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Designing with MAX+PLUS II
Class Agenda MAX+PLUS II Design Environment
MAX+PLUS II Design Methodology Design Entry Compilation Simulation Timing Analysis Device Programming Review and Support
MAX+PLUS II Design Environment
MAX+PLUS II IS... A fully integrated CPLD development system
Provides an architecture-independent design environment Supports ALL Altera devices (one Library for all devices) Supports broad range of design needs Design Entry Synthesis Place & Route (fitting) Simulation Timing Analysis Device Programming Provides extensive on-line help Supports multiple platforms ( PC, Workstation ) Supports multiple EDA vendors and standards
MAX+PLUS II Can... Operate in a self-contained environment
Design Entry Design Compilation Verification & Programming EDIF LPM Others Verilog VHDL SDF Standard EDA Design Entry: Design Verification: Cadence Mentor Graphics Logic Modelling Synopsys Viewlogic OrCAD MAX+PLUS II Compiler Graphic Text Design Entry (AHDL, VHDL, Verilog HDL) Waveform Hierachical Floorplan Editing Design-Rule Checking Logic Synthesis & Fitting Multi-Device Partitioning Automatic Error Location Timing-Driven Compilation Timing Simulation Functional Analysis Device Programming
Or... Operate seamlessly with other EDA tools Altera Gate Array
Conversion Kit LMF TDF MAX+PLUS II Verilog HDL & VHDL Design Files MAX FLEX Classic Standard EDA HDL Files EDIF Standard EDA Schematics Verilog HDL VHDL EDIF SDF Standard EDA Simulator
MAX+PLUS II Operating Environment
MAX+PLUS II Manager Start-up window Toolbar provides shortcuts for commonly used functions Project Directory and Project name MAX+PLUS II menu gives you access to all MAX+PLUS II functions Help menu gives you access to on-line help Status bar provides a brief description of selected menu command and toolbar button
Questions about MAX+PLUS II?
MAX+PLUS II On-Line Help has the answers Contains the complete up-to-date information on MAX+PLUS II Provides tips on how to effectively work with MAX+PLUS II tools Provides answers and examples Digital Library CD-ROM
MAX+PLUS II Design Methodology
Design Entry Design Specification System Production
Design Modification Design Compilation Functional Verification Timing Verification Device Programming In-System Verification System Production
Design Entry Multiple design entry methods
MAX+PLUS II Graphic design entry Text design entry AHDL, VHDL 3rd party EDA tools EDIF FPGA-Express OrCAD schematics, Xilinx (XNF) files Files can be mixed and matched in a hierachical project Use LPM and Megafunctions to accelerate design entry Megawizard is an easy to use interface
Design Entry Files VHDL/Verilog OrCAD AHDL Synopsys, ViewLogic,
MAX+PLUS II Symbol Editor MAX+PLUS II Floorplan Editor VHDL/Verilog OrCAD MAX+PLUS II Graphic Editor MAX+PLUS II Text Editor AHDL Top-Level File Top-level design files can be .gdf, .tdf, .vhd, .sch, or .edf Synopsys, ViewLogic, Mentor Graphics, etc... Waveform .gdf .wdf .tdf .vhd .sch .edf .xnf Graphic File Waveform File Text File Text File Graphic File Text File Text File Schematic Xilinx Generated within MAX+PLUS II Imported from other EDA tools
Graphic Design Entry Set up a new project Draw schematic
Enter symbols Connect wires Type in signal names Save and check the design The file extension is .gdf Correct any errors with the aid of Message Processor Create symbol or include file
Set Up A New Project Every design must have a project name
Project name must match design file name Project Name Project Directory
Open New File & Enter Symbols
Open a new .gdf file in Graphic Editor Double click in Graphic file to enter symbol Open new file Double click in Graphic Editor Type in symbol name or click on symbol name Symbol libraries Symbols in the selected library
Available Libraries prim ( Altera primitives ) mf ( Macrofunction )
Basic logic building blocks mf ( Macrofunction ) 7400 family logic mega_lpm ( LPMs, Megafunctions and MegaCores ) Library of Parameterized Modules ( LPMs ) High-level building blocks Megafunctions are high level function module busmux, csdpram, csfifo, parallel_add, etc... MegaCores are IP models you can try before purchase UARTs, FFT, etc… AMPP ( Altera Megafunction Partners Program ) Partners providing PCI, DSP, uControllers, etc...
