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POVIJEST LAJONIZMA Welcome to our seminar. (Personal introduction)

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1 POVIJEST LAJONIZMA Welcome to our seminar. (Personal introduction)
Many of you in attendance are new to Lions, but you have expressed an interest in knowing more about our association. We will take some time today to provide you with an overview of Lions Clubs International, and then we will have an opportunity to hear the personal stories of a number of fellow Lions members. At the end of the session, there will be time for you to ask questions. First, allow me to examine some general information about Lions that future Lions leaders, and in fact any active Lion, would want to know. I will specifically address the areas of: Lions history – How the association came to be and some of the historical highlights over the years Organization – How the association is structured to provide support and leadership for the individual clubs Service – The wide variety of services that Lions provide to their communities and to the world are too many to mention, but we will examine a few notable efforts Membership – The programs that exist to make sure our clubs continue to grow and prosper

2 OSNOVANI – 1917. Melvin Jones
Međunarodna organizacija Lions Club začeta je u snovima Melvina Jonesa, pripadnika Chicago osiguranja. On nije mogao shvatiti zašto lokalni poslovni klubovi, jednog od kojih je i sam bio aktivni clan, ne prošire polje djelovanja. Zašto se umjesto uskog interesa za poslove ne pocnu zanimati za unapredenje i dobrobit okolice i svijeta. Jonesova ideja naišla je na dobar prijem medu clanovima njegove grupe, Poslovni krug Chicago. Oni su ga ovlastili da istraži kakav bi prijem njegova ideja imala medu slicnim organizacijama širom Sjedinjenih Država. Njegov trud je rezultirao u osnivackom sastanku u lokalnom hotelu održanom 7. lipnja, 1917.godine. 12 ljudi koji su prisustvovali sastanku nekako su uspjeli potisnuti prirodni osjeaaj odanosti svojim klubovima i izglasati odluku o osnivanju Udruge Lions Clubova. Isto tako su donijeli odluku o prvoj nacionalnoj konvenciji (skupu). Ista bi se održala u Dallasu, Texas, SAD, iste godine u mjesecu listopadu. Na prvom nacionalnom skupu, 36 predstavnika 22 kluba iz 9 država, odazvalo se na poziv i potvrdilo osnivanje Lions Clubova. Izabrali su Doktora William P. Woods-a, iz Indiane za prvog predsjednika. Zacetnik i osnivac Melvin Jones izabran je za sekretara udruge. Ostao je aktivan u Lionismu sve do smrti godine. “U životu ne možete postići dovoljno sve dok ne počnete činiti nešto za nekog drugog.”

3 7. lipnja 1917. Sastanak u Hotelu LaSalle u Chicagu Cilj: Osnovati organizaciju za humanitarne potrebe i aktivnosti Organizator: Melvin Jones, tajnik čikaškoga Poslovnog kruga. Pozvano nekoliko organizacija na udruživanje

4 Dr. William Wood izabran je za Principi rukovođenja od 1917.:
LISTOPADA 1917. Prva konvencija u Dallasu Nazočni predstavnici 22 kluba Usvojen je Statut organizacije Potvrđeno je ime LIONS Sačinjen je nacrt Ciljeva i Etičkoga kodeksa lajonizma Dr. William Wood izabran je za prvoga predsjednika. Principi rukovođenja od 1917.: “Niti jedan klub neće svojim pravilnicima, ustrojem ili na drugi način težiti financijskom boljitku svojih članova.”

5 Mi Služimo Prvi skup je postavio i temelje na kojima ce se razvijati Lionizam. Usvojen je i Ustav kluba a donesena su i pravila, usvojene su ljubicasta i zlatna boja kluba, a poceli su se definirati i ciljevi udruge i Pravila ponašanja. Jedan od ciljeva udruge je odudarao od svoga vremena, vremena placenickog individualizma,ali je ostao jedan od glavnih kamena temeljaca Lionisma sve do današnjih vremena. Taj cilj bi izrecen glasio: "Ni jedan klub nece imati kao cilj materijalno bogacenjie svojih clanova"

