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Why Regional Cooperation in Statistics: A Perspective from Turkey

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1 Why Regional Cooperation in Statistics: A Perspective from Turkey
Alper GUCUMENGIL Head of International Project Management Group Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) 19/09/2018

2 Presentation Plan Overview-TurkStat’s Role
Regional Cooperation for EU Accession Process EU Multi Beneficiary Programmes in TurkStat Achievements through EU Cooperation Cooperation with MED, Central Asia and OIC countries Remarks 19/09/2018

3 Overview-TurkStat’s Role
Intensified efforts of Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) since the beginning of 2000 to improve its production Turkey’s European Union (EU) candidacy in 1999 An opportunity to modernize Turkish Statistical System (TSS) Strong collaboration with EU and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States and enlargement countries under EU Programmes TurkStat’s other role in cooperation with MED countries, Central Asia and Caucasian Countries, Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Countries 19/09/2018

4 Regional Cooperation for EU Accession Process (1)
Starting Point: The first contact at the top level with Eurostat (the Statistical Office of EU) in 2000 general framework of EU pre-accession strategy for Turkey detailed analysis of TSS in the “Global Assessment” exercise by EU and United Nations (UNECE) experts to reform and modernize the statistical system by strengthening the capacity “Upgrading the Statistical System of Turkey-USST”- the first Statistical Co-operation Programme of TurkStat under EU accession process The important feature of USST I: to cover Multi Beneficiary Programme Grant Contract which ensures regional cooperation 19/09/2018

5 Regional Cooperation for EU Accession Process (2)
Several EU National and Multi Beneficiary Programmes (MBPs) since 2003: USST I ( ), USST II ( ), USST III ( ), Upgrading IT Infrastructure of TurkStat ( ) PHARE 2005 ( ), MBP 2006 ( ), MBP 2009 ( ), MBP 2011 ( ), MBP 2012 ( ), MBP 2014 ( ) and MBP 2015 ( ) 19/09/2018

6 EU Multi Beneficiary Programmes in TurkStat
The purpose of MBPs: to upgrade the statistical systems of the beneficiary (enlargement) countries with a view to accession Three components: Technical Assistance (Task 1) Pilot Projects (Task 2) Provision of Tailor-made Expertise (Task 3) Projects on several statistical areas to reach international standards and EU Statistical Acquis: Business Registers, Business Statistics, Macro-economic Statistics, Agricultural Statistics, Demographic and Social Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Dissemination etc. 19/09/2018

7 Achievements through EU Cooperation (1)
Comprehensive support to TurkStat: to realize the methodological studies and to improve the general capability Helped maintain proximity to ESS, to fill residual gaps and to integrate to Acquis Some figures under all EU programmes (national and MBPs) between participation of around 8000 people from TurkStat and the stakeholders in international and local activities the consultancy services of more than man-day supply of IT equipment of app. 9 Million Euro 19/09/2018

8 Achievements through EU Cooperation (2)
TurkStat’s great national efforts to upgrade the TSS: Legal infrastructure established for TSS by adoption of New Turkish Statistical Law in 2005 creation of a Statistical Council maintaining the professional and technical autonomy of TurkStat transition to multi-year programming: Strategic Plans and Official Statistics Programmes Strengthening of the human resources structure with recruitment of qualified staff Establishment of Training and Research Center in 2006 and a formal regular programme TurkStat’s the critical role in capacity building process through the proper use of EU funds and other international resources Establishment of qualified project implementation team Good communication channels with the stakeholders 19/09/2018

9 Achievements through EU Cooperation (3)
From MBPs and regional cooperation perspective; the opportunities for the beneficiary countries regular attendance to Eurostat meetings participation in training courses (namely ESTP courses) organization of study visits to EU NSOs and traineeship programmes in Eurostat and EU Member States’ NSOs methodological studies in TurkStat technical departments with the support of EU consultants and fieldwork in the regional offices Several statistical projects with other beneficiaries under the MBPs 19/09/2018

