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Mathematics Curriculum Supervisors August 28, 2012

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1 Mathematics Curriculum Supervisors August 28, 2012
Sandi Woodall Mathematics Program Coordinator Handouts: Ppt CIA August Mathematics Insert Unit Webinar Calendars Mathematics Graduation Requirement Guidance ***Pass information forward to mathematics educators and parents 9/19/2018

2 2012-2013 Georgia Mathematics Program
Goals for To ensure sustained and timely professional learning and support for Georgia’s mathematics educator taskforce in this first year of CCGPS mathematics; To continuously augment CCGPS mathematics educator resources; To enhance communication with all stakeholder groups and to critically assess and act on input and feedback received from those groups. Our greatest challenge continues to be communication to our stakeholders regarding available CCGPS resources. 9/19/2018

3 CCGPS Priorities Ongoing PL Opportunities for CCGPS Implementation Targeted assistance for mathematics Alert Schools Expansion of CCGPS Educator Resources Ramped Up Support for Secondary Teachers in Statistics and Probability Content and Pedagogy Ramped Up Support and Resources for Mathematics IV, GPS Pre-Calculus, Accelerated Mathematics III, and Accelerated GPS Pre-Calculus teachers 9/19/2018

4 Communication Tools Mathematics Graduation Requirement Guidance Document GaDOE GeorgiaStandards.Org Website GaDOE Mathematics List Serves GaDOE Mathematics Wikis GaDOE Mathematics Webinars Learning Village Teacher Portal I have sent the guidance document through this venue – please feel free to forward the document to school level administrators and counselors, as well as mathematics educators 9/19/2018

5 Communication Tools GaDOE GeorgiaStandards.Org Website
Resources and professional learning opportunities are posted at: Please feel free to share the following slides at parent, administrator, and district level meetings. 9/19/2018

We need to leave the GPS tab here as many content areas and some high school mathematics courses are utilizing a GPS curriculum in 9/19/2018

7 CCGPS Mathematics 9/19/2018

8 CCGPS Mathematics Homepage
Emphasize list serve and current unit webinars – mention extensive use of SEDL videos Parents need to know where to find this information – list serve membership & webinars are appropriate for them as well 9/19/2018

9 CCGPS K-5 Mathematics Webpage
Emphasize Teaching Guides (transition standards) & unit frameworks + unit webinars 9/19/2018

10 CCGPS Mathematics PL Archive
Sorted chronologically – most recent listed first New teachers – begin with Fall 2011 SMP Webinars --go to Spring 2012 Course Overview Video Broadcasts --move on to unit-by-unit webinars 9/19/2018

11 Communication Tools GaDOE GeorgiaStandards.Org Website REMINDER The GaDOE mathematics team continues to collaborate with SEDL to provide educators with content support through videos which explain specific Common Core Mathematics Standards at 10 minute vignettes for teachers, tutors, parents, and students 9/19/2018

12 Communication Tools Recorded broadcasts and webinars at:
GeorgiaStandards.Org Website REMINDER Recorded broadcasts and webinars at: Common-Core/Pages/Math-PL-Sessions.aspx We have had a number of s asking where the recordings of the unit 1 webinars can be found. 9/19/2018

13 GaDOE Mathematics List Serves
Communication Tools GaDOE Mathematics List Serves Updates and notification of upcoming events and added resources will be communicated through the mathematics list serves. Educators need only to send a blank to an appropriate address to join a list serve. The list serve is our principal communication tool for notices and updates. 9/19/2018

14 GaDOE Mathematics List Serves
Communication Tools GaDOE Mathematics List Serves List serve addresses are listed on the Mathematics Program webpage and on the CCGPS Mathematics homepage at Mathematics K-5 Mathematics 6-8 Mathematics 9-12 Mathematics District Support Mathematics Administrators Parents and other interested stakeholders are certainly welcome to join the list serves – educators from at least 10 other states have indicated their participation. 9/19/2018

15 GaDOE Mathematics Wikis
Communication Tools GaDOE Mathematics Wikis If your district’s mathematics curriculum supervisor or designee is new to the position, please the contact information to Sandi Woodall at . The supervisor will be sent an invitation to join the supervisor wiki. I will add your name and information to my district supervisor roster to ensure that you stay ‘in the loop’ in this rapidly changing world of mathematics. 9/19/2018

16 GaDOE Mathematics Wikis for Georgia Teachers
Communication Tools GaDOE Mathematics Wikis for Georgia Teachers Please NOTE: Teacher wikis are public, so teachers will just need to visit the sites below to get involved. 9/19/2018

17 GaDOE Mathematics Webinars
Communication Tools GaDOE Mathematics Webinars :CCGPS Grade Level/Course Unit-by-Unit Webinar Series Schedules and session links can be found at the CCGPS Mathematics homepage Sessions are approximately one hour long The GaDOE Mathematics team asks that educators review the key standards and the unit framework overviews and work the unit tasks prior to participation of a unit session 9/19/2018

18 Learning Village Teacher Portal

19 Additional Resources for Georgia Mathematics Educators

20 …just beginning to populate with samples 9/19/2018

21 Grade 6 SAMPLE PARCC Item

22 Grade 7 SAMPLE PARCC Item

23 Suggested Websites
Bullet 1: PARCC Model Content Frameworks Bullet 2: Tasks Bullet 3:collection of resources developed by CCSS writers including PD modules Bullet 4: CC video series Bullet 5:Bill McCallum’s blog Bullets 6-8: learning progressions for vertical alignment Bullet 9: NCTM Bullet 10: one of many state sites where resources are high quality 9/19/2018

24 A Heartfelt Thanks to: Georgia Mathematics Educators who served on the GPS to CCGPS precision review teams Georgia Mathematics Educators who wrote and reviewed the CCGPS unit frameworks Georgia Mathematics Educators who created the Summer Academy session modules Georgia Mathematics Educators who facilitated the Summer Academy sessions and Peggy Pool and Debbie Poss who coordinated the whole event RESA Mathematics Mentors and District Mathematics Supervisors whose hard work and dedication has ensured a smooth implementation of CCGPS mathematics Our Georgia Mathematics Educator Taskforce who are committed to excellence in teaching and learning 9/19/2018

25 RESA Mathematics Mentor Position Available
Connie Howell 9/19/2018

26 FAQs Should this year’s tenth graders who have earned high school GPS mathematics credit continue in the GPS pathway? Why is my student’s mathematics teacher telling us that there are no textbooks for this curriculum? How will I know which mathematics graduation requirements to use? Which students can be given core credit for support courses? How can we possibly afford the resources the program specialists are mentioning? What about parent letters for CCGPS courses? Who should I when I have questions about state assessments? Can older students move to CCGPS and then back to GPS courses? Why don’t we have a crosswalk from GPS to CCGPS mathematics? I will do a better job of copying district supervisors when teacher/parent questions come my way. 9/19/2018

27 The GaDOE Mathematics Curriculum Team looks forward to supporting you this year. Please contact us for assistance. Sandi Woodall Turtle Gunn Toms Brooke Kline James Pratt 9/19/2018

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