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Welcome to ITPF Fall 2014 Greg Gulick Deputy CIO.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to ITPF Fall 2014 Greg Gulick Deputy CIO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to ITPF Fall 2014 Greg Gulick Deputy CIO

2 Carpe Diem Carpe – pick or pluck, enjoy, make use of
“pluck the day [ as it is ripe ] – i.e. enjoy the moment What are you going to pluck from the day?

3 Pieces of the Puzzle Are Here!
"The University of Illinois will transform lives and serve society by educating, creating knowledge, and putting knowledge to work on a large scale and with excellence. This conference aims to connect the mission and philosophy of University to the daily efforts of those with boots on the ground”

4 4 Tracks! Engagement and Outreach Education and Research
Leadership and Vision Technical Expertise

5 Campus Strategic Plan Goals
Foster scholarship, discovery and innovation Provide transformative learning experiences Make a significant and visible societal impact Steward current and generate new investment resources

6 What will you pluck from the day?
Making new connections with people Learning about a new service or concept Identifying a solution to a problem

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