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Year 12 AS Economics Ms Haron.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 12 AS Economics Ms Haron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 12 AS Economics Ms Haron

2 Start of lesson drills Planner on the desk Pen/stationary available
19/09/2018 Start of lesson drills Planner on the desk Pen/stationary available Folder/Exercise book on the desk Date and title copied 1.1.2 Positive and normative economic statements Ready to learn Reminder of expectations every lesson Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

3 Theme 1 1.1 – The nature of Economics
1.1.2 Positive and normative economic statements a) Distinction between positive and normative economic statements b) The role of value judgements in influencing economic decision making and policy

4 Last lesson we covered:
19/09/2018 Last lesson we covered: a) Thinking like an economist: the process of developing models in economics, including the need to make assumptions b) The use of the ceteris paribus assumption in building models c) The inability in economics to make scientific experiments Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

5 Positive vs Normative - Refresh
19/09/2018 Positive vs Normative - Refresh Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

6 Positive and Normative economics
19/09/2018 Positive and Normative economics Positive economics Normative economics The scientific or objective study of the subject The study or presentation of public policy Statements can be supported or refuted (proven true or false) by evidence Statements can’t be supported or refuted because they are values e.g. The service sector will grow by 30% in size over the next 5 years Ultimately they are opinions about how economies and markets should work Economists will wait 5 years to support/refute the statement but it can be proved/disproved e.g. the government should increase the state pension Quick question – what does refute mean? Norm – the government should increase the state pension Positive – the average pensioner has a disposable income of 40% of the average worker Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

7 19/09/2018 Value judgments A value judgement is a subjective statement of opinion rather than a fact that can be tested by looking at the available evidence Normative statements are subjective statements – i.e. they carry value judgments. For example: Unemployment is more harmful than inflation The government is right to introduce a ban on smoking in public places. Resources are best allocated by allowing the market mechanism to work freely Focusing on the evidence is called adopting an empirical approach – evidence-based work is becoming more and more important in shaping different government policies and how much funding to give to each. Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

8 Positive and Normative economics
19/09/2018 Positive and Normative economics When economists want to influence policy debates, they use both normative and positive economics because they use positive economics to back up a normative statement. Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

9 19/09/2018 Diamond nine Sort the following statements between Normative and Positive Remind the class that in their expectations they asked for video clips. Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

10 1. Pollution is the most serious economic problem
19/09/2018 1. Pollution is the most serious economic problem 2. A fall in incomes will lead to a rise in demand for own-label supermarket foods 3. If the government raises the tax on beer, this will lead to a fall in profits of the brewers 4. The congestion charge for drivers of petrol-guzzling cars should increase to £25 5. The government should increase the minimum wage to £7 per hour to reduce poverty 6. The rising price of crude oil on world markets will lead to an increase in cycling to work 7. The retirement age should be raised to 70 to combat the effects of our ageing population 8. The government should enforce minimum prices for beers and lagers sold in supermarkets and off-licences in a bid to control alcohol consumption 9. A reduction in income tax will improve the incentives of the unemployed to find work PLENARY Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

11 19/09/2018 Positive 2. A fall in incomes will lead to a rise in demand for own-label supermarket foods 3. If the government raises the tax on beer, this will lead to a fall in profits of the brewers 6. The rising price of crude oil on world markets will lead to an increase in cycling to work 9. A reduction in income tax will improve the incentives of the unemployed to find work Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

12 Normative 1. Pollution is the most serious economic problem
19/09/2018 Normative 1. Pollution is the most serious economic problem 4. The congestion charge for drivers of petrol-guzzling cars should increase to £25 5. The government should increase the minimum wage to £7 per hour to reduce poverty. 7. The retirement age should be raised to 70 to combat the effects of our ageing population. 8. The government should enforce minimum prices for beers and lagers sold in supermarkets and off-licences in a bid to control alcohol consumption Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

13 In the news today – P or N? 19/09/2018
Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

14 In the news today – P or N? 19/09/2018
Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

15 19/09/2018 Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

16 19/09/2018 Quick activity Go onto the BBC news website and try to find an article which contains a Positive economic statement and one that contains a Normative economic statement Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

17 Today we have covered 1.1.2 Positive and normative economic statements
19/09/2018 Today we have covered 1.1.2 Positive and normative economic statements Distinction between positive and normative economic statements The role of value judgements in influencing economic decision making and policy Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

18 19/09/2018 Supported homework You now have in class time to individually complete the net migration questions on the hand out I have some spare net migration sheets Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

19 Homework – No new HW today!
19/09/2018 Homework – No new HW today! Reminder: To complete the two Net migration questions on the hand out that was given to you yesterday Due Tuesday 15th September - Period 2 Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

20 19/09/2018 Expectations Theme 1 – Microeconomics Positive and normative economic statements

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