Using LPM & Megafunctions
Select ports Set parameters Click on the Help button to get information about the LPM or Megafunction Set desired ports by clicking on Port Name and set Port Status to Used or Unused Set desired parameters by clicking on Parameter Name and set the desired value in the Parameter Value field
Add User Libraries Access user created libraries
Add user library directories Set priorities Select the library directory then click on Add Library search priority can be changed. The Project directory has the highest priority, followed by the User Libraries, then by the Altera Libraries
Making Connections Wire Bus Signal name Single bit line Multi-bit line
Matching name Attached to wire Bus - Bus signal names required for LPM module buses Wire Drawing tool shortcuts Wire to Bus Connection
Graphic Editor Options
Font, Text Size Text Control Line Style Select Wire or Bus Display Assignments Turns display on or off Guideline Control Controls grid lines Rubberbanding Wires move with symbols
Save & Check the Design Save & check the design file with .gdf extension Correct any errors with the aid of Message Processor Design File Name Project Directory
Message Processor Lists all Info, Warning and Error messages
Info messages are general information Warning messages are possible problems Error messages indicate Compiler is unable to complete compilation process Provides help on the messages Locates source of message in design file Messages Information about message Go to next or previous message Locate source in design file
Generate Symbols and Include Files
Create symbol for higher-level schematic capture Create include file for AHDL function prototype Create symbol Create include file
Symbol Editor Symbols can be modified with the Symbol Editor
Example Section (LAB 1)
Demo 1 (Basic Graphic design Entry)
Design flow of the circuit Print out
Demo 2 (1) Draw the following circuit (2) Use the Save & Check Option
(3) Use the Error Message to Locate the Error (4) Correct the Error
Demo 2 (use Save & Check Option)
Build the following circuit from the provided library VHDL LPM GDF Viewlogic EDIF Sel[1..0] AHDL
Text Design Entry Set up a new project Enter text description
Same as Graphic Design Entry Enter text description AHDL VHDL Save & check the design Similar to Graphic Design Entry The file extension is .tdf or .vhd
AHDL Altera Hardware Description Language
High-level hardware behavior description language Uses Boolean equations, arithmetic operators, truth tables, conditional statements, etc. Especially well-suited for large or complex state machines All described behavior is implemented concurrently Use Insert AHDL Template in the Text Editor Learn more about AHDL in the customer training class: Designing with MAX+plus II Using AHDL
VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language IEEE standard
High-level hardware behavior description language Especially well-suited for large or complex designs Use Insert VHDL Template in the Text Editor Learn more about VHDL in the customer training class: Designing with MAX+plus II Using VHDL
Imported Design Top-level Design Subdesigns (lower level modules)
Some top-level designs can be read directly by the compiler EDIF Netlist files VHDL Netlist files Xilinx Netlist files Save top-level OrCAD schematics as .gdf file in Graphic Editor Subdesigns (lower level modules) EDIF, VHDL, OrCAD schematics, Xilinx files Create symbols and include files Embed symbols or include files in Graphic or Text Editor Other proprietary files JEDEC, ABEL, PALASM Conversion ultilities exist in Altera ftp site
MAX+PLUS II Hierachy Display
Displays current design files as a hierachy tree Traverse the hierachy tree with ease Displays all files associated with the current project Open and close files directly ( click on right button of mouse )
Design Entry Recommendations
Use LPM/Megafunction whenever possible Use hierarachical design methodology Use Hierarachy Display for fast access to design file at any level Use Message Processor to locate source of error in design file
User Design Entry Summary MAX+PLUS II 3rd Party EDA Tools Design Files
Support Files MAX+PLUS II Graphic Editor Text Editor Symbol Editor Waveform Editor .gdf .wdf .sym .tdf .vhd .inc MAX+PLUS II User .sch 3rd Party EDA Tools .edf .lmf .xnf
In-System Verification