6 Glavni povijesni događaji Lions organizacija postaje internacionalna
Vodeci ljudi društva ubrzo su poceli osnivati klubove širom Sjedinjenih Država, a udruga je postala medunarodna osnivanjem Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lions Kluba u 1920-toj godini. Klubovi su zatim osnovani u Kini, Meksiku i Kubi. Do godine clanstvo je je poraslo na u 1183 kluba. U godini Panama je postala dom prvog centralnoamerickog kluba, a prvi južnoamericki klub je osnovan u Kolumbiji iduce godine. Lionizam je stigao u Australiju 1947, a Evropu 1948 godine osnivanjem klubova u Švedskoj, Švicarskoj i Francuskoj godine prvi klub je osnovan u Japanu. Today Lions Clubs International has nearly 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in 193 countries or areas of the world. Lions organizacija postaje internacionalna 1920

7 Glavni povijesni događaji
Helen Keller was an American author and lecturer, who, having overcome considerable physical handicaps, served as an inspiration for other afflicted people. When she was 19 months old, she was stricken with an acute illness that left her deaf and blind. She overcame these setbacks to earn a college degree with honors. Throughout her life she worked and raised funds for the American Foundation for the Blind, and she traveled and lectured in many countries, including England, France, Italy, Egypt, South Africa, Australia, and Japan on behalf of the physically handicapped. An early milestone in the Lions’ history occurred in 1925 when Helen Keller addressed the association at their International Convention in Ohio, USA. She challenged Lions to become her "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." Ever since, the primary mission of Lions Clubs International has been to rid the world of preventable and reversible blindness and provide services for people who are already blind or visually impaired. Lionsi su usvojili ocuvanje vida kao najvažniji cilj poslije govora Hellen Keller na Medunarodnoj konvenciji Lionsa u Cedar Point-u, Ohio,1925.godine. Tada je Hellen Keller uputila izazov Lionsima da postanu "Vitezovi slijepih", izazov koji je postao parola za projekte Lionsa širom svijeta.(Go to Sight Conservation links) Lionsi djeluju na ocuvanju vida na više nacina. Pojedini klubovi organiziraju besplatne provjere vida koristeci pokretne ocne klinike. U mnogo zemalja Klubovi organiziraju privremene operacione sale gdje se operacije katarakta besplatno obavljaju za one koji si ne mogu priuštiti iste. Mnogi klubovi prikuplaju stare naocale koje se dijele siromašnima u drugim zemljama. Helen Keller 1925

8 Glavni povijesni događaji
Novi izazov za Lionse Helen Keller poziva Lionse da postanu “Vitezovi slijepih” (“Knights of the Blind)”! Briga o slijepima i slabovidnima, kao i slični zadaci, od tada su u žarištu aktivnosti Lionsa Helen Keller was an American author and lecturer, who, having overcome considerable physical handicaps, served as an inspiration for other afflicted people. When she was 19 months old, she was stricken with an acute illness that left her deaf and blind. She overcame these setbacks to earn a college degree with honors. Throughout her life she worked and raised funds for the American Foundation for the Blind, and she traveled and lectured in many countries, including England, France, Italy, Egypt, South Africa, Australia, and Japan on behalf of the physically handicapped. An early milestone in the Lions’ history occurred in 1925 when Helen Keller addressed the association at their International Convention in Ohio, USA. She challenged Lions to become her "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." Ever since, the primary mission of Lions Clubs International has been to rid the world of preventable and reversible blindness and provide services for people who are already blind or visually impaired. Lionsi su usvojili ocuvanje vida kao najvažniji cilj poslije govora Hellen Keller na Medunarodnoj konvenciji Lionsa u Cedar Point-u, Ohio,1925.godine. Tada je Hellen Keller uputila izazov Lionsima da postanu "Vitezovi slijepih", izazov koji je postao parola za projekte Lionsa širom svijeta.(Go to Sight Conservation links) Lionsi djeluju na ocuvanju vida na više nacina. Pojedini klubovi organiziraju besplatne provjere vida koristeci pokretne ocne klinike. U mnogo zemalja Klubovi organiziraju privremene operacione sale gdje se operacije katarakta besplatno obavljaju za one koji si ne mogu priuštiti iste. Mnogi klubovi prikuplaju stare naocale koje se dijele siromašnima u drugim zemljama. 1925 Helen Keller

