 民,人也,谓周人也。 时,是也。 姜嫄,炎帝后,姜姓,有邰氏女,名嫄,为高辛之世妃。后稷之母。禋(yīn),精意以享谓之禋祀,郊禖也。 弗之言祓(fú)也。祓无子,求有子也。古者立郊禖,盖祭天于郊,而以先禖配也。变禖言禖者,神之也。其礼以玄鸟至之日,用太牢祀之,天子亲往,后率九嫔御,乃礼天子所御,带以弓韣,授以弓矢,于郊禖之前也。 履,践也。帝,上帝也。武,迹。敏,拇。 歆,动也,犹惊异也。 介,大也。闻一多解为“愒(qì)”,息。 震,娠也。 夙,肃也。生子者及月辰居侧室也。一说疑“孕”。育,养也。 Regarded as the first of all scriptures (群经之首), was accredited to King Wen of Zhou, based on trigram symbols by FuXi. It was later compiled and annotated by Confucius.
尚书(shang4shu1 Book from Antiquity)
Ancient books believed to be originated in the late Five Emperors era to Zhou Dynasty. 禹曰:「於! 帝念哉! 德惟善政, 政在養民。 水、火、金、木、土、穀,惟修; 正德、利用、厚生、 惟和。 九功惟敘, 九敘惟歌。 戒之用休, 董之用威, 勸之以九歌俾勿壞。」 Yu said, 'Oh! think (of these things), O Di4. The virtue (of the ruler) is seen in (his) good government, and that government in the nourishing of the people. There are water, fire, metal, wood, the earth, and grain - these must be duly regulated; there are the rectification of (the people's) virtue, (the tools and other things) that supply the conveniences of life, and the securing abundant means of sustentation – these must be harmoniously attended to. Caution them with gentle (words), correct them with the majesty (of law), stimulate them with the songs on those nine subjects - in order that (your success) may not suffer diminution.' [注释] 民,人也,谓周人也。 时,是也。 姜嫄,炎帝后,姜姓,有邰氏女,名嫄,为高辛之世妃。后稷之母。禋(yīn),精意以享谓之禋祀,郊禖也。 弗之言祓(fú)也。祓无子,求有子也。古者立郊禖,盖祭天于郊,而以先禖配也。变禖言禖者,神之也。其礼以玄鸟至之日,用太牢祀之,天子亲往,后率九嫔御,乃礼天子所御,带以弓韣,授以弓矢,于郊禖之前也。 履,践也。帝,上帝也。武,迹。敏,拇。 歆,动也,犹惊异也。 介,大也。闻一多解为“愒(qì)”,息。 震,娠也。 夙,肃也。生子者及月辰居侧室也。一说疑“孕”。育,养也。 When the nine services (thus indicated) have been orderly accomplished, that accomplishment will be hailed by (the people's) songs. 《大禹謨 - Counsels of the Great Yu3》: 6
诗(shi1)经(book of songs)
厥初生民、時維姜嫄。 生民如何、克禋克祀、以弗無子。 履帝武敏歆、攸介攸止、載震載夙、載生載育、時維后稷。 The first birth of [our] people, Was from Jiang Yuan. How did she give birth to [our] people? She had presented a pure offering and sacrificed, That her childlessness might be taken away. She then trod on a toe-print made by God, and was moved, In the large place where she rested. She became pregnant; she dwelt retired; She gave birth to, and nourished [a son], Who was Hou-ji. [注释] 民,人也,谓周人也。 时,是也。 姜嫄,炎帝后,姜姓,有邰氏女,名嫄,为高辛之世妃。后稷之母。禋(yīn),精意以享谓之禋祀,郊禖也。 弗之言祓(fú)也。祓无子,求有子也。古者立郊禖,盖祭天于郊,而以先禖配也。变禖言禖者,神之也。其礼以玄鸟至之日,用太牢祀之,天子亲往,后率九嫔御,乃礼天子所御,带以弓韣,授以弓矢,于郊禖之前也。 履,践也。帝,上帝也。武,迹。敏,拇。 歆,动也,犹惊异也。 介,大也。闻一多解为“愒(qì)”,息。 震,娠也。 夙,肃也。生子者及月辰居侧室也。一说疑“孕”。育,养也。 《大雅 - Greater odes of the kingdom》 生民:1 Sheng1 Min2 Selected by Confucius from 3000 some poems and categorized under 风雅颂.
周礼(zhou1Li2 The Rites of Zhou)
《夏官司馬 – Summer Dept. Administrating Horses (actually Military Affairs)》 凡制軍,萬有二千五百人為軍。 王六軍,大國三軍,次國二軍,小國一軍。 軍將(jiang4)皆命卿。 二千有五百人為師,師帥皆中大夫。五百人為旅,旅帥皆下大夫。 百人為卒,卒長皆上士。二十五人為兩,兩司馬皆中士。五人伍,伍皆有長。 一軍則二府、六史、胥十人、徒百人。 About military organization, a corps (jun1) consists of 12,500 troops, The King has 6 corpses, large states 3, secondary states 2, and minor states one. The generals are nobles assigned by the King. 2,500 troops form a division (shi1), its commander a middle level officer. 500 troops form a brigade (lv3), whose commander is a lower level officer troops form a company (zu2), whose chief is a higher sergeant. 25 troops form a platoon (liang3), whose chief is a middle sergeant. With five troops, a squad (wu3) is headed by a Corporal. A corps has two civilian officers (e.g., treasurers, fu3), six scribes, 10 assistants, and 100 servants. [注释] 民,人也,谓周人也。 时,是也。 姜嫄,炎帝后,姜姓,有邰氏女,名嫄,为高辛之世妃。后稷之母。禋(yīn),精意以享谓之禋祀,郊禖也。 弗之言祓(fú)也。祓无子,求有子也。古者立郊禖,盖祭天于郊,而以先禖配也。变禖言禖者,神之也。其礼以玄鸟至之日,用太牢祀之,天子亲往,后率九嫔御,乃礼天子所御,带以弓韣,授以弓矢,于郊禖之前也。 履,践也。帝,上帝也。武,迹。敏,拇。 歆,动也,犹惊异也。 介,大也。闻一多解为“愒(qì)”,息。 震,娠也。 夙,肃也。生子者及月辰居侧室也。一说疑“孕”。育,养也。 Five other depts.: Heaven – Court, Earth – People, Spring – Ritual affairs, Autumn – Crimes, and Winter – Construction* (*missing & replaced w/ Craftsmen of all kinds)
庄(zhuang1)子:薪火相传 《養生主 - Nourishing the Lord of Life》
Started with: 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯隨无涯,殆已…There is a limit to our life, but to knowledge there is no limit. With what is limited to pursue after what is unlimited is a perilous thing;… Ended with: 指窮於為薪,火傳也,不知其盡也。 What we can point to are the faggots that have been consumed; but the fire is transmitted (elsewhere), and we know not that it is over and ended.
Confucius 孔子 儒、书 三人行必有吾师焉 有教无类,束脩十条 八不食 五经六艺 易经—韦编三绝
秦始皇first emperor of qin
皇帝 秦统一中国 统一文字 统一货币 统一度量衡 统一交通系统 求长生不老派徐福带500童男童女到海上寻仙 焚书
党国教学 三教:儒释道 党:民主、共和 国:共和、合众 学:大中小
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