Design Specification Design Entry Design Modification Compilation Simulation Timing Analysis Device Programming In-System Verification System Production
MAX+PLUS II Compiler Process all design files associated with the project Files can be created with MAX+PLUS II or 3rd party EDA Tools Checks for syntax errors and common design pitfalls Performs logic synthesis and place & route According to assignments in .acf file Generates files for simulation and timing analysis Files can be used by MAX+PLUS II or 3rd party EDA Tools Generates files for programming targeted devices
Compiling a Project Assign target device Set logic synthesis controls
Set place & route controls Select functional compilation or timing compilation Run the compilation Consult the report file (.rpt) or the Floorplan Editor for device utilization summaries and synthesis and place & route results
Compiler Input and Output Files
3rd Party EDA Design Files (.edf, .sch, .xnf) Mapping Files (.lmf) Functional SNF Files (.snf) MAX+PLUS II Compiler MAX+PLUS II Design Files (.gdf, .tdf, .vhd) Compiler Netlist Extractor (includes all netlist readers Database Builder Logic Synthesizer Timing SNF Files (.snf) Functional, Timing, or Linked SNF Extractor Partitioner Fitter Assignments (.acf) EDIF, VHDL & Verilog Netlist Writers Design Doctor Assembler Programming Files (.pof, .sof, .jed) 3rd Party EDA Simulation/Timing Files (.edo, vo, vho, sdo)
Compiler Input Files Design files
MAX+PLUS II Graphics file (.gdf), AHDL file (.tdf), VHDL file (.vhd) 3rd Party EDA Tools EDIF file (.edf) Select Vendor in EDIF Netlist Reader Settings Library Mapping File (.lmf) required for vendors not listed OrCAD file (.sch), Xilinx file (.xnf) Assignment and Configuration File (.acf) Controls the Compiler’s synthesis and place & route operations Automatically generated when user enter assignments Automatically updated when user changes assignments or backannotes project
Compiler Output Files Design verification files Programming files
MAX+PLUS II Simulation Netlist File (.snf) 3rd Party EDA Tools VHDL netlist file (.vho) EDIF netlist file (.edo) Verilog netlist file (.vo) Standard Delay Format SDF file (.sdo) Programming files Programmer Object file (.pof) SRAM Object file (.sof) JEDEC file (.jed)
Assignments Assignments are used to control logic synthesis and place & route operations Assignments are generally made after the compilation process to resolve fit or performance issues Examples of assignments are: Device assignment Synthesis Logic Options Timing Requirements Pin/Location/Chip Clique Assignments are stored in the .acf file
Making Device Assignment
Select Device Specific device Auto MAX+PLUS II chooses smallest and fastest device the design fits into Select device Family Auto device selection Specific device selection
Controlling Logic Synthesis
The logic synthesis operation is a trade-off between area, speed, and ease-of-fit MAX+PLUS II gives users the control Two levels of controlling logic synthesis: Individual logic level Localized effect Affects only the selected nodes, pins and logic blocks Global logic level Global effect Affects all nodes, pins and logic blocks Recommendation: use the logic synthesis controls only after design analysis of first compilation
Individual Logic Level Control
Highlight node, pin or logic block Choose Assign menu then Logic Options Two ways of making individual logic level assignment: Individual Logic Options assignment Synthesis Styles assignment
Individual Logic Option Assignment
Provides controls to turn individual architectural features and synthesis algorithms on or off Gray or Default (default): set by higher level or global setting Check or Auto: enable feature Blank or Ignore: disable feature
Synthesis Style Assignment
Predefined frequently used groups of logic options None (default): set by higher level or global setting FAST: enable features NORMAL: disable features WYSIWYG: implement design as is User can customize own styles
Global Logic Level Control
Choose Assign then Global Project Logic Synthesis Select from predefined synthesis style NORMAL (default), FAST or WYSIWYG Or create user taylored settings
More Methods of Controlling Synthesis
