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Nationalism and imperialist expansion in japan

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1 Nationalism and imperialist expansion in japan

2 Meiji restoration Cultural Nationalism:
Japan rejected Chinese Confucianism in favor of their own Shinto religion and philosophy. said Japan had been created by the Sun Goddess imperial families were descended from the Sun Goddess, making the emperor a ‘living god’ (rising sun became the symbol of Japan) made the official state belief in 1868 and was an essential part of the pro-emperor nationalism

3 Meiji restoration This increased Japanese nationalism was expressed in numerous ways: 1. Adoption of western science and technology 2 Creation of a modern army and navy 3. Rise in imperialism (starting with Japanese interest in Korea) Modernization became an important part of the Meiji Restoration goal was to resist Western influence (particularly democracy) and enable Japan to become powerful “State nationalism” – emphasized the cultural incompatibility of eastern and western values Renewed interest in traditional Japanese culture and an increase in nationalism

4 First Sino-Japanese war 1894-1895
Both Japan and China had imperialist interest in Korea, both countries sent troops in to take advantage of Korean political unrest in1880s Tensions from this rivalry led to outbreak of war between Japan and China in 1894 (modernization of Japanese army and navy made it easy for them to defeat Chinese forces) China sought a peace, agreed to Korean independence and Japanese acquisition of various territories, including Formosa (Taiwan) and was forced to sign trade agreements with Japan

5 First Sino-Japanese war 1894-1895
Japan was forced to give up the Liaodong Peninsula in China, which heightened tensions between Japan and Russia First Sino-Japanese war Victory over China heightened feelings of nationalism in Japan and increased support for militarism and imperialism Russia, France and Germany worked together to force Japan to give up territorial gains in mainland China (felt their trade access to China was threatened due to anti-western feelings in Japan) This “Triple Intervention” only increased anti-western feelings and support for aggressive nationalism in Japan (and cause them to start preparing for war with Russia)

6 Russo-Japanese War Russia and Japan both wanted to increase their influence in Korea and China (particularly Manchuria) Japan had built railroads, developed Korean timber industry and had a strong financial presence Russia convinced China to sign a 20-year lease allowing them access to the Liaodong Peninsula, along with the right to build the South Manchurian Railway to give Russia a direct link between Vlaldivostok and Port Arthur through Korea (this infuriated Japan!!)

7 Russo-Japanese War Japan’s victory over Russia made it a major political and military power in the Far East 1905: US agreed to recognize Japanese interests in Korea (declared a Japanese protectorate, then part of the empire in 1910) Japan promised not to interfere in US interests in the Philippines Russia used the Boxer Rebellion (1900) as an excuse to invade Manchuria, but didn’t withdraw troops following the rebellion This led Japan to sign the Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902) in an effort to protect their interests in China and limit those of Russia, didn’t work Japan declared war on Russia in 1904, forced Russia to surrender and agree to a peace negotiation in 1905 Treaty of Portsmouth (negotiated in part by Theodore Roosevelt) helped ease tensions between Russia and Japan Treaty of Portsmouth: Russia recognized its special interests in Korea Japan got southern half of Sakhalin Island Remainder of the Russian lease on the Liaodong Peninsula South Manchurian Railway

8 Russo-Japanese War

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