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Business survey 2017 Poland in the eyes of foreign investors

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1 Business survey 2017 Poland in the eyes of foreign investors
International Group of Chambers of Commerce in Poland

2 Characteristics of the surveyed companies

3 Structure of respondents - branches
More than one third of businessmen taking part in the business survey in 2017 represent the service industry (36.1%). Over 1/4 is operating in the trade industry (27.0%), and almost one in four - in processing (23.2%). More than one in ten respondents engaged in construction (11.2%). The lowest representation of entrepreneurs represent electricity and water supply, or waste disposal (2.5%) sectors.

4 Results of the survey I. Poland's economic situation

5 Evaluation of the current economic situation in Poland
The vast majority of entrepreneurs taking part in the 2017 business survey positively assessed the current state of the Polish economy. More than a half (54.3%) graded economic situation as satisfactory and another 32.1% - as good. A negative opinion was expressed by 13.6% of respondents.

6 Prospects for the Polish economy for 2017 in comparison with 2016
According to more than half of the respondents (54.6%), the outlook for the Polish economy in 2017 will remain unchanged compared to More than one in five respondents (21.7%) rated prospects as good. 23.6% of respondents rated them badly.

7 Current economic situation of the company
Only 3.8% of respondents rated the current economic situation of their business badly. According to 38.0% of the situation is satisfactory. The most, almost 6 out of 10 respondents, considered the economic situation of their business as good (58.2%).

8 What are the prospects for your company in 2017 compared to 2016?
Entrepreneurs' expectations about the company's situation in the current year, compared with the previous year, are rather good. According to almost a half of the respondents (49.2%) the situation will remain the same, but more than 4 in 10 (44.3%) believe that it will improve. The 6.5% of respondents expect that the situation will become worse.

9 Company’s investment, employment and exports 2017 and 2016
Compared to the 2016 results, the 2017 business survey – entrepreneurs declaring improvement of branch prospects increased by 6 percentage points comparing to the previous year. The percentage declaring worsening of this situation declined by 4.2 percentage points. An increase in the percentage of optimists was also recorded for employment (by 1.9 percentage points) and exports (by 2.2 percentage points). In case of market situation, the percentage of optimists (by 3 percentage points) decreased slightly, but so pessimists did (by 2.7 percentage point Also in the area of investment expenditure we’ve noticed a decline in the percentage of respondents choosing „better" (by 3.5 percentage points), but there was an increase in the percentage of pessimists (by 2 percentage points) and neutral responses (by 1.5 percentage points).

10 Results of the survey II. Investment factors

11 Evaluation of investment factors 5 – max. 1 – min
4 3 Similarly to the previous year, the leading position in the survey holds Poland’s EU membership with an average increase of 0.1 (up to 4.4). Staff qualifications were ranked second in the order of the average, while the average fell by 0.2 (to 3.7). Third place was fourth - last year - quality and availability of local sub-suppliers (average 3.6), while fourth - third in academic education (average 3.6). The first five closes the productivity and motivation of employees, with an average of 3.6 in comparison with last year.

12 Evaluation of investment factors 5 – max. 1 – min
10 8 11 9 9 10 In 2017, the infrastructure was rated on average 3.3 (a decrease of 0.2 compared to 2016). Seventh position was paid morality (average 3.1, decrease by 0.1). The average rating of the next investment factor - labor costs - has not changed (3.1), but its ranking has risen. R & D conditions were also higher in comparison to last year, and their average rating also increased (by 0.1). Access to public and EU grants, although not changed its average rating (3.1), has dropped in the ranking.

13 Evaluation of investment factors 5 – max. 1 – min
13 11 8 12 17 13 16 14 The average rating of 3.0 was in 2017 the fight against corruption and crime (increase in the ranking). The average assessment of the availability of qualified staff decreased (by 0.3, to 2.9), and the position of this factor in the ranking decreased. A similar phenomenon was observed in case of legal security (average 2.7). Transparency in the public procurement and public administration systems achieved an average of 2.8 on average this year and ranked higher in the ranking. 12 15

14 Evaluation of investment factors 5 – max. 1 – min
18 16 15 17 14 18 The tax burden kept the average of last year's ratings (2.7), and additionally ranked at the top of the list. The next five factors (flexibility of labor law, vocational training system, tax system and institutions, political and social stability, predictability of economic policy) have reported a decrease in mean scores of 0.1 or 0.2. In the case of the flexibility of the labor law and the vocational training system, there has also been a decrease in the ranking.

15 Most important changes – 2016/2017
Transparency of open invitations to tender Labour costs R&D environment Fight against corruption and crime Public administration 17 13 Avaliability od specialised staff Adequacy and vocational training Legal safety Legal flexibility of employment 8 12 10 8 14 18 11 9 12 15 13 11 15 17 Największy wzrost pozycji w rankingu czynników inwestycyjnych w 2017 r., w porównaniu z ankietą koniunkturalną 2016, odnotowano w przypadku przejrzystości w zakresie zamówień publicznych, kosztów pracy, warunków dla badań i rozwoju, walki z korupcją i przestępczością, administracji publicznej. Największe spadki dotyczyły dostępności wykwalifikowanej kadry, systemu kształcenia zawodowego, bezpieczeństwa prawnego i elastyczności prawa pracy.

16 Results of the survey III. Investment attractiveness factors

17 Would you invest in Poland again?
Almost all respondents taking part in the business survey in 2017 will again invest in Poland (95.6%). There is a slight increase compared to 2016, by 1.1 percentage point. Since 2009, a very high percentage (about 93%) of respondents put forth this declaration.

18 Investment attractiveness survey/ number of respondents in CEE countries
1734 Poland 369 Hungary 230 Czech Republic 138 Slovakia 176 Bulgaria 102 Romania 120 Serbia 66 Bosnia and Herzegovina 73 Macedonia 71 Croatia 126 Albania 45 Lithuania 51 Latvia 56 Estonia 62 Slovenia 49

19 Investment attractiveness of the CEE countries 2017 according to investors from the region
2016 2017 6 – very attractive 1- not attractive 6 – bardzo atrakcyjny … 1 - nieatrakcyjny

20 Investment attractiveness of the CEE countries - results from 2008
State 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Czech Rep. 1 2 Poland 4 Slovakai 3 Estonia 5 8 6 Slovenia Latvia 7 9 13 11 Croatia Lithuania 10 Hungary Romania Serbia 12 14 Bulgaria

21 Are you in favour of introducing the Euro in Poland?
In comparison to 2016 more entrepreneurs is in favour of introducing the Euro in Poland (from 41,3% up to 49,3%). From 2009 to 2014 we’ve noticed lesser interest in this case among survey’s participants, however in 2015 and 2017 more and more businessmen declare their suport for introducing Euro in Poland.

22 Thank you for your attention

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