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Light and delicate artistic style popular during the reign of Louis XV.

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Presentation on theme: "Light and delicate artistic style popular during the reign of Louis XV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grand, ornate style of art and architecture popular during the age of Louis XIV.

2 Light and delicate artistic style popular during the reign of Louis XV.

3 What rules discoverable by reason did Enlightenment thinkers try to apply to the study of human behavior and society?

4 Principal author of the Declaration of Independence.

5 Chosen to command the American forces during the American Revolution.

6 An enlightened despot was a ruler who …

7 Principle that all government power comes from the people.

8 Helped spread Enlightenment ideas by compiling articles by leading thinkers into a 28-volume work.

9 Enlightenment writers often faced censorship because they …

10 Proposed the idea of separation of powers in government.

11 Informal social gathering where Enlightenment thinkers exchanged ideas.

12 Physiocrats supported a government policy of …

13 His government made policies that helped bring about the American Revolution.

14 In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft argued that women and men should have equal …

15 Argued that the forces of supply and demand in a free market can regulate business activity.

16 What Enlightenment thinker argued that the purpose of government is to safeguard the natural rights of the people?

17 Diderot’s Encyclopedia was important because it …

18 According to Thomas Hobbes, the best form of government is …

19 American leaders gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 to revise …

20 Britain passed the Navigation Acts to …

21 Which enlightened despot traveled among the peasants in disguise to learn about their problems?

22 Because the American colonies were home to diverse religious and ethnic groups …

23 The battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the American Revolution because …

24 Enlightenment thinkers were influenced by the idea of natural law that emerged from the …

25 The system of checks and balances in the United States Constitution was influenced by the ideas of which Enlightenment thinker?

26 Economist Adam Smith argued that, in a free market, business activity would be regulated by the forces of …

27 The idea of separation of powers in the Constitution was borrowed from Enlightenment thinker …

28 What was an advantage of the colonists in the American Revolution?

29 In the 1700s, British merchants gained enormous wealth by dominating what type of trade with Spanish America?

30 Elegant compositions by Handel, Haydn, and Mozart reflected a new musical style of the Enlightenment known as …

31 What statement best describes Voltaire’s novel Candide?

32 Enlightenment writers sometimes tried to avoid censorship by …

33 During the Enlightenment, what argument did government and church officials use to justify their war of censorship?

34 What British law imposed taxes on such items as newspapers and pamphlets in the American colonies?

35 The Constitution created a federal republic, which divided power between …

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