9 Glavni povijesni događaji
                                                                  Lions work with the blind was in its early stages, but Lions clubs were already emphasizing ways to help prevent blindness and were actively promoting services for the blind. In fact, in 1930, the club president of the Peoria Lions Club in the United States saw a problem and developed a solution that has spread throughout the world. Lion George A. Bonham observed a blind man trying to cross a busy street as traffic whirled about him. The man tapped furiously on the pavement with his black cane, but no one understood his problem. Lion Bonham came up with the idea of supplying blind people with white canes to alert others, and he introduced a resolution to the city of Peoria to give the right-of-way to any blind person using a white cane. From this humble beginning, by 1956 every state in the United States had passed white cane safety laws which included those blind persons employing the help of guide dogs. The white cane has become an international symbol and a blessing to those without sight. Bijeli štap 1930

10 Glavni povijesni događaji
KONVENCIJA U NEW YORKU Mi Služimo Usvojen je moto lajonizma “Služimo!” (“We serve”) As you know, our organization's motto is “We Serve.” At the international convention in 1954, this simple phrase, submitted by Lion D.A. Stevenson, was chosen from more than 6,000 suggested mottos. It symbolizes the moving spirit of Lionism: to help others and to tear away the shrouds of ignorance and distrust that separate one human being from another. The dominant theme of Lionism for more than fifty years, “We Serve” is translated daily from words to living reality on every continent. 1954

11 Glavni povijesni događaji
NOVE DIMENZIJE U ORGANIZACIJI 1957 On December 5, 1957 the Glenside Lions Club in Pennsylvania chartered the first Leo club for young people. The circle of junior service clubs began to expand. In October 1967, the board of directors of Lions Clubs International adopted the Leo Club Program as an official program of the association. Open to males and females, the objective of the Leo Club Program was (and still is): " provide the youth of the world (with) an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community." Today, the Leo Club Program is stronger than ever. Community service remains the cornerstone of the program. Like their Lion counterparts, Leo club members enjoy serving their neighbors and watching positive results unfold. Lions Club, Pensilvania osnovao 1. Leo klub 1967 Leo klubovi službeno su uvršteni u Lions program

12 1968 Glavni povijesni događaji SightFirst Lions Quest Dotacije
Ustanovljena je Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) SightFirst Lions Quest Dotacije                                                                                  Lions Clubs International Foundation was begun in 1968 to take our service to new levels by tackling global problems as well as assisting Lions with local humanitarian projects too big for them to do on their own. Among its services are: The SightFirst program Lions Quest And the issuance of a variety of grants 1968

13 DANAS 500 dotacija godišnje Zdravstvene klinike Centri za obuku
Projekti za vid i sluh Habitat za čovječnost Clanovi Lions Clubova koriste svoje vrijeme, vještine i dobra da bi sakupili fondove za donacije kako u njihovim sredinama tako i internacionalno. Najvažniji cilj za koji se koriste donacije jeste ocuvanje vida, iako postoje i drugi programi kao na primjer: Program o shvacanju opasnosti korištenja droge za Srednje škole, Program o shvacanju opasnosti šecerne bolesti (dijabetesa), ali i mnogi drugi programi koji se provode u pojedinim klubovima ili regijama. The Lions Clubs International Foundation administers 500 grants annually, including health clinics, training centers, vision & hearing projects, and Habitat for Humanity collaboration. Since its first grant of US$5,000 in 1972 for flooding, LCIF has given out US$332 million in grants to improve the lives of people worldwide. In , LCIF has provided millions of US$ to assist the victims of the tsunami in South Asia.

14 Melvin Jones Fellowship
In 1973 the foundation’s highest honor, the Melvin Jones Fellowship, was created. The Melvin Jones Fellowship is the backbone of LCIF, providing 70 percent of its revenues. A recognition of humanitarian work, a Melvin Jones Fellowship is given to those who give US$1,000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation was made by others. Melvin Jones Fellowship 1973

15 Glavni povijesni događaji Uključivanje žena u članstvo
Na Konvenciji u Taipehu god. usvojen je amandman na Statut, po kojem su žene postale punopravne članice Lionsa Another historical highlight in the history of Lions Clubs International is the inclusion of women as members in 1987. Today, women comprise almost 17% of our total membership and bring a wealth of ideas, energy, and skill to our clubs. These few historical highlights represent only a small fraction of the wonderful history of Lions Clubs International, and now you will also become a part of that history through your participation. Uključivanje žena u članstvo 1987

16 Internacionalno sjedište
The entire Lions organization is supported by our headquarters staff in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA. At any time you may hear someone speaking one of the 11 languages Lions Clubs International currently supports: Chinese, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. At the April 2005 International Board Meeting a twelfth official language was added, and soon we will also be able to support Lions who speak Hindi. Oak Brook, Illinois, USA

17 Organizacija danas Član Klub Zona Regija Distrikt
U nekim državama višebrojni distrikti Internacionalni upravni odbor The organization of Lions Clubs International begins with you, the member, and with your club. But, like all large organizations, there are a number of levels each of which supports the others.

