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Published byAleksi Aaltonen Modified over 6 years ago
Central Pennsylvania Lacrosse Officials Association (CPLOA) Officials Training Rules 1, 2 and 3
2017 CPLOA - Coverage AREA 15 Schools in Mid Penn
4 Schools in District 4 13 Youth Programs 58 Officials 19 2 9 9 2 3 1 1 2 1
CPLOA Where can you work?
Lacrosse’s Seven Rules & Common Sense
The game, field and equipment Game personnel Time factors and scoring Play of the game Personal and expulsion fouls Technical fouls Penalty enforcement Rule 8: In the event of a situation not specifically covered by the official rules of the game, it is the officials duty and responsibility – and within his authority – to make a decision based on common sense, subject to the overriding concerns of safety and fair play.
Respect his authority!!!!! DON’T Get TOO FULL of YOURSELF!
Rule 1, Section 1 Lacrosse played by 2 teams,10 players each (9v9 + goalies) Purpose: score goals, prevent opponent from scoring goals. Ball is played by being carried, thrown or batted with the crosse. Or rolled or kicked in any direction. A kick toward the goal is a SHOT!!
The Lacrosse Field Lead Trail Lead Trail
Rule 1, Section 2 – The Field
Bench area and coaches area define authorized space for players and coaches.
Bench Areas Coaches Area Coaches Area Player Area Player Area
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Rule 1, Section 2 – The Field
Bench area and coaches area define authorized space for players and coaches. Table (penalty) area used to control substitution and penalties. (Gate / Substitution Box)
Substitution Box or Table Area
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Rule 1, Section 2 – The Field
Bench area and coaches area define authorized space for players and coaches. Table (penalty) area used to control substitution and penalties. (Gate / Substitution Box) Limit Lines restrict non-game related persons.
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Rule 1, Section 2 – The Field
Bench area and coaches area define authorized space for players and coaches. Table (penalty) area used to control substitution and penalties. (Gate / Substitution Box) Limit Lines restrict non-game related persons. Cones/Pylons must be in designated spots.
Sideline and Endline Cones
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Rule 1, Section 2 – The Field
Bench area and coaches area define authorized space for players and coaches. Table (penalty) area used to control substitution and penalties. (Gate / Substitution Box) Limit Lines restrict non-game related persons. Cones/Pylons must be in designated spots Goal and Crease dimensions.
Crease and Goal Areas 10yds | 10yds
Rule 1, Section 2 – The Field
Bench area and coaches area define authorized space for players and coaches. Table (penalty) area used to control substitution and penalties. (Gate / Substitution Box) Limit Lines restrict non-game related persons. Cones/Pylons must be in designated spots Goal and Crease dimensions “Attack Box”, Attack Box is 35 yards from end line to the top restraining line and bordered by 10 yard alleys.
The Attack Box Attack Box 10yds | 10yds
The Field Lines must be visible and distinctive May be 2” – 4” wide
Exceptions: goal line 2” and center line 4” If other sports use same field, use different colors What if field does not meet specs????? Tell home coach to make corrections If corrections cannot be made, play game and then notify assignor. If away team refuses to play on field (safety, etc.) cancel game and report to assignor.
Field From Hell X Protruding metal stakes on field Steel Grate
Water pooling on field or it’s excessively muddy Multiple Lines for other events (Soccer, Field Hockey, etc.) Soccer nets on end line Lightening or Thunder Goal crease not marked Holes in Net Field is only 100 Yards Long No Goal Line Nets not attached or staked down No Wing Lines Only One Official No Game Check Available Telephone or Light Poles Close to Sideline No cones in the corners & midlines
Goals and Nets Goals are 6 feet square and are to be painted orange.
Net should be tightly strung No ball pass through No holes in net Home team is responsible for having legal goals. Reasonable length of time to fix goals If goals cannot be fixed assess a 3-minute NR Goal Line designates the plane of the goal. The net is considered part of the goal
Goals and Nets
Game Balls White balls with NFHS or NCAA stamp.
