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Cross Border Cooperation under ENPI

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1 Cross Border Cooperation under ENPI
“Regional And Local Dimension of the Eastern partnership” Committee of the Regions, Brussels 16/17 June EuropeAid, European Commission Cross Border Cooperation under ENPI 19/09/2018

2 CBC on External Borders
CBC is a co-operation among partners on both sides of the EU External border addressing the negative effects of division Takes place in clearly defined regions along the borders Addresses their disadvantages, promotes integration and encourages mutual understanding CBC was present on the external borders of the EU under various frameworks for longer time (Phare in candidate countries, Tacis for partner countries since 1996, Meda and Archimede in the South) Neighbourhood Programmes preparing a new approach It is a mutual interest we have with our partners. 19/09/2018

3 ENPI- the new instrument for CBC
ENPI Regulation (1638/2006 of 24 Oct, 2006) CBC at the EU external borders covered under a new financing instrument: One set of simplified rules applied on both sides of the borders (management and financial procedures) Increase in funding - over 1.1 billion € to finance CBC from 2007 to 2013 Past experiences under Tacis/Interreg; Difficulties linked to two sets of rules; Neighbourhood Programmes; The new instrument; 19/09/2018

4 CBC Legal Framework ENPI Regulation
CBC Programming: Strategy Paper and Indicative Programme adopted by the Commission on 7 March 2007, indicating: Eligible regions sharing a common border are grouped together into 15 programmes; 7 years financial allocation for each programme is established; 4 overall objectives are defined as: Economic and social development, Common challenges (i. a. environment, public health, fight against organised crime, education, etc.), efficient and secure borders, "people to people" actions. CBC Implementing rules: Adoption – 9 August 2007 19/09/2018

5 Who can participate in CBC?
Eligible border regions: strictly defined regions placed along land borders and on sea crossings of significant importance (NUTS* III) or around “common sea basins” (NUTS II); Adjoining regions: regions not directly located on a border that may be included in co-operation. *: The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) Sea Crossing of significant importance defined on the basis of distance (150 Km.); Sea basins approach: reflects the fact that Europe is to the South and the East separated from some of its Neighbours by maritime spaces; Adjoining regions: provides the flexibility to include additional regions, adjacent to those included at the borders, if this is justified and useful for the programme. Adjacent non border regions currently participating in co-operation will normally be included in the programmes as adjoining regions; Commission view is that adjoining regions should be allowed to participate in the programme as full partners: easier management of the programme, no second class partners. 19/09/2018

6 Eligible regions for CBC’s land border and sea crossing programmes

7 Beneficiaries of ENPI – further specification will be decided by the programme partners (Monitoring Committee) in the specific call for proposals according to priorities and measures 19/09/2018

8 Current CBC Programmes involving Eastern Partnership partners
Out of the 15 ENPI Programmes, 6 involve Eastern Partnership participating countries: - Baltic Sea (Belarus; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; Germany, Latvia; Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden) (ENPI funding: 22.6 MEUR) - Black Sea Basin Programme (Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) (17.3 MEUR) - Latvia/Lithuania/Belarus (41.7 MEUR) - Poland/Belarus/Ukraine (186.2 MEUR) - Hungary/Slovakia/Romania/Ukraine (68.6 MEUR) - Romania/Ukraine/Republic of Moldova (126.7 MEUR) Sea Crossing of significant importance defined on the basis of distance (150 Km.); Sea basins approach: reflects the fact that Europe is to the South and the East separated from some of its Neighbours by maritime spaces; Adjoining regions: provides the flexibility to include additional regions, adjacent to those included at the borders, if this is justified and useful for the programme. Adjacent non border regions currently participating in co-operation will normally be included in the programmes as adjoining regions; Commission view is that adjoining regions should be allowed to participate in the programme as full partners: easier management of the programme, no second class partners. 19/09/2018

9 BALTIC SEA - Participating countries: (Belarus; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; Germany, Latvia; Lithuania, Norway, Poland, (Russia), Sweden) - Budget: (ENPI funding) 22.6 MEUR - Managing Authority: Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany - Priorities: 1. Fostering of innovations across the BSR 2. Internal and External Accessibility of the BSR 3. Management of the Baltic Sea as a Common Resource 4. Attractive and Competitive Cities and Regions 19/09/2018

- Participating countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) - Budget: 17.3 MEUR - Managing Authority: Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing, Romania - Priorities: 1. Cross border support to partnership for economic development based on combined resources 2. Networking resources and competencies for environmental protection and conservation 3. Cultural and educational initiatives for the establishment of a common cultural environment in the basin - 19/09/2018

- Participating countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus - Budget: 41.7 MEUR - Managing Authority: The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, Regional Policy Department - Priorities: 1. Promoting sustainable economic and social development 2. Addressing common challenges (environment, social, educational and health) - As you can see from the map: The eligible area includes the whole territory of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, and northern parts of Germany as EU member states. Besides, the neighbouring countries of Norway (whole country), Russia (North-Western regions) and Belarus (whole country) belong to the programme area. - The overarching strategic objective of the Baltic Sea Region Programme is to strengthen the development towards a sustainable, competitive and territorially integrated Baltic Sea region by connecting potentials over the borders. The programme features four prioritised thematic areas that will be explained by Ulla in the next presentation. The first priority is focused on facilitating generation and dissemination of innovations across the BSR (core innovations in the field of natural and technical science but also with regard to business services and other market-related skills. Actions will be targeted at the performance of innovation sources and their links to SMEs, facilitation of transnational transfer of technology and knowledge as well as at making social groups of citizens fitter for generating and absorbing knowledge. The second priority is dedicated to improving the external and internal accessibility of the Baltic Sea region. Priority topics highlight promotion and preparation of joint solutions in the field of transport, information and communication technology The third priority concentrates on environmental pollution of the Baltic Sea. It supports operations aiming at limiting pollution inputs into and pollution impacts on the marine environment. Special emphasis is put on enhanced maritime safety. The priority also promotes economic management of open sea areas by means of best available technologies and practices. Attention is given to an integrated development of offshore and coastal areas in the BSR in the context of climate change tendencies. The fourth priority promotes co-operation of metropolitan regions, cities and rural areas enhancing its attractiveness for citizens and investors. It features action programmes and policies to make cities and regions more competitive engines for economic development. 19/09/2018

Participating countries: Poland, Belarus, Ukraine Budget: MEUR Managing Authority: The Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Poland Priorities: 1. Promoting sustainable economic and social development 2. Improving the quality of life 3. Networking and people-to-people cooperation 19/09/2018

Participating countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine Budget: MEUR Managing authority: The National Development Agency in Hungary Priorities: 1. Promote economic and social development 2. Enhance environmental quality 3. Increase border efficiency 4. Support people to people cooperation 19/09/2018

Participating countries: Romania, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova Budget: MEUR Managing Authority: The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing, Romania Priorities: 1. Towards a more competitive border economy 2. Environmental challenges and emergency preparedness 3. People to people co-operation 19/09/2018

15 For further information
website: bourhood/regional-cooperation/enpi- cross-border/index_en.htm 19/09/2018

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