18 DANAS – Lionsi diljem svijeta
PRIJATELJSTVO ČINI ČUDA! FRIENDSHIP MAKES MIRACLES! District 126 HRVATSKA-CROATIA 2009/2010 Danas Lionsi djeluju i rašireni su diljem svijeta Medunarodna Udruga Lions Klubova je danas najveca uslužna organizacija u svijetu, sa više od 1,4 milijuna clanova u više od 43,300 klubova u 714 regija koje pokrivaju 182 zemlje i geografske regije.

19 Prihvaćene kategorije programa
Služenje zajednici Informiranost o dijabetesu Program zaštite okoliša Sluh / govor i rad sa gluhima Internacionalni odnosi Mogućnosti za mladež Zaštita vida i rad sa slijepima At the April 2003 Lions Clubs International Board of Directors’ meeting, it was decided to organize Lions programs into the following seven categories: 1. Community Services 2. Diabetes Awareness 3. Environmental Services 4. Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf 5. International Relations 6. Lions Opportunities for Youth 7. Sight Conservation and Work with the Blind These seven categories do not represent the full picture of all services that Lions clubs perform, but they do represent those services for which Lions Clubs International can provide information and organizational support when called upon.

20 Služenje zajednici Gradnja kuća Kulturne i društvene aktivnosti
Lions community services includes a wide range of projects - from building homes for the blind or disabled in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity International, to health fair participation, to arts festival sponsorship. Some examples are: The Lynden Lions, Washington, USA, organized a community project to restore a windmill. The mayor of Lynden presented the Lions with the Outstanding Citizen Award for their restoration effort. 2. The Lions of District 103-CE in France organized a music contest for young musicians. 3. Throughout secondary schools in District 24-E in Virginia, USA, Lions clubs organized a scholastic competition. The winning school competed in the National Scholastic Competition.

21 Informiranje o dijabetesu
Edukacija Testiranje na dijabetes Lionistički program ‘Očno zdravlje’ Rekreacijski kampovi Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among people between the ages of 20 to 74. The Lions Diabetes Awareness Program was introduced in 1984 to encourage Lions to conduct diabetes awareness activities. It includes: Community Education – Lions can obtain a number of LCI brochures on diabetes and distribute them to local health clinics, doctors’ offices, and pharmacies. Diabetes Screening - Lions can work with local health officials to organize screenings for the detection of diabetes. Lions Eye Heath Program (LEHP) is an educational program that emphasizes the importance of regular eye exams and timely treatment to prevent diabetic eye disease and glaucoma. Recreational Camps for Persons who have Diabetes - Some Lions clubs arrange recreational camps for people with diabetes while other clubs provide financial support or volunteer their time. The Lions of District 8-L (Louisiana, USA) worked with the American Diabetes Association to organize diabetes screenings for local residents. 2. In Brazil, the Sao Paulo (Belem) Lions purchased a mobile health unit for diabetes screenings. 3. Lions in District 4-L6 (California, USA) support a local camp for persons with diabetes. In addition, the Lions entered into a joint project with the Lions of B-1 (Mexico) to conduct diabetes screenings in Mexico.

22 Zaštita okoliša Recikliranje Borba protiv onečišćenja Pošumljavanje
Projekti zaštite okoliša Leos and Lions are encouraged to implement environment projects on United Nations environment Programme (UNEP) World Environment Day, June 5. The universal environment motto is: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Recycle paper, aluminum, glass, plastics, telephone books, batteries, or oil products. Anti-pollution efforts can include clean-up campaigns of local highways, waterways, or shorelines. Lions can organize public seminars on topics such as noise pollution, acid rain, or the depletion of the ozone layer. Tree plantings can include the creation of a Lions memorial forest or the planting of fruit trees and the donation of the harvest to needy persons. Other environment projects can include building a shelter for wildlife, organizing an ecology club, creating a community compost pile, or protecting an ecosystem or an endangered species. Some Lions clubs have done the following: 1. The Lions of District A-5 (Ontario, Canada) sponsored the “Environment and Me” poster contest in 27 schools for students in grades one through eight. 2. In Georgia, USA, District 18-A Lions support the “Adopt-A-Stream” program. The Lions monitor water conditions and report their findings to water reclamation engineers. 3. The Lions of District 108-Y (Italy) continue to sponsor an educational program about protecting the Mediterranean Sea from pollution.