All game balls provided by HOME TEAM YELLOW and ORANGE or GREEN (NEW 2013) balls may be used May be switched with mutual consent of both coaches. No PINK lacrosse balls. Home team must supply balls on both end lines Four (4) balls minimum to begin each quarter OR have properly equipped ball retrievers MUST wear a helmet, different colored jersey
Crosse Dimensions 2” long (NEW 2013)
Length, measured from tip of head to end of handle: 40 ≥ 42 inches (short crosse) 52 ≥ 72 inches (long crosse) 40 ≥ 72 incnes (Goalkeepers crosse) Width of head, measured on the inside, widest point: 6 ≥ 10 inches (NEW 2018) Goalies Crosse 10 ≥ 12 inches Walls of the head ≤ 2 inches high Strings hanging from crosse head no more than 2” long (NEW 2013) Goalies crosse head ≤ 16 1/2 inches long Crosse head construction May be wood, laminated wood or synthetic material. Crosse netting Gut, rawhide, linen or synthetic material Must be attached to the frame of the stop below the stop. Color of the netting is up to the player May not be designed to deceive (can’t paint a picture of a ball on the net)
Rule 1-6-1 Crosse Dimensions
Long Crosse Goalkeeper’s Crosse Short Crosse 52” to 72” 40” to 72” 40” to 42” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5”
Rule 1-6-1 Crosse Dimensions
Short & Long Crosse 6” to 10” Goalie Crosse 10” to 12” Goalie Walls 2”
Rule 1-6-2 Crosse Dimensions
Short & Long Crosse 10” Goalie Crosse 16½” max
Crosse Dimensions Metal/Hollow handles may be used
MUST HAVE an end cap rubber or plastic to prevent injury! AS of 2012 All handles must be relatively straight. Any crosse in which the net is woven to the head in such a manner that a lip or hook is formed that might ensnare the ball is illegal. Table top test – when a stick is laid down on a table, face down, the height of the stick shall be no more than 2 ¾ inches.
Bottle Cap Rule Some players are using bottle caps as end caps (beer bottle cap) then taping This is an altered crosse. Rule 1, Section 7, Article 3: All hollow crosses handles made of metal or synthetic material shall have a rubber or plastic cap on the end to prevent injury. A metal handle that does not have a cap-plug on the end shall not be considered illegal; at the next whistle, it shall be removed from the game until corrected. Rule 1, Section 8, second to last sentence: Handles that have been altered in any fashion other than taping or adding another covering designed to improve grip are illegal.
Crosse Prohibitions Deep pocket – when the top surface of the ball, when placed in the stick, is below the bottom edge of the sidewall. A crosse or handle altered to give an advantage is illegal. (think microwave, warped, pinched) Hanging strings/leathers must be ≤ 2 inches. No adjustable length handles. A broken crosse is considered no crosse.
Doing a Stick Check
Required Equipment Helmet w/facemask (NOCSAE approved) Mouthpiece
Gloves Shoulder Pads (optional for goalie) Shoes Jersey Arm Pads (optional for goalie) Goalkeepers MUST Wear: Throat Protector Chest Protector Goalkeeper MAY wear: Shin Pads Football pants with or without pads A STICK is also a required piece of equipment!!!! A player may not participate without a crosse
Head Gear Must have 4-point chin strap, with all 4 points buckled.
Facemask must have a center bar. May only have TEAM ISSUED decals and external markings. Helmets MUST be of the same color (HS only). Mouthpiece must be worn, readily visible and must cover all teeth. Must be of a readily visible color (not completely white or completely clear).
Rule 1-9-1 Player Equipment
Mouth Guard (NFHS Only) Helmet with Face Mask Shoulder Pads (Optional for Goalies) Chest Protector Gloves Shoes/Cleats
Other Player Equipment
Other items: Under-Jerseys, compression shorts and sweatpants. Solid color and all players on the same team must have the same color, with under-jerseys tucked in. Suspend play if a player loses any required equipment in a scrimmage area, or use delayed whistle if not in scrimmage area and the player is not attempting to play.
Rule 1-9-1-g Jerseys Jersey’s must meet the following requirements:
Have different numbers assigned for each participant. Numbers must be at least 6-inch and centered on the front and 8-inch and centered on the back. Long enough to reach belt of the pants and tucked into the pants if they reach below the beltline. Be different in colors so officials can determine home (light) and away teams (dark). (New 2022) Note: Youth leagues may use duplicative numbers as long as the scorer knows how to differentiate between the players.
Prohibited Equipment No hard casts No jewelry
religious/medical must be taped and under the uniform No ice hockey goalkeepers gloves No football pads or helmets No duplicate numbers (except youth) No electronic communications with players Eye shield must be clear, molded, and non-rigid No equipment that in the opinion of the official endangers that individual or other players on the field.
More on Equipment Each team’s head coach must certify all equipment before every game PIAA Sportsmanship Message Legal protection for you and warning to all players Make yourself available to check equipment prior to game without penalty. This does not protect a player though during the game
Game Administration Home team required to provide Working horn
To be used at table to signify the end of periods Failure to provide a horn is illegal procedure School bands or other organized groups that use artificial means to create noise Shall be situated in the stands on their respective team’s half of the field.