Making Timing Requirements assignment (FLEX devices only) Specifies desired speed performance Use after performing timing analysis to improve specific timing path Localized control Highlight Pin Choose Assign then Timing Requirements Assign desired tpd, tco, tsu, fmax values Global control Chosse Assign then Global Project Timing Requirements
Controlling Place & Route
Recommendation: Give MAX+PLUS II the freedom to place pins and logic cells Do not make Pin/Location/Chip assignments unless absolutely necessary Use Pin/Location/Chip assignments to solve specific performance/fit problems found in design analysis If needed, Pin/Location/Chip assignments can be made from design source file or the Floorplan Editor Assignments can only be made to “hard” nodes or lower-level designs that contains hard nodes Hard nodes are objects that translates directly into objects in silicon e.g. flipflop, LCELL and I/O pins
From Design Source File
Making Pin/Location/Chip Assignment Highlight node in graphics or text source file Make Pin/Location/Chip assignment Highlight node and choose Assign Pin/Location/Chip Node name automatically entered in the Node Name field Choose pin or LCELL location then click on Add to enter assignment (Note: You must choose a specific device prior to this step)
Making Pin/Location/Chip Assignment
From Floorplan Editor Making Pin/Location/Chip Assignment Select LAB View and Current Assignments Floorplan must Save & Check the project first All nodes & pins are listed in the Unassigned Nodes & Pins field Drag and drop to make assignments to specific locations Nodes and pins can also be assigned to general areas like LAB, row or column
More Controlling Place & Route
Making Clique Assignment Locate group of logic to be placed close together Highlight logic in design file or Floorplan Editor and assign clique Use to reduce delay through the cliqued logic Highlight logic block Create or add to clique
More Controlling Place & Route
Making Global Project Device Options Assignment Choose Assign then Global Project Device Options Used to control device utilization FLEX Reserve I/O pin and LCELL resources Select configuration method Assign dual-use configuration pins in FLEX devices Control device-wide reset and oe pins (FLEX 10K only) Others Set security bit
Compiler Processing Options
Functional Compilation generates file for Functional Simulation Functional SNF file (.snf) Timing Compilation generates user selectable files for Timing Simulation and Timing Analysis Timing SNF file (.snf) 3rd party EDA Simulation Verilog file (.vo) VHDL file (.vho) SDF file (.sdo) Device Programming Altera Programmer file (e.g. .pof, .sof)
The Functional Compilation Process
Compiler Netlist Extractor builds the .cnf netlist file and checks for syntax errors Database Builder constructs the node name database Functional SNF Extractor build .snf file for functional simulation
The Timing Compilation Process
Compiler Netlist Extractor and Database Builder build netlist database and check for syntax errors Logic Synthesizer performs logic synthesis/minimization Design Doctor checks for design violations Partitioner and Fitter executes place & route algorithm and builds the .rpt file on device implementation Timing SNF Extractor builds .snf file for simulation and timing analysis Assembler builds files for programming the device
More Compiler Processing Options
Design Doctor Checks for common design errors Fitter Settings Set place & route options Smart Recompile Faster compilation time Total Recompile Recompile every file
Compile the Design Start Button starts compilation process
Messages are displayed by the Message Processor Info Warning Error Start Compilation Messages
The Report File Project summary Resource ultilization
Device assignments Error summary Device pin-out diagram (useful for PCB layout) Resource ultilization Pin LCELL Equations Compiler resources Compilation time Memory usage Open report file by double clicking on the rpt icon
Floorplan Editor Graphical user interface for creating/viewing resource assignments Pins Logic cells Cliques Logic options Drag-and-drop capability for assigning pins/logic cells Graphical view of current assignments as well as last compilation results LAB view or external chip view
Floorplan Editor Last Compilation Floorplan Full Screen LAB View with Report File Equation Viewer Display control Highlighted LCELL Fan-in and Fan-out LCELL equation