23 Sluh/govor i rad s gluhima
Uređaji za komunikaciju Recikliranje slušnih aparata Psi trenirani za pomoć gluhima Pregledi i testiranja Rekreacioni kampovi Podrška In 1925, Helen Keller challenged Lions to aid persons who are deaf as well as those who are blind. Since that time, Lions have developed many projects for persons who are deaf and hearing impaired. Some of these include: Communication Aids / Assistive Devices - Lions clubs can support Sign language classes, provide hearing aids, or help train hearing dogs. Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP) - Approved in October 2001, HARP encourages Lions to donate used hearing aids for reconditioning and recycling. Hearing Ear Dogs - Lions clubs support schools that raise and train service dogs for the deaf. The animals alert their owners to the sounds of crying babies, alarm clocks, doorbells, telephones, and smoke detectors. Hearing Screenings - Lions clubs often arrange for medical personnel to administer hearing screenings for the public. Recreational Camps for Persons who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired - Lions clubs or districts have organized or aided others in establishing recreational camp programs for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired. Support Services for Persons who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired - Lions can support temporal bone banks, provide college scholarships for students who are deaf or hearing impaired, or assist local theaters for the deaf.

24 Internacionalna druženja
Bratimljenje klubova Mjesec internacionalnih druženja Dan Lionsa pri UN-u Dan svjetskog mira i dr. Lions provide international aid to others in need through the official Lions international relations friendship and international assistance programs. The programs include: International Club Twinning is a voluntary and mutual agreement of friendship between clubs in different countries. International Relations Month is celebrated in October. Lions are encouraged to initiate an international relations project such as entering into a club twinning relationship, or organizing an international night with ethnic foods, music, and entertainment. Lions Day with the United Nations (UN) is an annual event held at UN Headquarters in New York City, and in other locations, to celebrate the historic relationship between Lions and the UN. Lions founder, Melvin Jones, helped develop the non-governmental organization (NGO) charter of the UN. Lions Interclub Assistance Programs provide club-to-club health, welfare, and educational assistance. Stamp Collection and Exchange includes more than 450 Lions from around the world who collect new stamps and donate used stamps to charities as a fundraiser. World Peace Day is celebrated annually on January 24. On this day, Lions are encouraged to promote world peace according to local customs. Here are some things clubs are doing: 1. The Lions of Australia entered into a joint project with the Lions of District 411 (Kenya, Africa) to build a permanent shelter for street children. 2. In Illinois, USA, the Lions of District A-1 hosted a boy’s choir from Germany. The Lions provided transportation and room and board for the 42-member choir. 3. Lions and Leo clubs in District 20-R2 (New York, USA) continue to raise funds for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) School-in-a-Box (Edukit) Program. Each kit includes enough supplies for the teaching of math, reading, health, nutrition, and safety information for 40 students.

25 Mogućnosti za mlade Leo klubovi Poster mira Kampovi za mlade
Razmjena mladeži Briga za djecu The mission of Lions Opportunities for Youth is: To provide the young people of the world with opportunities for achievement, learning, contribution and service, individually and collectively, through sponsorship of activities identified as best practices in the field of youth development. Just a few of the youth programs are: Leo clubs – To provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community. Peace Poster Contest – For children ages The grand prize winner receives US$2,500 and a trip (includes two family members and the president of the sponsoring Lions club) to the award ceremony held at Lions Day with the United Nations in New York, USA. Youth camps -- Lions clubs and districts invite young people, ages , who have been sponsored by a Lions club, to participate in an organized camp program. Youth exchange – For young people ages 15-21, Lions provide a unique cultural learning opportunity. Most Lions youth exchangees remain in the host country for four to six weeks. Services for Children -- Lions clubs are encouraged to work with local organizations to improve the health and education of children. Lions-Quest -- The life-skills curricula teach young people about character education, prevention, and service-learning. 1. Every year, Lions clubs in Italy invite hundreds of young people to attend their 16 or more Lions international youth camps. 2. In , the Lions of Japan sponsored 500 young people and hosted 500 young people for participation in the Lions International Youth Exchange Program. 3. More than 1,000 young people received either the Lions Young Leaders in Service Gold Award (for 100 hours of volunteer service) or the Silver Award (for 50 hours of volunteer service) from the Lions of District 323-B, India. The young people reported a combined total of 163,850 hours of community service.

