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Beech high school registration

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1 Beech high school registration

2 Registration Process Student receives materials and meets with a counselor in skinny block class Student completes course requests on registration card in PENCIL Student obtains teacher approval for honors / AP courses on registration card Student discusses course selection with parent/guardian Parent signs registration agreement (card with classes on it) Parent provides proof of residence for address listed on student information card (white card). Student enters course requests into INow from home or school (laptop or desktop only)

3 Forms – should be completed before individual meeting with your counselor
Student Demographic Information (name, phone, etc) with 2 Proofs of Residence (white card)

4 What’s a PROOF OF Residence?
Proof that you live at the address listed for you in the registration materials. Must bring 2 different documents from this list.

5 What’s a PROOF OF Residence?
Proof that you live at the address listed for you in the registration materials. Must bring 2 different documents from this list. What should I bring? Electric Bill Water Bill Land Line Phone Bill Mortgage Statement Rental Agreement Satellite / Cable Bill Home /Rental Insurance LAST 30 DAYS

6 What’s a PROOF OF RESIDEnce?
Proof that you live at the address listed for you on the registration materials. Must bring 2 different documents from this list. What should I bring? Electric Bill Water Bill Land Line Phone Bill Mortgage Statement Rental Agreement Satellite / Cable Bill Home /Rental Insurance LAST 30 DAYS What will NOT be accepted? Credit Card Application/Bill Cell Phone Bill Magazine Subscription / Bill Junk Mail Medical Bills Bank Statement Drivers License Vehicle Registration

7 Forms – should be completed before individual meeting with your counselor
Student Demographic Information (name, phone, etc) with 2 PROOFS OF RESIDENCE (white card) Registration Card (BOTH SIDES) – course requests (colored card)

8 Should I take Honors / AP classes?
All courses are college prep and meet TN standards for learning. However, in an Honors / AP course, you will experience … Increased rigor Additional homework More time preparing and reviewing class material Potentially, additional reading material and project work Teacher recommendation required.

9 Everyone needs . . . English – Standard, Honors (need recommendation), AP (need recommendation)

10 Everyone needs . . . English – Standard, Honors (need recommendation), AP (need recommendation) Math – next slide

11 Math sequence – 1 math credit per year
Algebra 1 or Algebra B Geometry Algebra 2 Bridge, SAILS, Statistics, College, App Algebra Math Con. CHECK ACT REQUIREMENTS IN REGISTRATION BOOK

12 Math sequence – 1 math credit per year
Algebra 1 or Algebra B Geometry Algebra 2 Bridge, SAILS, Statistics, College, App Algebra Math Con Algebra 1 H Geometry H Algebra 2 H Honors Pre-Calculus AP Statistics AP Calculus AB (both semesters) RECOMMENDATION REQUIRED

13 Math sequence – 1 math credit per year
Algebra 1 or Algebra B Geometry Algebra 2 Bridge, SAILS, Statistics, College, App Algebra Math Con Algebra 1 H Geometry H Algebra 2 H Honors Pre-Calculus OR AP Statistics Calculus AB

14 What do you need? English – Standard, Honors (need recommendation), AP (need recommendation) Math – ONE credit each year

15 What do you need? English – Standard, Honors (need recommendation), AP (need recommendation) Math – ONE credit each year Science – 10th Biology, 11th Chemistry or Honors Physics

16 What do you need? English – Standard, Honors (need recommendation), AP (need recommendation) Math – ONE credit each year Science – 10th Biology, 11th Chemistry or Honors Physics Social Studies 10th - World History with Geography (if not taken in 9th) 11th - US History 12th - Government and Economics

17 What do you need? English – Standard, Honors (need recommendation), AP (need recommendation) Math – ONE credit each year Science – 10th Biology, 11th Chemistry or Honors Physics Social Studies 10th - World History with Geography (if not taken in 9th) 11th - US History 12th - Government and Economics Physical Education - Wellness (usually taken in 9th) and an additional half credit in PE, (1 ½ total)

