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Ms. Bruscino Eight Grade Science Harrison Group Room 301

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1 Ms. Bruscino Eight Grade Science Harrison Group Room 301
Welcome to Science Ms. Bruscino Eight Grade Science Harrison Group Room 301

2 What will we be Learning
8th Grade Science is based upon Science & Technology Concepts (STC).  It provides opportunities for students to experience scientific phenomena firsthand. The 3 STC Units that we will be studying are: The Nature of Light, The Sun-Earth-Moon System, and Development & Reproduction of Organisms. Each unit is based on a four-stage learning cycle: F: First, students focus on what they already know about a topic.  E: Next, students explore a scientific phenomenon or concept, following a well- structured sequence of classroom investigations. R: Third, students reflect on their observations, record them in journals, draw conclusions, and share their findings with others. A: Finally, students apply their learning to real-life situations and to other areas of the curriculum.

3 STC Units Nature of Light: The focus of this unit is the nature of light and how light interacts with matter. Throughout the unit , students will engage in a series of inquiries designed to develop their understanding of the nature of light, the science of optics, and how knowledge of these is applied to the development of optical devices. Researching the Sun-Earth-Moon System: This unit is based on the underlying principle that the Sun, Earth, and Moon comprise a system and the motions among them can explain such phenomena as the day, year, seasons, Moon phases, and eclipses. In this unit, students will plan and conduct their own procedures, devise their own data tables, and analyze results they obtain in order to satisfy their curiosities about our nearest neighbors, the Sun and Moon. Studying the Development and Reproduction of Organisms: This unit focuses on the life cycles and processes of two organisms in particular- Wisconsin Fast Plants and the cabbage white butterfly. Students will conduct experiments, make models, and collect and analyze data in order to understand the development and reproduction of organisms.

4 What will a Typical Class Look Like?
“Science Starter” Activity: Used at the beginning of class to get students engaged in the content we will be discussing or to reflect on a topic that we previously discussed. Each day in class we will focus on a part of the FERA Cycle. Exit Slips: Student responses to questions the teacher(s) pose at the end of a class or lesson.

5 Group Work We will be working together in groups throughout the year in the classroom. While collaboration and teamwork are very important in the science class, students are responsible for their own participation and cooperation within the group. Students will have the opportunity to work in many different groups throughout the year.

6 Textbooks There will be a classroom set of books for lab groups to use during class. The textbook is available to access electronically at home through our teacher websites. Detailed instructions for accessing the online textbooks are on our websites.

7 Homework Homework must be present in class the day it is due to receive full credit. Students are not permitted to return to their lockers during class. If a student does not have the assignment, then he/she will not receive credit. Partial credit will be given to assignments if they are turned in on the following day; however, students will not receive points after that. It is the right and the responsibility of students who are absent for any reason to find out what they missed and complete all missed assignments and tests. I ask that students please come to see me when they return back to school for any missed work.

8 Grading Students will be graded on homework, in-class activities/labs, quizzes, and tests. The grading breakdown of student averages is as follows: Homework = 10% Portfolio (In-class activities, tasks, labs, etc.) = 30% Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Projects, etc.)= 60% *Some labs, class activities, or projects can be graded as an assessment, depending on the nature of the activity.

9 How to be Successful in Science
I will do my best to make sure that every student gets all of the help and support he/she needs to do well in my class. I am always here for help. Students are free to see me for assistance or for extension activities. An open line of communication is important- please feel free to voice any questions or concerns about your child.

10 Contacting Me Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with all of you to make this a successful and positive school year for your children!

11 Teacher Website Go to: Click: <JHWMS>
Scroll down to: <Quick Links> Click: <Teacher Websites> Click: Bruscino, Lauren Please visit my websites frequently to find useful information on test dates, class and homework assignments and additional resources.

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