Floorplan Editor Last Compilation Floorplan Device View Color Legend
definition Pin name Pin number
Back-Annotation Lock “last successful compilation” into current assignments with Back-Annotate Project command
Example Section (LAB 2)
Demo 1 (1) Compile the file from previous design (2) Correct the Error
(3) Demo the Functional/Timing Compilation step (4) Demo some Assign Option - turn on Cascade/Carry Chain - Synthesis Style Option on different module (5) Step through the RPT file (6) Step through the FloorPlan Editor
Project Compilation Recommendations
Use assignments after design analysis to improve fitting or performance Use the Report File to find specific information on the design Use the Floorplan Editor to see results of Assignments Back Annotate your design only when necessary for board layout to give MAX+PLUS II the best chance of fitting design into device
Project Compilation Summary
Design Files Simulation/ Timing Files .gdf .snf MAX+PLUS II Compiler Compiler Netlist Extractor (includes all netlist readers Functional, Timing, or Linked SNF Extractor EDIF, VHDL & Verilog Netlist Writers Database Builder Partitioner Design Doctor Logic Synthesizer Fitter Assembler .tdf Programming Files .pof .vhd Report Files .sch .rpt .edf .xnf .sdo .edo .vo .vho 3rd Party EDA Files
In-System Verification
Design Specification Design Entry Design Modification Project Compilation Simulation Timing Analysis Device Programming In-System Verification System Production
MAX+PLUS II Simulator MAX+PLUS II Simulator MAX+PLUS II Compiler .snf
.scf MAX+PLUS II Waveform Editor MAX+PLUS II Waveform Editor .scf MAX+PLUS II Text Editor .vec
MAX+PLUS II Simulation
Create Simulation Stimulus Waveform Vector Run Functional Simulation Fast compilation Logical model only, no logic synthesis All nodes are retained and can be simulated Outputs are updated without delay Run Timing Simulation Slower compilation Timing model: logical & delay model Nodes may be synthesized away Outputs are updated after delay
Simulation Waveform Stimulus Waveform Reference Compare waveform
Waveform Editor File (.scf) Control Clock: Use built-in clock generator Others: Hand drawn with overwrite/copy/paste/repeat Data Counting patterns: Use built-in binary or gray code generator Others: Enter with overwrite/copy/paste/repeat Reference Compare waveform Draw or save previous simulation result as reference waveform Use with Compare after new simulation run to verify output
Create Waveform Simulation Stimulus
Open Waveform Editor Select Enter Nodes from SNF… from Node menu Enter Nodes into Selected Nodes & Groups field Select Node Enter Node into Selected Nodes & Groups field
Grid Control Snap to Grid On: waveforms drawn increments of grid size
Off: waveforms can be drawn to any size Set Grid size
Draw Stimulus Waveform
Highlight portion of waveform to change Overwrite with desired value (Group value or single bit) Hightlight waveform Overwrite value Overwrite shortcut
Create Clock Waveform Snap to Grid On: Clock Period is twice the grid size Snap to Grid Off: Clock Period can be any value Specify clock period Hightlight waveform Clock shortcut
Create Counting Pattern
Make sure your counting frequency matches your clock frequency Specify counting pattern Specify counting frequency Highlight waveform Pattern shortcut
Grouping Signals and Set Radix
Highlight waveforms to be grouped MSB must be the top waveform Enter Group Name and set Radix Enter Group Name Set radix
Save the Waveform Stimulus File
Save the waveform stimulus file with .scf extension MAX+PLUS II will use Project name as default file name Waveform File Name Project Directory
Create Vector Simulation Stimulus
Open Text Editor Type in vector stimulus Clock Pattern Output % units default to ns % START 0 ; STOP 1000 ; INTERVAL 100 ; INPUTS CLOCK ; PATTERN 0 1 ; % CLOCK ticks every 100 ns % INPUTS A B ; PATTERN 0> 220> 1 0 320> 1 1 570> 0 1 720> 1 1; OUTPUTS Y1 Y0 ; PATTERN % check output at every Clock pulse % = X X = 0 0 = 0 1 = 1 0 = 1 1;
Save the Vector Stimulus File
Save the vector stimulus file with .vec extension You must change the .vec extension since MAX+PLUS II defaults to .tdf extension for text files Change the extension to .vec
Select Simulation Stimulus File
Defaults to .scf file For vector input stimulus, set Vector Files Input to .vec file Set to .vec file
