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Nationalism in the Middle East

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1 Nationalism in the Middle East
Today we are learning about Ottoman decline, the modernization of Turkey and Iran, and Arab nationalism was affected by Jewish immigration to Palestine.

2 Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Empire – Eastern Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Growing weaker “The sick man of Europe” Lost N. African territories France – Algeria & Tunisia GB - Egypt

3 1876 – Constitution - Aimed at forming a legislative assembly
Sultan Abdulhamid II Suspended the constitution Ruled by authoritarian means Lived in fear of assassination Young Turks Group of reformers Forced the restoration of the constitution (1908) 1909 –deposed the sultan Lacked support of the government Stability of empire challenged by ethnic Turks

4 Impact of WWI GB undermined Ottoman rule on the Arabian Peninsula
Supported Arab nationals activities Lawrence of Arabia 1916 Arabia declared independence for Ottoman rule.

5 Massacre of the Armenians
Christians Wanted independence 1915 – gov. killed Armenian men, expelled women & children as a result of an uprising By Sept – est. 1 million were dead By k victim of genocide Why no one stopped the Ottomans- WWI

6 Emergence of the Turkish Republic
Ottoman empire divided by GB & FR Greece – invaded Turkey – seized W. part of Anatolian Pen. Colonel Mustafa Kemal – Turkey’s leader Summoned a national congress for Republic of Turkey 1923 – last Ottoman sultan fled the country End of Ottoman empire

7 The Modernization f Turkey
Ataturk – father turk New title for President Kemal Harshly suppressed critics Reforms: Remove Arabic elements from Turkish alphabet Roman alphabet Popular edu. introduced Citizens had to take a last name Economic Est. factories 5-year plan Break the power of the Islamic religion Create a secular state Abolished the caliphate -1924

8 More reforms: Panama hat – no more fez Veils forbidden
Women granted: Marriage & inheritance rights Right to vote Freedom of religion

9 The beginnings of modern Iran
Qajar dynasty- ruled in Persia 1908 – oil discovered = foreign interest Growing foreign presence – rise of Persian nationalsit movement 1921 – Reza Khan – led a military mutiny Seized Tehran (capital) Est. himself –shah (king) New dynasty – Pahlavi Tried to follow example of Kemal Ataturk

10 Reformed military and economic systems Did not destroy Islamic beliefs
Western reforms Education clothing Sided w/ Germany to free himself from GB & RU rule Rejected GB & RU demand to expel Germans from Iran Troops sent Shah resigned, son took over

11 Arab Nationalism WWI – Arabs escape Ottoman rule Arabs had no nation
1916 – GB supports Mandates – former Ottoman territories supervised by the L of N. GB- Iraq, Palestine, & Jordan FR – Syria & Lebanon Ibn Saud – united Arabs in n. Arabian pen. 1930s – oil discovered by USA

12 The problems of Palestine
1st century AD- Jews exiled Majority of population (80%)- Muslim Zionist – advocated Palestine est. as Jewish nation Reasons for migration of Jews to Palestine Zionist movement Anti-Semitism

13 Balfour Declaration Expressed support for a national home for the Jews in Palestine Tensions & violence grew 1939 -GB declared only 75k ppl could immigrate to Palestine over the next 5 years After that no more Jews could move there Only intensified the tensions and increased bloodshed

14 Review Why did the British support Arab nationalist activities in 1916? Why was it difficult for the Arab people to form one nation? What discovery was made in a British mandate that changed the world? Howard Carter, an English Egyptologist, had a hunch that Tutankhamen lay beneath the Valley of the Kings even though conventional archeological wisdom declared that all the area's tombs had been found. In 1914, supported by his British benefactor Lord Carnarvon, Carter began his search in earnest. For seven years his efforts bore no fruit. In November 1922, during the last season of exploration that Lord Carnarvon said he could support, Carter's luck changed. His Egyptian laborers uncovered a series of steps leading down to a sealed door.

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