Rule 2 – Game Personnel
Game Personnel 10 players per team required at start of game
Four classifications of players Goalkeeper (identified by crosse) - Required Defense (may have long crosse) Midfield Attack There must be a goalie on the field (New 2008) Lineup in scorebook must be complete and accurate at the start of the game a player not listed in the scorebook at the beginning of the game may not play in the game (New 2006) Now we’re ready to FACE OFF … sort of…
X Rule 2.1 Players M M A A D D D D M G G M A A D D A A M M
Captains and In-Home Captain(s) On-field representative of team
Duties – to covey messages from officials to team and from team to officials Not allowed to argue calls, but may politely request a clarification In-Home Purpose is to serve penalties For coaches/bench personnel For unidentified players. First attack listed on the official roster Must be a starter
Coaches BOTH TEAMS One coach is designated as Head Coach
This is the coach certifying his players Responsible for players actions and conduct On request of officials, controls spectators HOME TEAM Responsible for field Provides timekeepers, scorers and equipment Provides ball retrievers and/or balls on endline (minimum 4 balls at start of each quarter)
Game Officials Two officials per game (Varsity 3 Officials)
Referee and Umpire (Field Judge) Some youth games may only have 1 (U9 and U11 in scheduling emergency) Equal in overall responsibility Jurisdiction: From the moment you step on the field (minimum of 20 minutes prior to game time) to the moment you exit the field Major Job – Control the game for safety Minor Job – Enforcing rules and recording score Keep Score and CERTIFY score with table at end of each quarter.
Timekeeper Home team provides Timekeeper Required equipment Horn
Game Clock Penalty Clock(s) Score Book Keep an accurate account of game time Keep an accurate account of penalty time and inform penalized player(s) when penalty time has expired Sound horn when appropriate
Rule 1-12 Game Administration
The home team is required to provide a working air horn to be used at the table to signify substitutions and end of periods. Failing to provide such a horn is penalized by illegal procedure. Note: Officials should bring an extra whistle just in case the table doesn’t have an air horn.
Scorer Provided by the home team
Required equipment: Score book, rosters of both teams. Maintain an accurate record of goals, assists, saves and time outs. Maintains a record of penalties; including player number, infraction and time Must notify officials when a player receives 5 MINUTES of personal foul time. Helps out time keeper
Ball Retreivers MUST wear a helmet Have different colored jersey
Rule 3 – Time Factors
Length of the Game Each game shall consist of 4 quarters Game times:
Varsity min stop time quarters Junior Varsity 10 min stop time quarters Senior (7 + 8 grade) 10 min stop time quarters Junior (5 + 6 grade) 10 min stop time quarters Lightning (3 + 4 grade) 12 min running time quarters Bantam (1 + 2 grade) 12 min running time quarters 2 min between Qs 10 min between 2nd and 3rd Qs (halftime)
Game Time Mercy Rule – ONLY after the first half
≥ 12 goals Clock switches to running time Clock stops for Injury, Goals, Official Stoppage If 12 goals, resume normal timing Penalty time is running time Mercy Rule for YOUTH divisions 4 goal lead losing team may take the ball at the midfield in lieu of a face-off
More on Timing Section 3 – Final 2 minutes of regulation play: Stalling rules in effect Team that is ahead by >4 Goals will be verbally warned to “Keep it in” once the ball has been brought into the attack box. DELAY (Technical Foul) if ball is carried or passed outside the attack box. A SHOT is not a pass. NOTE: If neither team is ahead then no need to call the stalling rule.
Even More on Timing Section 4 – Sudden-Victory Overtime
Coin toss to determine field position AP remains as it was at the end of regulation 4 Minute Periods 2 Minute interval between Periods Game ends when the first goal is scored 1 timeout per team per Overtime Period
Even More Timing Stuff Interruption of the game:
If the game is interrupted it shall be resumed from the point of interruption unless the league deems otherwise. Mutual agreement of both coaches and consent of the official, the game may be terminated Lightning: If the official sees lightning or hears thunder the game will be suspended until no lightning is seen or thunder heard for a period of 30 minutes. Forfeit: if offended team is ahead then score stands, if offended team is behind or tied then official score shall be offended team 1, opponent 0
Play-On Technique LOOSE BALL ONLY Technical Fouls
If offended team is disadvantaged during play Hold whistle (allow play to continue) Verbally call “Play On”! Visually give “Play On” signal – Hand in the Air Play-on is over if Offended team gains possession Offended team commits violation Verbally call “Play” or “Play On Off”! Drop Hand Default should be “Play On” You can never un-blow your whistle
Slow Whistle Technique ”Flag Down”
Technical Fouls against Team WITH Possession Any Personal Fouls with or without Possession Toss flag HIGH in the Air Verbally call “FLAG DOWN”! Partner should vocalize as well Hold whistle (i.e., DON”T blow your whistle yet) Allow play to continue UNTIL… ONLY Blow your whistle when… Attacking teams scoring opportunity ends Ball hits the ground (except a bounced shot) Goal scored Defense get possession Ball goes out of bounds Shot is no good Player carries ball out of goal area Player loses equipment in scrimmage area Loose ball occurs Team in Possession commits Personal or Technical Foul Team in Possession fails to ADVANCE 20 second clear or 10 second into Attack Box Enforcement will be covered LATER in Rule 7
End Of Rules 1, 2 and 3 Ready for the Quiz ??? Rule 4 is Lacrosse!
Next class is ___January 12, 2012___ We will start to cover Rule 4. Rule 4 is Lacrosse! Ready for the Quiz ???
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