Specify Length of Simulation
Specify maximum length of simulation time with End Time
Run Functional Simulation
Click on Start then Open SCF to see result Click on Start Button Output change on clock edge Open .scf file
MAX+PLUS II Functional Simulation
Use to verify operation of design Advantage over Timing Simulation Fast compilation All nodes are retained and can be simulated Outputs are updated without delay Most of the time, this makes figuring out cause and effect much easier Disadvantges Logical model only, no logic synthesis No delays in simulation Oscillations, glitches and other timing related errors do not show up
Run Timing Simulation Click on Start then Open SCF to see result
Output change after timing delay
MAX+PLUS II Timing Simulation
Used to debug timing related errors Advantages over Functional Simulation Simulation of full synthesis result Outputs change after timing delay Detection of oscillations, glitches and other timing related errors are possible Disadvantages Longer compilation time Combinatorial logic nodes cannot be simulated Node may be transformed or removed Only “Hard” nodes can be simulated Timing delays make debugging more difficult because cause and effect relationships are harder to locate
Comparing Different Simulations
Compare Two Simulation Files Open first channel file Choose Compare under File menu Select the name of the second channel file with the Compare dialog box Deviations of second channel file from the first are highlighted
Example Section (LAB 3)
Demo 1 Demo the Waveform Editor
Project Simulation Recommendations
Use built-in clock generator to create clock Use built-in count generator to create test pattern Use Functional Simulation to verify proper operation Use Timing Simulation to examine signal delay effects Use Compare function to verify output Use the dynamic link ( Find Node in Design File ) to go to source file to make any necessary corrections
Project Simulation Summary
Two types of simulation Functional simulation No logic synthesis No delay model All nodes can be simulated Timing simulation Logic synthesis Delay model Only hard nodes can be simulated Two types of stimulus file Waveform Vector Simulation result is stored in .scf file
In-System Verification
Design Specification Design Entry Design Modification Project Compilation Project Simulation Timing Analysis Device Programming In-System Verification System Production
MAX+PLUS II Timing Analyzer
Floorplan Editor Delay Matrix MAX+PLUS II Graphic Editor MAX+PLUS II Compiler .snf Setup/Hold Matrix MAX+PLUS II Text Editor Registered Performance MAX+PLUS II Timing Analyzer
Project Timing Analysis
Timing Analyzer is a static timing analyzer Three forms of timing analysis Registered Performance calculates fastest possible internal clock frequency Delay Matrix calculates combinatorial delays Setup/Hold Matrix calculates setup & hold times for device flipflops Source of delay path can be located in Design file Floorplan Editor
Registered Performance Analysis
Calculates maximum internal register frequency Used to determine if design meets clock specification Clock period = delay + tco + tsu Note: tskew is added to the clock period if destination clock edge is earlier than source clock edge Clock inversion Clock inversion between source clock and destination clock results in Clock period = ( delay + tco + tsu ) * 2
Run Registered Performance Analysis
Click on Start Source/Destination, Clock period and Frequency of the longest path are displayed Click on List Paths to trace delay path
Tracing Delay Path In Floorplan Editor
Highlight Path of interest Check Locate in Floorplan Editor Click on Locate All Click on show path to display path
Application of Registered Performance
Use Registered Performance Analysis to see if design meets clock frequency requirement What to do if frequency is less than desired Use List Path to display the worst case delays Use Floorplan Editor to view the entire path Are Logic Cells and pins scattered among different rows? Can the Logic Cells benefit from carry/cascade chains (FLEX) or parallel expanders (MAX)? Use Assignments ( Clique, Logic Options, etc… ) on the critical path to improve performance If still less than desired, consider pipelining technique or different design implementations where appropriate