10 Achievements through EU Cooperation (4)
From MBPs and regional cooperation perspective; One of the most important results of MBPs: strengthening regional cooperation in Balkan region Synergy among the Balkan countries Joint projects and activities designed for these countries: good effect of scale economies Network established in Statistics Community Experiences of the countries exchanged through meetings under MBPs 19/09/2018

11 Achievements through EU Cooperation (5)
From MBPs and regional cooperation perspective; Improved cooperation among Eurostat, ESS Member States’ and enlargement countries’ NSOs Enlargement countries are not in ESS but attendance to almost all ESS activities Contribution to establish a modern and integrated statistical system More effective coordination with the stakeholders in TSS Team up culture established in the System A common language for both international and national statistics community 19/09/2018

12 Cooperation with MED, Central Asia and OIC countries (1)
As an expertise provider, TurkStat’s technical assistance programs: Central Asian Turkish Republics, Caucasian, Balkan and Islamic countries since 1994 mainly with financial support of Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA)  Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Jordan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Palestine, Tunisia, Niger, Vietnam, Somali 19/09/2018

13 Cooperation with MED, Central Asia and OIC countries (2)
As an expertise provider, TurkStat’s technical assistance programs: Consultancy services (45 expert missions) at other countries in cooperation with SESRIC under OIC since 2007: Albania, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Egypt, Syria, Tajikistan, Uganda, Oman, Jordan, Yemen Training activities provided by TurkStat for the experts from various countries in Ankara with the support of SESRIC 19/09/2018

14 Cooperation with MED, Central Asia and OIC countries (3)
TurkStat aims at: contributing to the sustainable statistical capacity building of the partner countries TurkStat shares: its experiences and knowledge gained through EU accession process with other countries in its region TurkStat: Expertise Provider in international projects Kazakhstan Project ( ) funded by the World Bank and implemented by Destatis as a subcontractor. MEDSTAT IV ( ), regional statistical cooperation programme funded by EU, as a member of consortium led by Expertise France and as an expertise provider. TurkStat was part of MEDSTAT I ( ) and MEDSTAT II ( ) as a beneficiary 19/09/2018

15 Cooperation with MED, Central Asia and OIC countries (4)
Provision of the consultancy services of 1716 Working Days by TurkStat experts during to the statistical offices of Central Asia, Islamic, Balkan, Middle Eastern and other countries Around 700 experts from relevant countries in training programmes in Turkey Invitations to make presentations as “best practice” to events held by international organizations Clear sign: the skills of TurkStat experts increased through the regional cooperation programmes funded by EU EU cooperation process: considerable contribution to TurkStat to support to other countries in its region 19/09/2018

16 Remarks (1) Regional cooperation programmes: key role for
development of national statistical systems through joint projects and activities bringing synergies creation of a common language exchanging experiences establishing network in Statistics Community and among the experts of NSS TurkStat regional programme experience in the framework of EU accession process Remarkable contribution for upgrading TSS with continuous efforts of TurkStat Institutional capacity of TurkStat developed: comprehensive studies and maintained with well-structured system TurkStat case: Sharing gained experience from EU accession process with other regional cooperation initiatives like MEDSTAT Programme, technical assistance programmes with Central Asia, SESRIC etc. 19/09/2018

17 Remarks (2) Regional process around EU accession for TurkStat:
a positive effect on other regional process around TurkStat Impact: Regional process regarding EU accession: development of TurkStat capacity Enhanced capacity ensured to improve the efficiency of TurkStat in international statistics community Contribution of TurkStat experts in consultancy activities (as consultants) for other countries in its East and South accelerated TurkStat’s special role: inspiring for other regional cooperation frameworks and countries. Regional cooperation approach in Statistics: maintain in the future for the development of countries’ statistical systems International and regional organizations’ role to design and implement the regional programmes   19/09/2018

18 Last Words: Thank You… Henry Ford American industrialist and pioneer
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford American industrialist and pioneer of the assembly-line production method,  Thank You… For more detailed information: Alper GÜCÜMENGİL Head of International Project Management Group Turkish Statistical Institute 19/09/2018

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