26 Prevencija vida i rad sa slijepima
Pomoćni uređaji Provjera vida Recikliranje naočala Očne banke SightFirst Lions are recognized internationally for their service to persons who are blind and visually impaired. The programs listed on the slide are just a few of the many programs Lions sponsor throughout the world as the “champions of the blind.” Assistive devices – like Braille books, translation software, wrist watches, board games, talking thermometers, talking currency identifiers, beep sports balls, magnified reading glasses, easy-to-read telephones, and television screen magnifiers to aid persons who are blind or visually impaired. Vision screening -- Lions clubs often conduct free vision screenings with the cooperation of local eye care professionals. Eyeglass recycling -- Lions collect used eyeglasses and send them to one of the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers. There, the eyeglasses are cleaned, repaired, and classified by prescription. Then, Lions and other volunteers distribute the eyeglasses to needy persons in developing countries. Eye banks -- There are more than __#_____ Lions eye banks operating in __#__ countries (Presenter: check LCI website for current statistics on the number of eye banks and the number of countries.). The facilities provide surgeons with eye tissue for cornea transplants, research, or other medical treatment. SightFirst -- Lions have raised US$143 million to finance a cooperative effort among blindness prevention experts, blindness prevention organizations, governments, and Lion volunteers. The program has included 625 projects in 79 countries. Three examples of clubs that have participated in sight-related projects are: In the USA, members of the Cape Girardeau Lions Club, Missouri, worked with the Missouri Department of Conservation and an Eagle Scout candidate to develop a nature trail for sight-impaired hikers. The trail features a rope handrail and signs written in Braille. 2. On World Sight Day, the San Carlos Centro Lions, Argentina, worked with VISION 2020 to provide free vision screenings for local residents. 3. Lions in Indiana, USA, conduct an annual mission to Mexico to provide eye exams and eyeglasses to needy people.

27 Lionizam u Hrvatsoj Prvi Lions klub u Hrvatskoj
osnovan u Dubrovniku (Lions klub Sveti Vlaho) 25 listopada god. Nakon toga intenzivno se razvija Lions pokret u našoj domovini.

28 Lionizam u Hrvatsoj Danas 63 kluba preko 1500 članova
(kolovoz godine) 63 kluba preko 1500 članova

29 Lionizam u Hrvatsoj vlastiti District D-126
2. veljače 1994 god. u Dubrovniku osnovan Inicijativni odbor za usmjeravanje vlastita distrikta Iste godine, na međunarodnoj konvenciji održanoj u Seolu (Republika Koreja), naš je District službeno priznat u statusu tzv. provizornog distrikta Prvi guverner bio je ujedno i jedan od utemeljitelja lajonizma u Hrvatskoj, Ivica Jakić iz LC Zagreb.

30 Hrvatski Distrikt (D-126)
Lionizam u Hrvatsoj Hrvatski Distrikt (D-126) podijeljen je danas na četiri regije nazvane po stranama svijeta – ISTOK, ZAPAD, SJEVER, JUG zbog brojnosti klubova regije su podijeljene u više zona

31 Povijest hrvatskog lajonizma
Lionizam u Hrvatsoj Povijest hrvatskog lajonizma Relativno kratka ali vrlo bogata Gotovo svaki klub ima neki svoj posebno prepoznatljiv projekt humanitarnog karaktera.

32 (stožerna organizacija Lions Internationala)
Lionizam u Hrvatsoj LCIF (stožerna organizacija Lions Internationala) Na razini Districta dva su projekta internacionalizirana i u prvoj fazi dovršena uz pomoć donacije LCIF projekt stvaranja mreže hrvatskih Lions očnih banaka projekt borbe protiv ovisnosti od droge


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