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NOTE: Want a different image on this slide

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1 NOTE: Want a different image on this slide
NOTE: Want a different image on this slide? Select the picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.

2 Service learning NOTE: Want a different image on this slide? Select the picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.

3 Tiny Teach Icebreaker Pair up. Teach each other something that will take only a few minutes to learn. The lesson could be a skill, like how to put up a tent, or it could be intellectual knowledge, like a motto in Arabic. Demonstrate to the group what you’ve learned. Knowledge has been considered power since the time of the Greeks. In some organizations some people try to gain power by hoarding knowledge. In a healthy organization, people are willing to share their knowledge and expertise freely. People realize that the more they learn from each other the more productive they are as a team.

4 What is Service-Learning?
Core Components of Service-Learning Benefits of Service-Learning Types of Service Learning

5 Define service learning
Activity One Define service learning Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities


7 Service learning A chance to put what you have learned at school into action for your community. An opportunity to work with teachers, community members and classmates to meet real needs. Making a difference in your world!

8 Retention and Learning


10 Investigation  Planning Action Reflection Demonstration/Celebration Activity Two What are the core components of Service Learning?

11 Service-Learning: Investigation
Research Solutions to Connect with Community Partners Unmet need? Left undone? More to do? Identify Needs Community Needs Survey Needs/Assets List Media Search

12 Service-Learning: Planning /preparation
Link need to what you have to learn. Plan the outcomes of the need. Get training to do the service.

13 Service-Learning: Action
The actual Service : Feeding the homeless. Cleaning up your area / school etc. Planting flowers in the community park. Raising funds for UNICEF. Tutoring grade school students

14 Service-Learning: Reflection
Thinking and talking about what you are learning: Creating Journals. Group Discussion (facilitated by Teacher). Peer Group Discussion. Painting, Drawing. Music, Dance, etc...

15 Service-Learning: Demonstration
Showing what you have learned: Presentations. Post-Tests. Evaluation of projects by teachers and students.

16 Service-Learning: Celebration
Strut your Stuff Local Media Newspaper Radio Television School Award Ceremony

17 Develop job skills Meet other young people
Service learning helps you: Develop job skills Meet other young people Strengthen your school, college and scholarship applications Obtain an internship or job in an exciting field Have more fun and get more meaning from your classes Activity three List the benefits of Service Learning?

18 Changes occur because of students’ ideas, energy and commitment
Service learning helps your community : Real needs are addressed by feeding the homeless, tutoring students who are struggling, growing vegetables, trees or flowers, cleaning up areas, schools and more Changes occur because of students’ ideas, energy and commitment Other people are inspired to get and stay involved in their community The community gains a great resource – you!

19 Types of Service learning
Direct Indirect Activity four DIRECTLY effects others. Interactions are person to person / face to face. Learn about caring for others; developing problem-solving skills; see the “big” picture. Does not provide service to individuals but benefit the community or environment as a whole. Learn about cooperation, working as a team, organization skills and prioritizing tasks. What are the types of Service Learning?

20 Advocacy and Research Creates awareness or promotes action on an issue of public concern. Includes gathering and reporting on information of public interest. Learns about Perseverance, Rules and Systems, Civic Engagement, Assessments and Evaluations.

21 Service learning + All the stuff you will be learning at school.
The needs in your community…..

22 Service-learning partnerships are collaborative, mutually beneficial,
and address community needs.

23 Service-learning actively engages participants in a meaningful and fulfilling service of activities.

24 Saving The Planet

25 Link to Curriculum Service-learning
00 Service-learning is intentionally used as an instructional strategy to meet learning goals and/or content standards.

26 Your voice 00 Service-learning provides youth with a strong voice in planning, implementing and evaluating service-learning experiences with guidance from adults.

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