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High School 101 Redhawks Style

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1 High School 101 Redhawks Style
Presented by the Freshman Academy Team

2 Welcome & Purpose of High School 101

3 Grade Level Promotion Policy
9th grade: Successfully complete 8th grade 10th grade : 1 Eng. credit, 1 Math credit & 3 additional credits (5 credits) 11th grade: 2 Eng. credits, 2 Math credits & 8 additional credits (12 credits) 12th grade: 3 Eng. credits, 3 Math credits & 12 additional credits (18 credits)

4 High School Diploma Requirements 24 credits
English = 4 credits Math = 4 credits Science = 3 credits U.S. History = 1 credit Economics = ½ credit Government = ½ credit Other Social Studies = 1 credit P.E. or ROTC = 1 credit Health = ½ credit Computer = 1 credit World Language or Career Tech. = 1 credit Electives = 6 ½ credits

English = 4 credits Math = 4 credits (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, 4th Higher Math) Science = 3 credits (Biology, Chemistry, 3rd lab science) U.S. History = 1 credit Social Studies = 2 credits P.E. / ROTC = 1 credit Foreign Language = 2 credits Fine Arts = 1 credit *Academics Electives = 1 credits *(selected from computer science, English, fine arts, foreign languages, humanities, laboratory science, math above Algebra 2, or social sciences.)

6 Grade Point Average Calculations

7 What is Grade Point Average?
GPA = Grade points earned divided by the number of courses the student has taken Points: Awarded through the Uniform Grading Scale Grade Point Average can be given as a Semester GPA or a Cumulative GPA Semester grade point average is based on student’s semester grades and the level of courses that were taken. Cumulative grade points are calculated by using the total number of courses the student has listed on their transcript.

8 Why should GPA matter to me?
—Colleges/Universities —Sports/Club Eligibility —Class Rank —Scholarships/Grants —Employment —Transcripts are Permanent —Extended Lunch Privilege —Cost of Insurance —Employment Opportunities —Internships —Marketability: Your GPA tells something about who you are!

9 The South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale Policy ensures that all students in the state meet the same standard.


11 Semester & Final Grade Calculations
Semester 1 grades are determined by averaging together the student’s grades for the first and second quarter of the semester. Semester 2 grades are determined by averaging together the student’s grades for the third and fourth quarter of the semester. Final grades are calculated by averaging together the student’s Semester 1 and Semester 2 grades. However, some courses require students to take end-of-semester exams. In these courses, Semester grades are calculated using a weighted “40/40/20” formula.

12 40-40-20 Formula Explanation
Semester average in courses with exams: First quarter of the semester = 40% of the grade Second quarter of the semester = 40% of the grade Exam = 20% of the grade


14 What is the PSAT/NMSQT? •PSAT/NMSQT (or National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is a Practice version of the SAT. •High scores may make you eligible for the National Merit Scholarship •Helps student prepare for the SAT or ACT

15 PSAT PREP •Free Practice at
•Get plenty sleep the night before the test •PSAT takes about 2 hours and 10 minutes •PSAT 8/9: •PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10: 320–1520 •Usually given in October of each year. •Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors •Cost $15.00 (Free to those with free or reduced lunch). PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT10. Program documentation. PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT10. N.p., n.d. Web. Mar.-Apr <

16 SAT •200 to 800 point scale for Math, English, making the "perfect" score with Essay a “perfect” score 2400. •Writing is separate •3 hours and 50 minutes •Registration is usually about 4-5 weeks prior to test. •Practice & register at •Juniors (Spring) and Seniors (Early Fall) Meet the New SAT. Program documentation. Meet the New SAT. N.p., n.d. Web. Mar.-Apr <

17 SAT FEES •SAT with Essay $54.50
•Cost includes scores sent to 4 Colleges •$11.25 fee to send scores to additional colleges •$28.00 fee for changing testing dates •Registration is free for students who receive free or reduced lunch. (Fee Waivers will not cover cost of changing testing dates or additional scores sent to 5 or more colleges). Meet the New SAT. Program documentation. Meet the New SAT. N.p., n.d. Web. Mar.-Apr <

18 ACT •ACT with writing $56.50 •Includes reports for up to four colleges (if codes are provided when you register). •$12.00 fee for scores sent to 5th or 6th colleges •$25.00 late registration fee •$24.00 fee for test date change •Registration is free for students who receive free or reduced lunch. •Juniors and Seniors should take ACT •Practice and registration at

19 FREE ASSESSMENTS •End of Course Testing (EOC Testing)
•Advanced Placement (AP Testing) - Unless you miss the test •Senior Exams (Exams for 12th Graders) •ACT WorkKeys (3rd Year High School Students) •Compass (Placement test for 2 Year Colleges) •Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a mandatory assessment for students joining the military. Register is required.

20 Parent Portal: Make sure you have established an account and your address is up-to-date. Great tool to view grades, receive reports, and teachers. Teacher Websites: Be able to locate your child's teacher website. Important information regarding the class and.or assignments are often posted here. School Website: Information is consistently being updated, so schedule a time to check it on a weekly basis. Departments within the school also use this as a tool for providing information to students and parents. Teachers/Students: Google docs and blogs are often used within some classrooms. Chromebooks/Personal device: It is important that students be responsible with them and use them appropriately at school. TECHNOLOGY

21 $10 - Physicals Opportunity
Checklist for Participation in Athletics

22 Attendance & Tardies

23 Rules

24 Don’t Do These Things!!!

25 GEAR UP Featuring Ms. Alacya Jefferson

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