Delay Matrix Analysis Calculates combinatorial logic delays
Typically used to evaluate input pin to output pin delay Internal point to point delay analysis is possible by setting node source and destination for analysis Combinatorial Logic D Q Comb
Delay Matrix Source and Destination
Set Source and Destination to be analyzed
Useful Analysis Options
Time Restrictions Show All Path Show Only Longest Paths Show Only Shortest Paths Cell Width Control matrix display Cut Off I/O Pin Feedback See next page Cut Off Clear & Preset Paths No clear or preset delay analysis List Only Longest Path List Path lists only longest path between two points
Cut Off I/O Pin Feedback
Used to break bi-directional pin from the analysis When on, paths A and B true C false When off, path A, B and C are true I/O Pin
Run Delay Matrix Analysis
Select Delay Matrix Analysis and click on Start button Matrix shows all paths, longest path, or shortest path depending on Time Restrictions option selected Use List Path to analyze the path of delays
Setup/Hold Matrix Analysis
Setup/Hold Matrix calculates setup & hold times for device flipflops Setup clock_path - data_path - Tsetup = setup margin Hold data_path - clock_path - Thold = hold margin
Run Setup/Hold Matrix Analysis
Click on Start button Setup/Hold times are displayed with respect to the clocks
Example Section (LAB 4)
Demo 1 (1) Compile the previous design by Timing Compilation
(2) Run the Timing Analysis - Delay Matrix - Setup/Hold time Matrix - Clock Performance (3) Play around with some Timing Analysis Option
Timing Analysis Recommendations
Use Timing Analyzer to locate performance bottleneck Use Registered Performance Analysis to determine internal clock frequency performance of the design Use Show Only Longest Path Time Restrictions in Delay Matrix to get the longest delay time from input pin to output pin Use List Path and Locate in Floorplan Editor to view worst case paths Use List Path and Locate to trace through path in design file Use assignments and recompile to fine-tune performance
Project Timing Analysis Summary
Timing Analyzer is a static timing analyzer Three modes of Timing Analysis Registered Performance Delay Matrix Setup/Hold Matrix Provides ability to trace path through Floorplan Editor or design file
In-System Verification
Design Specification Design Entry Design Modification Project Compilation Project Simulation Timing Analysis Device Programming In-System Verification System Production
Device Programmers Available
Altera Programmer LP4, LP5, LP6(Current Version) BitBlaster ByteBlaster System Supported PC’s (MS Windows) Sun SPARCstations HP 9000 Series 700 IBM RS6000 Third-party Programmer
Device Adapters The On-line help provides information on adapters
Using the Programmer & the MPU
Programming a Device Using the Programmer & the MPU Initiate programming with the Programmer module in MAX+PLUS II Programmer defaults to programming file for specified project Use Select Programming File (File menu) to select another programming file Perform programming operation with buttons in Programmer Master Programming Unit (MPU) stores last command (use Start button to repeat)
Altera Design Methodology The Big Picture
Hierarchical Design Break design into modules
Enter and debug each module separately Create Default Symbols or Include Files for each module Use these modules in the top-level design file Assign each module with individual logic options, if necessary
Compile Select the targeted device
Remember the 80/80 rule. Reserve 20% logic and 20% I/O pin resources to accommodate potential design modifications Compile top-level design without any pin assignments first to determine if the design actually fits in the targeted device If absolutely necessary, pin and logic locations can be assigned through design editor or Floorplan Editor or directly to the assignment & configuration file (.acf)
Verify Simulate. Perform Timing Analysis
Functionally correct? Any glitches? Perform Timing Analysis Resolve performance bottlenecks Satisfied with design: Back annotate Project to lock down pin and logic option assignments
Program Program the device Run system verification tests
If necessary, modify the design, recompile with the back annotated assignments and reprogram the device
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