18 What do you need? English – Standard, Honors (need recommendation), AP (need recommendation) Math – ONE credit each year Science – 10th Biology, 11th Chemistry or Honors Physics Social Studies 10th - World History with Geography (if not taken in 9th) 11th - US History 12th - Government and Economics Physical Education - Wellness (usually taken in 9th) and an additional half credit in PE, (1 ½ total) Foreign Language–Level 1 and 2, 10th, recommendation from English teacher for Honors

19 Two Units of the Same Language in the SAME YEAR
Foreign Language Two Units of the Same Language in the SAME YEAR Spanish (Honors, Standard) Latin (Honors) German (Honors) French (Honors, Standard)

20 What do you need? (What is this????
Fine Art Personal Finance – 11th (or 12th) Elective Focus (3 credits beyond what is required in any subject area) (What is this???? It’s a subject that you study more in depth. It’s like a college major)

21 Elective Focus . . . Career and Technical Education (CTE) - Must be all in the same subject: Marketing Health Science Agriculture Engineering Early Childhood Education etc. Humanities - any combination of the following subjects: Social Studies, Foreign Language, English Language Math and Science Advanced Placement Fine Art

22 What do you need? Fine Art Personal Finance - 11th (or 12th)
Elective Focus (3 credits beyond what is required in any subject area) CTE Humanities Math and Science Advanced Placement

23 What do you need? Fine Art Personal Finance - 11th (or 12th)
Elective Focus (3 credits beyond what is required in any subject area) CTE Humanities Math and Science Advanced Placement General Electives – 4 (may or may not be in focus area)

24 What do you need? Fine Art Personal Finance - 11th (or 12th)
Elective Focus (3 credits beyond what is required in any subject area) CTE Humanities Math and Science Advanced Placement General Electives – 4 (may or may not be in focus area) Skinny Block

25 OTHER VERY IMPORTANT – First choices don’t always work out!
INCLUDE ALTERNATES – but do not enter your alternate choices online Elective focus area General electives Skinny Block VERY IMPORTANT – First choices don’t always work out! Signature Page – READ, UNDERSTAND, and then sign.

26 Special Note . . . If you have an IEP, talk your choices and your plan over with your case manager.

27 Registration Process Student receives materials and meets with a counselor in skinny block class Student completes course requests on registration card in PENCIL Student obtains teacher approval for honors / AP courses on registration card Student discusses course selection with parent/guardian Parent signs registration agreement Parent provides proof of residence for address listed on the white card Student enters course requests into INow from home or school (laptop or desktop only) Student attends individual meeting with his/her counselor – bring card and proofs or residence

28 What will the appointment with my school counselor be like?

29 What happens next? When all of your documents are turned in to the School Counseling Office, your counselor will approve your course requests.

30 Dual Enrollment - Volunteer state community college
Courses taken at BHS (11,12) taught by VSCC professors Course descriptions are in the Registration Book Two or three days each week Off days – must find a teacher to whom you will be assigned Two courses per semester covered by a grant (you must apply)

31 Dual Enrollment - Volunteer state community college
Must purchase books ACT score required – 19 subscore in Math and Reading 18 subscore in English Must apply to Vol State and turn in paperwork on or before April 1 Your School Counselor has more info

32 Dual Enrollment Union University
12th Grade only Attend Union University, Hendersonville campus in the morning Attend 3rd and 4th Block at BHS Earn College Hours to transfer

33 Dual Enrollment Union University
ACT score (22 composite and minimum 18 subscores) $ per credit hour Must provide your own transportation Ask your School Counselor

34 TA Assignment T(eacher’s) A(ssistant) . . .
Two or three days each week on the days that you do not attend Dual Enrollment classes. Find your own location. Approved upon completion of paperwork and signed by you and teacher – available at the beginning of each semester. Approved by the administration. Attendance required. Tasks . . .

35 Senior Project Off Campus
Volunteer hours = 125 total (about 8 hours per week) Monthly paperwork turned in to supervising teacher and final written paper Pass/Fail Meet with coordinator at the beginning of the semester Service hours may be used for TN Promise Scholarship

36 Junior ACT April 19 We will register you in April Free Prepare
Can be used for college entrance Required for graduation

37 Counselors A – D Ms. Hood E – K Ms. Butler L – Q Ms. Croft
R – Z Ms. Dupree

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