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Other Fronts of WW2: EQ: What was happening in other parts of the world during the Second World War?

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1 Other Fronts of WW2: EQ: What was happening in other parts of the world during the Second World War?

2 China: The Invasion Japan invaded China on July 7, 1937.
While this is referred to as the Second Sino- Japanese War, it is actually the start of WW2 Japan’s main objective was to take territory and resources from China (old rivals) China was unprepared for this due to a civil war taking place at that time.

3 China: Allied Intervention
In the early part of the war, Stalin send some weapons to help China After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States sent advisors to China to help them organize -US sent ships, planes, oil, and food to China

4 China: Brutality and Death
From the outset, the Japanese and Chinese used extreme brutality against each other Bombing of Shanghai -After the city had surrendered Rape of Nanking -Tens of thousands used for bayonet practice -Use of “Comfort Women” -Around 300,000 civilians killed

5 North Africa: Italy Fails
Since Italy had some territory in North Africa, Hitler charged Mussolini with dislodging the French and British The Italian army was poorly organized and poorly equipped They lost several key battles against the British

6 North Africa: Germany Intervenes
In late 1940, Mussolini requested help from Hitler in North Africa Hitler send Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in February 1941 Rommel “The Desert Fox” won victory after victory with fewer men and supplies Eventually, he was defeated at the Battle of El Alamien after the United States intervened

7 North Africa: Hitler Drops the Ball
In late 1942, Rommel was being pushed back into Italian territory He requested reinforcements from Germany, but they were bogged down in Operation Barbarossa By March of 1943, Rommel and most of the German forces left North Africa Shortly afterward, North Africa fell to the Allies This was important, because the Germans lost access to tremendous oil supplies

8 Italy: American Intervention
The United States and Britain first liberated Sicily They then moved into Southern Italy and began fighting their way North The Poorly organized and equipped Italian military did not offer much real resistance Shortly after the invasion, the Germans took over the defense

9 Italy: Italy Switches Over
In spite of the renewed effort to stop the Allies, the German and Italian defenders were pushed back When the Allies got near Rome, the Italians officially changed sides and helped to push out the Germans Mussolini and his mistress were killed By September of 1944, the Allies were in Austria

10 Cracking Enigma: The Code
In World War 2, many signals were sent in code The Germans used the Enigma Code to pass their information The only way to decipher the code was with an Enigma Machine Early on the Allies captured some machines, but they were not able to crack the code

11 Cracking Enigma: Breaking Bad!!!
A team of scientists in Bletchley, England was working on the code One of the code breakers, Alan Turing, designed and built a computer to decipher the code By the middle of 1942, the computer broke the code For the next year, the allies were able to intercept and read German correspondence

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